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Mostrando 145 - 168 de 1972 resultados for 'laws practices'

Press release

EEOC Sues Shepherd Electric Co., Inc., for Race Discrimination and Retaliation

BALTIMORE – Shepherd Electric Co., Inc., a wholesale electrical distributor that operates in the Baltimore/Washington area, violated federal law when it fired two former managers because of their race retaliating for complaining about race-based discrimination, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charged in a lawsuit filed today.

According to the EEOC’s lawsuit, Shepherd Electric discriminated against two Black former managers at the company’s Laurel, Maryland warehouse. The EEOC alleged after one of the former

September 30, 2022

Press release

EEOC Sues Gypsum Express for Sex Discrimination, Retaliation and Constructive Discharge

INDIANAPOLIS — The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) today announced that it filed suit against Gypsum Express, Ltd., headquartered in Baldwinsville, New York, for sex discrimination in hiring, as well as retaliation and constructive discharge involving two former recruiters. Gypsum Express, Ltd. provides truck-transportation services and currently has terminals in Pennysylvania, New York, Kentucky, Ohio, Virginia, Indiana, Georgia, South Carolina and Illinois.

In its lawsuit, the EEOC charged that since at least 2014, Gypsum

September 30, 2022

Press release

EEOC Sues Starlite Station for Sexual Harassment and Retaliation

GREELEY, Colo. – ’Murica LLC, operator of the Western-themed Starlite Station bar and dance hall in Greeley violated federal law when it subjected employees to a sexually hostile work environment, then retaliated against employees who opposed the employer’s actions, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charged in a lawsuit filed today.

According to the EEOC suit, ’Murica LLC, created a sexually hostile work environment for both female and male employees.  The EEOC said the

September 30, 2022

Press release

EEOC Sues Sinclair Broadcast Group for Race Discrimination

BALTIMORE – Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc. violated federal law when it discriminated against an employee because of her race, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charged in a lawsuit it filed today.

According to EEOC’s lawsuit, Sinclair subjected an analyst, a Black woman who worked for the company in Cockeysville, Maryland, to race discrimination when it underpaid her and forced her out of her job. Sinclair treated other employees who are not Black more

September 29, 2022

Press release

EEOC Sues University of Texas at Permian Basin Under The Equal Pay Act

MIDLAND, Texas – The University of Texas at Permian Basin violated the Equal Pay Act by paying lesser wages to a female assistant/associate professor of accounting than it paid to two males hired to perform the same job, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charged in a lawsuit filed today. 

The female professor began her employment on the UTPB Midland campus during the 2015-16 academic year. Her job duties included teaching at least three

September 28, 2022

Press release

EEOC Sues Landmark Dodge and Landmark South for Sex Discrimination in Hiring and Retaliation

ST. LOUIS – Landmark Dodge and Landmark South, an Independence, Mo. auto dealership, violated federal law by segregating its sales and office employees by sex, hiring only men for sales jobs and women for office jobs and retaliating against employees who challenged the discriminatory hiring practices, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charged in a lawsuit today.

According to the EEOC’s suit, for at least two years from May 2017 to May 2019, Landmark

September 28, 2022

Press release

EEOC Sues Thomas B. Finan Center for Equal Pay Act Violations

BALTIMORE – The Maryland Department of Health’s Thomas B. Finan Center in Cumberland, a state residential psychiatric care center, has been violating federal law by paying its sole male Therapeutic Recreator more than all four female Therapeutic Recreators at the same facility, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charged in a lawsuit filed today.

According to the EEOC’s lawsuit, the Finan Center hired the male to a subordinate position and promoted him noncompetitively three

September 28, 2022

Press release

EEOC Sues Pretium Packaging, Llc. for Sex Discrimination

TOLEDO, Ohio – Pretium Packaging, LLC., a manufacturer of plastic bottles and containers, violated federal law at its Leipsic, Ohio facility by failing to promote or hire qualified females as machine operators, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charged in a lawsuit filed today.

According to the EEOC’s lawsuit, Pretium maintained a discriminatory practice of not hiring or promoting females to fill machine operator positions. Female employees who expressed interest in the machine operator

September 28, 2022

Press release

EEOC Sues R3 Government Solutions for Race Discrimination and Retaliation

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – R3 Government Solutions, LLC, a federal contractor that recruits and hires workers for federal jobs, violated federal law when it retaliated against a Black female recruiter and discriminated against her because of race, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charged in a lawsuit it announced today.

According to the EEOC’s lawsuit, R3 retaliated against the recruiter after she opposed R3’s recruiting and hiring practices, which restricted employment opportunities based on age

September 27, 2022

Press release

EEOC Sues the Princess Martha, Llc and TJM Properties, Inc. for Disability Discrimination

St. Petersburg, Fla. – The Princess Martha, an upscale senior living residence owned and managed by TJM Properties, violated federal law by revoking an applicant’s job offer because of her disability, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charged in a lawsuit filed today.

According to the lawsuit, the applicant, a veteran who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), received an offer of employment from Princess Martha conditioned upon a negative drug test. During her

September 21, 2022

Press release

EEOC Sues Dental Health Products, Inc. for Retaliation

SAN ANTONIO – Wisconsin-based Dental Health Products, Inc. (DHP), a nationwide provider of supplies and equipment to dental practices, violated federal law by firing a sales represent­ative based in McAllen, Texas because she made a complaint to human resources alleging sex-based discrim­ination and harass­ment, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charged in a lawsuit filed today.

According to the EEOC’s lawsuit, the sales representative made a written complaint to DHP’s human resources department alleging

September 13, 2022

Press release

EEOC Sues BaronHR and Radiant Services for Discriminatory Recruitment and Hiring

LOS ANGELES – The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) filed suit against the national staffing agency BaronHR, LLC and Radiant Services Corporation, a commercial laundry facility that serves the hospitality industry in Southern California, for discriminatory denial of employment based on race, national origin, and sex, the federal agency announced today

The EEOC charged that since 2015, BaronHR and Radiant failed to recruit, refer, and hire Black, Asian, and White applicants for low-skill positions

September 13, 2022

Press release

EEOC Sues Safelite Autoglass for Sex Discrimination

AUSTIN, Texas – Ohio-based Safelite AutoGlass, a vehicle glass repair and replacement business, violated federal law by refusing to hire a qualified applicant because she is a woman, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charged in a lawsuit filed today.

According to the EEOC's lawsuit, a woman applied for an Auto Glass technician trainee position at a Safelite AutoGlass location in Austin, Texas. During the interview, the applicant informed the store manager she had

September 2, 2022

Press release

Travis Nicholson Named as EEOC’s New Dallas District Director

DALLAS – Travis Nicholson will be the new district director of the Dallas District of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency announced today.

In the Dallas District, Nicholson will oversee and manage the EEOC’s work in more than 200 counties in north, central, and west Texas, including the district office, the San Antonio Field Office, and the El Paso Area office. The EEOC’s Dallas District has about 100 employees; received approximately

August 30, 2022

Press release

EEOC Event: "Decoded: can technology advance equitable recruiting and hiring?"

Join U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Chair Charlotte A. Burrows and U.S. Department of Labor’s OFCCP Director Jenny R. Yang for Decoded, a roundtable event to explore potential barriers automated technologies present to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. The speakers will also identify promising practices for using these systems to recruit and hire diverse workers in an equitable, inclusive and accessible manner. 

The Decoded event starts Tuesday, Sept. 13, at 1:00 p.m. Eastern.  This roundtable

August 30, 2022

Press release

SmartTalent Sued by EEOC for Sex Discrimination

SEATTLE — Gig Harbor, Washington-based staffing agency SmartTalent violated federal law by repeatedly refusing to assign female workers to certain temporary jobs, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charged in a lawsuit filed in federal court.

The agency is now seeking workers with information or experiences with SmartTalent’s application and assignment practices.

According to the EEOC’s lawsuit, SmartTalent honored requests made by some business clients to fill positions with male workers only. The EEOC

August 30, 2022

Press release

EEOC and Christopher’s Dodge Ram Agree to Conciliate Discrimination Charge

DENVER -- Chris the Crazy Trader, Inc., doing business as Christopher’s Dodge Ram in Golden, Colorado, has agreed to conciliate a discrimination charge involving failure to hire females with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency announced today.

The EEOC determined that Christopher Dodge Ram did not hire females for sales positions and did not keep records. Such alleged conduct violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended

August 25, 2022

Press release

Suisan Company, Ltd to Pay $90,000 to Settle EEOC Race Harassment Lawsuit

HONOLULU – Suisan Company, Limited (Suisan), a food distributor on the island of Hawaii, has agreed to pay $90,000 and provide other relief to resolve a race harassment and retaliation lawsuit filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Oppor­tunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency announced today.

According to the EEOC’s lawsuit, an African American warehouse employee was subjected to  unwelcome comments because of his race. After complaining to management about the comments, the employee was suspended

August 24, 2022

Press release

Gas Field Specialists to Pay $184,000 to Settle EEOC Disability Discrimination Case

PHILADELPHIA – Gas Field Specialists, Inc. (GFS), a Potter County, Pennsylvania-based natural gas well service company, will pay $184,000 and provide significant injunctive and other non-monetary relief to settle a disability discrimination lawsuit brought by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency announced today.

According to the EEOC’s lawsuit, an employee who had been with the company for 15 years was laid off and then terminated based on a disability or record

August 4, 2022

Press release

EEOC Announces Independent Study Confirming Pay Data Collection is a Key Tool to Fight Discrimination

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC or the Commission) welcomed the report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (National Academies) issued today, which studied the EEOC’s historic, first-time collection of pay data from certain private employers and federal contractors completed in 2020. The study finds that the data EEOC collected may be used effectively by the agency to help focus its resources to identify pay discrimination and offers short-term

July 28, 2022

Press release

EEOC Report Examines Trends in Federal EEO Directors Reporting Structure

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) today issued a report indicating progress in compliance with the requirement that EEO (equal employment opportunity) directors at federal agencies report directly to the heads of those agencies. The EEOC has long held that a direct reporting structure — where the head of the agency supervises the person with day-to-day control of the agency’s EEO program — must be established to maintain an effective and compliant

July 27, 2022

Press release

EEOC Announces First Spanish Language Webinar for Employers

WASHINGTON – On Aug. 4, 2022, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) will hold a virtual EEO workshop for employers exclusively in Spanish, a first for the agency.

The fee-based event will cover the essential information that every employer and manager needs to understand in order to fulfill their legal obligation to maintain a workplace free from unlawful harassment and discrimination. Additionally, the workshop will focus on a few key hot topics, including harassment

July 22, 2022

Press release

Armed Forces Services Corporation Settles EEOC Sexual Harassment Lawsuit For $60,000

SAN DIEGO – Armed Forces Services Corporation (AFSC), an Arlington, Virginia-based provider of health and wellness solutions to military service members, has agreed to pay $60,000 and provide other relief to resolve a sexual harassment and retaliation lawsuit filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Oppor­tunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency announced today.

According to the EEOC’s lawsuit, a female employee was subjected to sexual harassment by a male co-worker in 2018. The alleged sexual harassment

July 13, 2022

Press release

Brandon Dermatology Resolves EEOC Genetic Discrimination Finding

TAMPA, Fla. – Brandon Dermatology, a Tampa Bay-based medical practice, will compensate affected employees and furnish other relief to resolve a Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act (GINA) finding made by the U.S. Equal Employ­ment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency announced today.

Following an investigation, EEOC and Brandon Dermatology entered into a conciliation agreement whereby Brandon Dermatology agreed to cease collecting employees’ family members’ COVID-19 testing results. Such conduct violates the GINA, which prohibits employers from

July 6, 2022