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  3. EEOC Seeks Public Input to Develop Quality Control Plan for Investigations and Conciliations
Press Release 02-12-2013

EEOC Seeks Public Input to Develop Quality Control Plan for Investigations and Conciliations

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced today that it is inviting public input into a Quality Control Plan (QCP) under development as part of its Strategic Plan.

In February 2012, the EEOC approved the Strategic Plan for fiscal years 2012-2016.  The Strategic Plan establishes a framework for achieving the EEOC's mission to stop and remedy unlawful employment discrimination by focusing on strategic law enforcement, education and outreach, and efficiently serving the public.  The second performance measure of the plan requires the EEOC to approve a Quality Control Plan.  The QCP will revise criteria to measure the quality of agency investigations and conciliations throughout the nation.

The agency encourages participation from individuals, employers, advocacy groups, agency stakeholders and other interested parties.  While no specific format is required, we are most interested in recommendations for quality indicia of investigations or conciliations or general recommendations for improving the quality of our intake process, investigations and conciliations.  Please also include a contact e-mail and/or mailing address.

Suggestions must be submitted by 5:00 pm EDT on Friday, March 1, 2013 to strategic.plan@eeoc.gov or received by mail at Executive Officer, Office of the Executive Secretariat, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 131 M Street, NE, Washington, DC 20507.

All submissions will be reviewed for possible inclusion in a future EEOC Commission meeting in Washington, D.C. on the development of the QCP.  If selected, the author or a representative would be invited to testify before the Commission in person, via telephone, or via video teleconferencing.

All submissions will be made available to members of the Commission and to EEOC staff.  In addition, your submissions may be disclosed to the public. By providing input in response to this solicitation you are consenting to its use and consideration by the EEOC and to public dissemination.  Accordingly, do not include any information in submitted materials that you would not want made public such as a home address, telephone number, etc.  Also, note that when input is submitted by e-mail, the sender's e-mail address automatically appears on the message. 

For general inquiries about the 2012 Strategic Plan or the development of the QCP, please email strategic.plan@eeoc.gov or call (202) 663-4070 (TTY: 202-663-4494). For press inquiries, please contact the Office of Communications and Legislative Affairs at (202) 663-4191 or newsroom@eeoc.gov.  If you are an individual seeking EEOC information, please see the "Contact Us" page of our website at www.eeoc.gov/contact or call 1-800-669-4000.

The EEOC enforces federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination. Further information about the EEOC is available on its web site at www.eeoc.gov.