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  4. II. Profiles for Selected Federal Agencies

II. Profiles for Selected Federal Agencies

What follows are individual profiles of federal agencies with a total work force of 500 or more employees.  These profiles of selected indicators were created with data from the Civilian Personnel Data File (CPDF), which is maintained by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) or for agencies that do not submit data to the CPDF, from data submitted in their annual Management Directive 715 (MD-715) reports. 

Each agency's profile highlights the participation by race, national origin, gender, and disability status of employees in the work force as a whole, as well as in the agency's major occupations, supervisor and manager ranks, Senior Pay Level, career Senior Executive Service (SES) and the "feeder grades" (GS-14 and GS-15) to the SES.  All Senior Level pay and management data derives from Agency submitted MD-715 reports.

The profiles include participation rates by race, national origin, gender and Individuals with Targeted Disabilities for persons who serve as supervisors and managers.[15]  Additionally, the profiles include data on the participation rates for career SES positions.  Since those supervisors and managers comprising an agency's First-Level Officials and Managers may constitute a large portion of an agency's available pool of candidates for higher level managerial positions, a comparison of the data on the participation rates of persons as they progress through the managerial ranks and into the career SES ranks can serve as a diagnostic tool to help agencies uncover and effectively address impediments to fair and open competition in the federal workplace and allow individuals equal opportunity for advancement.  

In general, the data for the profiled agencies indicate that a comparison of the participation rates of women, Hispanics or Latinos, Blacks or African Americans, Asians, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islanders and American Indians/Alaska Natives will show a decline from the First-Level positions to the Mid-Level positions and another decline from the Mid-Level positions to the Senior-Level positions.

This year's profile narratives also focus on agencies' participation rates of individuals with targeted disabilities calculated using the number of employees with reportable disabilities and the participation rates of Women in permanent management official positions.  Although the EEOC reviews and analyzes the data submitted, each agency remains ultimately responsible for the accuracy of its own data submitted to both EEOC and OPM.

List of Agencies Included in the Agency Profile Section

In addition to the government-wide profile, the following agencies have profiles listed alphabetically in this part:


Agency for International Development

Agriculture, Department of

Air Force, Department of the

Army, Department of the

Army and Air Force Exchange Service

Broadcasting Board of Governors

Commerce, Department of

Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Consumer Product Safety Commission

Corporation for National & Community Service

Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency

Defense Commissary Agency

Defense Contract Audit Agency

Defense Contract Management Agency

Defense Education Activity, Department of

Defense Finance and Accounting Service

Defense Human Resources Activity

Defense Information Systems Agency

Defense Inspector General, Office of the

Defense Logistics Agency

Defense Media Activity

Defense Missile Defense Agency

Office of the Secretary/Wash. Hqtrs. Services Office

Defense Security Service

Defense Threat Reduction Agency

Defense TRICARE Management Activity

Education, Department of

Energy, Department of

Environmental Protection Agency

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Federal Communications Commission

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Federal Housing Finance Agency

Federal Trade Commission

General Services Administration

Government Printing Office

Health and Human Services, Department of

Homeland Security, Department of

Housing and Urban Development, Department of

Interior, Department of the

Justice, Department of

Labor, Department of

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

National Archives and Records Administration

National Credit Union Administration

National Gallery of Art

National Labor Relations Board

National Science Foundation

Navy, Department of the

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Office of Personnel Management

Peace Corps

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

Railroad Retirement Board

Securities and Exchange Commission

Small Business Administration

Smithsonian Institution

Social Security Administration

State, Department of

Tennessee Valley Authority

Transportation, Department of

Treasury, Department of

U.S. Postal Service

Veterans' Affairs, Department of

[15] Employees classified as supervisors and managers who are at the GS-12 level or below are identified as First-Level Officials and Managers; those at the GS-13 or GS-14 level are identified as Mid-Level Officials and Managers; and those at the GS-15 or in the Senior Executive Service are identified as Senior-Level Officials and Managers.