An updated look at private sector employment for Women, African
Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans and American
Indians/Alaskan Natives in celebration of the EEOC's
50th Anniversary
July 2015
American Experiences versus American Expectations illustrates the significant changes to the United States workforce during the 50 years since the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) opened its doors in 1965. The report is an updated look at the groundbreaking 1977 EEOC research Black Experiences Versus Black Expectations. Written by Dr. Melvin Humphrey, EEOC's then-director of Research, Black Experiences versus Black Expectations was the first major EEOC research report to use data collected through the EEO-1 survey to focus on the issue of racial inequality in the workforce. The report's title came from the gap between African American employment experiences in the workforce and expectations based on fair-share employment levels, defined at the time as the number of minorities employed at a rate equal to their employment availability.
American Experiences versus American Expectations focuses on changes in employment participation from 1966 to 2013 not only for African Americans but also for Hispanics, Asian Americans, American Indians/Alaskan Natives, and women. The participation rate represents the percentage of workers from each demographic group that hold positions in the variety of categories reported in the EEO-1 survey.
Beginning in 1966 all employers with 100 or more employees (lower thresholds apply to federal contractors) have been required by law to file the Employer Information Report EEO-1 with the EEOC. In FY 2013 approximately 70,000 employers filed an EEO-1. These forms indicate the composition of an employer's workforces by sex and by race/ethnic category[1]. The EEO-1 form collects data on nine major job categories[2].
African Americans:
- The participation rates for African Americans in many job categories showed increases throughout the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. However, the rate of increase slowed for several categories and the rate in the Officials and Managers as well as the Professionals categories declined during the 2000s.
- Between 1966 and 2013, African Americans realized the greatest increase in participation in the Office and Clerical Workers category, from 3.53 percent to 15.76 percent, 12.23 percentage points.
- African Americans in the Laborers category showed the least change in participation during this time frame. The rate decreased 2.44 percentage points, from 21.13 percent in 1966 to 18.69 percent in 2013.
- Hispanics experienced an increase in participation rates across all nine job categories from 1966 through 2013.
- Hispanics in the Laborers category showed the largest increase in participation, from 6.14 percent in 1966 to 29.17 percent in 2013-an increase of 23.03 percentage points.
- The smallest change for Hispanics was in the Professionals category, where the participation rate only increased by 4.97 percentage points, from 0.76 percent in 1966 to 5.73 percent in 2013.
Asian Americans:
- Asian Americans saw consistent increases in participation rates from 1966 through 2013 in all nine job categories.
- Asian Americans in the Professionals category showed the greatest increase, from 1.33 percent in 1966 to 11.46 percent in 2013, an increase of 10.13 percentage points. Asian Americans experienced the greatest increase in participation rate in this job category of any demographic group reported.
- Asian Americans reported the smallest increase in participation in the Craft Workers category, from 0.35 percent in 1966 to 3.03 percent in 2013, which accounts for an increase of 2.68 percentage points.
American Indians / Alaskan Natives:
- American Indians or Alaskan Natives, with the exception of those in the Service Workers category in 1984, reported less than a 1 percent participation rates in each of the nine job categories in most years examined.
- The Craft Workers category was the only job category in which participation rates for American Indians or Alaskan Natives increased each year examined from 1966 to 2013.
- The greatest participation rate for American Indians or Alaskan Natives across all job categories and years examined was in 1984 in the Service Workers category at a rate of 1.42 percent.
- Women saw both increases and decreases in participation rates in the different job categories between 1966 and 2013.
- Women in the Officials and Managers, Professionals, Technicians, and Sales Workers categories all showed a consistent increase in participation rates within this time period.
- Women in the Office & Clerical Workers category showed a large increase in participation rates from 1966 to 1984, from 72.39 percent to 84.25 percent. However, this was followed by a steady decrease to 75.56 percent in 2013. Similarly, the participation rate for women in the Craft Workers category showed a consistent increase from 1966 to 2002, from 6.34 percent in 1966 to 12.81 percent in 2002, and then a decrease to 7.27 percent in 2013.
- While there was an increase in the participation rate of women in the Officials and Managers and Professionals categories from 1990 through 2013, there was a decline in the rate of women in the Office and Clerical Workers category during the same period.
- The participation rate for women in the Operatives category decreased from 34.15 percent in 1984 to 22.37 percent in 2013, a decrease of 11.78 in percentage points.
Changing participation rates for minorities and women in the Officials and Managers job category, the senior-most category for which EEOC captures data, are illustrative of employment conditions in the workforce from 1966 to 2013. The tables below provide a snapshot of the participation rates for each demographic group examined within this job category.
Table 1 and Figure 1 show the participation rates of African American Executive/Senior and First/Mid Level Officials and Managers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 1: Participation of African American Executive/Senior and First/Mid Level Officials & Managers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 18,121 | 2,085,422 | 0.87% |
1972 | 73,965 | 3,135,469 | 2.36% |
1978 | 148,909 | 3,980,123 | 3.74% |
1984 | 193,857 | 4,427,754 | 4.38% |
1990 | 257,122 | 4,978,689 | 5.16% |
1996 | 298,068 | 5,141,658 | 5.80% |
2002 | 405,766 | 5,919,471 | 6.85% |
2008 | 481,912 | 6,943,429 | 6.94% |
2013 | 475,392 | 7,020,839 | 6.77% |
Figure 1
- In 1966, African American Officials and Managers reported a participation rate of 0.87 percent. In 2008, the rate was 6.94 percent. However, it decreased to 6.77 percent in 2013.
Table 2 and Figure 2 show the participation rates of African American Professionals from 1966 to 2013.
Table 2: Participation of African American Professionals
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 22,346 | 1,693,545 | 1.32% |
1972 | 79,293 | 2,680,754 | 2.96% |
1978 | 117,298 | 2,967,813 | 3.95% |
1984 | 175,402 | 3,919,918 | 4.47% |
1990 | 276,829 | 5,295,302 | 5.23% |
1996 | 379,649 | 6,439,805 | 5.90% |
2002 | 566,666 | 8,009,309 | 7.08% |
2008 | 812,182 | 10,486,457 | 7.75% |
2013 | 889,409 | 11,709,819 | 7.60% |
Figure 2
- In 1966, African American Professionals reported a participation rate of 1.32 percent.
- The rate continued to grow to 7.75 percent in 2008 and then fell slightly to 7.60 percent in 2013.
Table 3 and Figure 3 show the participation rates of African American Technicians from 1966 to 2013.
Table 3: Participation of African American Technicians
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 46,542 | 1,142,416 | 4.07% |
1972 | 98,586 | 1,805,846 | 5.46% |
1978 | 141,844 | 1,731,659 | 8.19% |
1984 | 181,843 | 2,047,100 | 8.88% |
1990 | 233,563 | 2,360,323 | 9.90% |
1996 | 279,353 | 2,648,850 | 10.55% |
2002 | 351,850 | 2,992,410 | 11.76% |
2008 | 448,460 | 3,412,541 | 13.14% |
2013 | 448,795 | 3,388,374 | 13.25% |
Figure 3
- In 1966, African American Technicians reported a participation rate of 4.07 percent.
- The participation rate has continued to grow all the way to 2013, ending at 13.25 percent.
Table 4 and Figure 4 show the participation rates of African American Sales Workers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 4: Participation of African American Sales Workers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 42,447 | 1,804,746 | 2.35% |
1972 | 143,093 | 3,505,150 | 4.08% |
1978 | 247,107 | 3,634,447 | 6.80% |
1984 | 334,579 | 3,958,939 | 8.45% |
1990 | 565,693 | 5,411,487 | 10.45% |
1996 | 837,902 | 6,678,497 | 12.55% |
2002 | 1,023,476 | 7,848,162 | 13.04% |
2008 | 1,203,080 | 8,860,366 | 13.58% |
2013 | 1,249,727 | 8,890,538 | 14.06% |
Figure 4
- In 1966, African American Sales Workers reported a participation rate of 2.35 percent.
- The rate grew fastest between 1966 and 1996. It has been increasing more slowly since then.
Table 5 and Figure 5 show the participation rates of African American Office and Clerical Workers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 5: Participation of African American Office & Clerical Workers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 151,147 | 4,278,000 | 3.53% |
1972 | 418,040 | 5,458,757 | 7.66% |
1978 | 568,878 | 5,672,168 | 10.03% |
1984 | 693,967 | 5,882,461 | 11.80% |
1990 | 901,945 | 6,772,648 | 13.32% |
1996 | 955,405 | 6,801,562 | 14.05% |
2002 | 1,179,287 | 7,395,591 | 15.95% |
2008 | 1,300,560 | 8,173,552 | 15.91% |
2013 | 1,280,263 | 8,122,422 | 15.76% |
Figure 5
- In 1966, African American Office and Clerical Workers reported a participation rate of 3.53 percent.
- Participation rates grew to 15.95 percent in 2002 and then began decreasing slightly.
Table 6 and Figure 6 show the participation rates of African American Craft Workers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 6: Participation of African American Craft Workers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 130,556 | 3,636,566 | 3.59% |
1972 | 251,212 | 4,168,676 | 6.03% |
1978 | 350,490 | 4,400,628 | 7.96% |
1984 | 320,371 | 3,774,802 | 8.49% |
1990 | 343,642 | 3,778,333 | 9.10% |
1996 | 343,980 | 3,734,432 | 9.21% |
2002 | 347,858 | 3,635,789 | 9.57% |
2008 | 352,417 | 3,819,723 | 9.23% |
2013 | 302,203 | 3,439,825 | 8.79% |
Figure 6
- In 1966, African American Craft Workers reported a participation rate of 3.59 percent.
- Participation rates grew to 9.57 percent in 2002 but then decreased slightly, ending at 8.79 percent in 2013.
Table 7 and Figure 7 show the participation rates of African American Operatives from 1966 to 2013.
Table 7: Participation of African American Operatives
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 702,283 | 6,511,872 | 10.78% |
1972 | 1,007,774 | 7,005,360 | 14.39% |
1978 | 1,180,640 | 7,327,819 | 16.11% |
1984 | 976,336 | 6,042,013 | 16.16% |
1990 | 1,029,844 | 6,123,371 | 16.82% |
1996 | 1,067,355 | 6,402,279 | 16.67% |
2002 | 1,022,488 | 6,008,154 | 17.02% |
2008 | 1,064,200 | 6,350,661 | 16.76% |
2013 | 1,024,831 | 5,992,058 | 17.10% |
Figure 7
- In 1966, African American Operatives reported a participation rate of 10.78 percent. Participation rates grew sharply to 1978 and then began to plateau all the way to 2013.
Table 8 and Figure 8 show the participation rates of African American Laborers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 8: Participation of African American Laborers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 524,053 | 2,479,935 | 21.13% |
1972 | 588,064 | 2,828,219 | 20.79% |
1978 | 574,094 | 3,014,617 | 19.04% |
1984 | 442,180 | 2,396,617 | 18.45% |
1990 | 555,156 | 2,853,280 | 19.46% |
1996 | 638,149 | 3,335,867 | 19.13% |
2002 | 679,193 | 3,664,504 | 18.53% |
2008 | 842,846 | 4,753,499 | 17.73% |
2013 | 792,837 | 4,240,925 | 18.69% |
Figure 8
- In 1966, African American Laborers reported a participation rate of 21.13 percent.
- Participation rates decreased to 18.45 percent in 1984, rose again in 1990, decreased to 2008, and finally rose again to 18.69 percent in 2013.
Table 9 and Figure 9 show the participation rates of African American Service Workers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 9: Participation of African American Service Workers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 452,180 | 1,962,292 | 23.04% |
1972 | 588,355 | 2,405,023 | 24.46% |
1978 | 721,790 | 3,370,467 | 21.42% |
1984 | 763,405 | 3,459,684 | 22.07% |
1990 | 1,088,931 | 4,543,095 | 23.97% |
1996 | 1,335,158 | 5,606,678 | 23.81% |
2002 | 1,535,387 | 6,592,041 | 23.29% |
2008 | 2,114,412 | 9,353,381 | 22.61% |
2013 | 2,352,908 | 10,081,156 | 23.34% |
Figure 9
- Participation rates for African American Service Workers have been fluctuating, but overall there was a net gain of 0.30 percentage points.
Table 10 and Figure 10 show the participation rates of Hispanic Executive/Senior Level and First/Mid Level Officials and Managers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 10: Participation of Hispanic Executive/Senior Level and First/Mid Level Officials and Managers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 12,690 | 2,085,422 | 0.61% |
1972 | 40,713 | 3,135,469 | 1.30% |
1978 | 80,535 | 3,980,123 | 2.02% |
1984 | 110,356 | 4,427,754 | 2.49% |
1990 | 150,471 | 4,978,689 | 3.02% |
1996 | 193,718 | 5,141,658 | 3.77% |
2002 | 312,251 | 5,919,471 | 5.27% |
2008 | 520,957 | 6,943,429 | 7.50% |
2013 | 518,776 | 7,020,839 | 7.39% |
Figure 10
- Participation rate for Hispanic officials and managers increased each year examined up to 2008.
- From 2008 to 2013, the participation rate dropped very slightly by 0.11 percentage points.
- The largest participation change was between 2002 and 2008 with an increase of 2.22 percentage points.
Table 11 and Figure 11 show the participation rates of Hispanic Professionals from 1966 to 2013.
Table 11: Participation of Hispanic Professionals
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 12,860 | 1,693,545 | 0.76% |
1972 | 35,872 | 2,680,754 | 1.34% |
1978 | 53,356 | 2,967,813 | 1.80% |
1984 | 81,683 | 3,919,918 | 2.08% |
1990 | 134,926 | 5,295,302 | 2.55% |
1996 | 201,845 | 6,439,805 | 3.13% |
2002 | 328,706 | 8,009,309 | 4.10% |
2008 | 542,785 | 10,486,457 | 5.18% |
2013 | 670,656 | 11,709,819 | 5.73% |
Figure 11
- Participation rate for Hispanic Professionals increased each year examined.
- The largest participation increase was between 2002 and 2008 with an increase of 1.08 percentage points.
Table 12 and Figure 12 show the participation rates of Hispanic Technicians from 1966 to 2013.
Table 12: Participation of Hispanic Technicians
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 15,457 | 1,142,416 | 1.35% |
1972 | 34,897 | 1,805,846 | 1.93% |
1978 | 56,341 | 1,731,659 | 3.25% |
1984 | 77,647 | 2,047,100 | 3.79% |
1990 | 105,918 | 2,360,323 | 4.49% |
1996 | 144,504 | 2,648,850 | 5.46% |
2002 | 215,967 | 2,992,410 | 7.22% |
2008 | 306,165 | 3,412,541 | 8.97% |
2013 | 340,748 | 3,388,374 | 10.06% |
Figure 12
- Participation rate for Hispanic Technicians increased each year examined.
- The largest participation change was between 1996 and 2002 with an increase of 1.76 percentage points.
Table 13 and Figure 13 show the participation rates of Hispanic Sales Workers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 13: Participation of Hispanic Sales Workers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 25,882 | 1,804,746 | 1.43% |
1972 | 76,712 | 3,505,150 | 2.19% |
1978 | 125,153 | 3,634,447 | 3.44% |
1984 | 186,322 | 3,958,939 | 4.71% |
1990 | 321,669 | 5,411,487 | 5.94% |
1996 | 510,842 | 6,678,497 | 7.65% |
2002 | 766,998 | 7,848,162 | 9.77% |
2008 | 1,079,810 | 8,860,366 | 12.19% |
2013 | 1,219,458 | 8,890,538 | 13.72% |
Figure 13
- Participation rate for Hispanic Sales Workers increased each year examined.
- The largest participation rate of change was between 2002 and 2008 with an increase of 2.42 percentage points.
Table 14 and Figure 14 show the participation rates of Hispanic Office and Clerical Workers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 14: Participation of Hispanic Office & Clerical Workers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 70,514 | 4,278,000 | 1.65% |
1972 | 160,827 | 5,458,757 | 2.95% |
1978 | 233,142 | 5,672,168 | 4.11% |
1984 | 299,329 | 5,882,461 | 5.09% |
1990 | 401,519 | 6,772,648 | 5.93% |
1996 | 495,361 | 6,801,562 | 7.28% |
2002 | 720,178 | 7,395,591 | 9.74% |
2008 | 990,251 | 8,173,552 | 12.12% |
2013 | 1,064,374 | 8,122,422 | 13.10% |
Figure 14
- Participation rate for Hispanic Office and Clerical Workers increased each year examined.
- The largest participation increase was between 1996 and 2002 with an increase of 2.46 percentage points.
Table 15 and Figure 15 show the participation rates of Hispanic Craft Workers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 15: Participation of Hispanic Craft Workers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 71,995 | 3,636,566 | 1.98% |
1972 | 142,295 | 4,168,676 | 3.41% |
1978 | 206,151 | 4,400,628 | 4.68% |
1984 | 205,721 | 3,774,802 | 5.45% |
1990 | 238,422 | 3,778,333 | 6.31% |
1996 | 282,731 | 3,734,432 | 7.57% |
2002 | 385,746 | 3,635,789 | 10.61% |
2008 | 593,976 | 3,819,723 | 15.55% |
2013 | 546,991 | 3,439,825 | 15.90% |
Figure 15
- Participation rate for Hispanic Craft Workers increased each year examined.
- The largest participation rate of change was between 2002 and 2008 with an increase of 4.94 percentage points.
Table 16 and Figure 16 show the participation rates of Hispanic Operatives from 1966 to 2013.
Table 16: Participation of Hispanic Operatives
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 203,323 | 6,511,872 | 3.12% |
1972 | 351,788 | 7,005,360 | 5.02% |
1978 | 474,361 | 7,327,819 | 6.47% |
1984 | 444,612 | 6,042,013 | 7.36% |
1990 | 533,338 | 6,123,371 | 8.71% |
1996 | 667,958 | 6,402,279 | 10.43% |
2002 | 864,085 | 6,008,154 | 14.38% |
2008 | 1,115,902 | 6,350,661 | 17.57% |
2013 | 1,050,378 | 5,992,058 | 17.53% |
Figure 16
- Participation rate for Hispanic Operatives increased each year examined up to 2008.
- The participation rate declined slightly by 0.04 percentage points between 2008 and 2013.
- The largest participation rate of change was between 1996 and 2002 with an increase of 3.95 percentage points.
Table 17 and Figure 17 show the participation rates of Hispanic Laborers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 17: Participation of Hispanic Laborers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 152,206 | 2,479,935 | 6.14% |
1972 | 252,256 | 2,828,219 | 8.92% |
1978 | 333,663 | 3,014,617 | 11.07% |
1984 | 283,335 | 2,396,617 | 11.82% |
1990 | 417,283 | 2,853,280 | 14.62% |
1996 | 625,465 | 3,335,867 | 18.75% |
2002 | 915,147 | 3,664,504 | 24.97% |
2008 | 1,415,804 | 4,753,499 | 29.78% |
2013 | 1,237,175 | 4,240,925 | 29.17% |
Figure 17
- Participation rate for Hispanic Laborers increased each year examined up to 2008.
- The participation rate declined slightly by 0.61 percentage points between 2008 and 2013.
- The largest participation rate of change was between 1996 and 2002 with an increase of 6.22 percentage points.
Table 18 and Figure 18 show the participation rates of Hispanic Service Workers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 18: Participation of Hispanic Service Workers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 78,752 | 1,962,292 | 4.01% |
1972 | 148,853 | 2,405,023 | 6.19% |
1978 | 236,473 | 3,370,467 | 7.02% |
1984 | 299,917 | 3,459,684 | 8.67% |
1990 | 524,044 | 4,543,095 | 11.53% |
1996 | 812,993 | 5,606,678 | 14.50% |
2002 | 1,209,174 | 6,592,041 | 18.34% |
2008 | 1,902,627 | 9,353,381 | 20.34% |
2013 | 2,062,260 | 10,081,156 | 20.46% |
Figure 18
- Participation rate for Hispanic Service Workers increased each year examined.
- The largest participation rate of change was between 1996 and 2002 with an increase of 3.84 percentage points.
Table 19 and Figure 19 show the participation rates of Asian Officials and Managers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 19: Participation of Asian Officials & Managers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 6,694 | 2,085,422 | 0.32% |
1972 | 11,581 | 3,135,469 | 0.37% |
1978 | 32,600 | 3,980,123 | 0.82% |
1984 | 57,421 | 4,427,754 | 1.30% |
1990 | 93,742 | 4,978,689 | 1.88% |
1996 | 123,088 | 5,141,658 | 2.39% |
2002 | 196,092 | 5,919,471 | 3.31% |
2008 | 317,644 | 6,943,429 | 4.57% |
2013 | 388,039 | 7,020,839 | 5.53% |
Figure 19
- The participation rate for Asian Officials and Managers grew each year examined, from 1966 to 2013, at a relatively constant rate.
Table 20 and Figure 20 show the participation rates of Asian Professionals from 1966 to 2013.
Table 20: Participation of Asian Professionals
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 22,453 | 1,693,545 | 1.33% |
1972 | 58,984 | 2,680,754 | 2.20% |
1978 | 95,430 | 2,967,813 | 3.22% |
1984 | 157,337 | 3,919,918 | 4.01% |
1990 | 261,736 | 5,295,302 | 4.94% |
1996 | 412,125 | 6,439,805 | 6.40% |
2002 | 673,953 | 8,009,309 | 8.41% |
2008 | 1,097,443 | 10,486,457 | 10.47% |
2013 | 1,341,842 | 11,709,819 | 11.46% |
Figure 20
- The participation rate for Asian Professionals grew steadily each year examined, with a net increase of 10.13 percentage points.
Table 21 and Figure 21 show the participation rates of Asian Technicians from 1966 to 2013.
Table 21: Participation of Asian Technicians
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 10,527 | 1,142,416 | 0.92% |
1972 | 17,839 | 1,805,846 | 0.99% |
1978 | 34,632 | 1,731,659 | 2.00% |
1984 | 59,692 | 2,047,100 | 2.92% |
1990 | 91,066 | 2,360,323 | 3.86% |
1996 | 126,926 | 2,648,850 | 4.79% |
2002 | 171,648 | 2,992,410 | 5.74% |
2008 | 224,161 | 3,412,541 | 6.57% |
2013 | 229,488 | 3,388,374 | 6.77% |
Figure 21
- The participation rate for Asian Technicians grew slightly from 1966 to 1972.
- The rate grew more rapidly from 1972 to 2008, when it started to level off. The overall increase from 1966 to 2013 was 5.85 percentage points.
Table 22 and Figure 22 show the participation rates of Asian Sales Workers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 22: Participation of Asian Sales Workers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 6,554 | 1,804,746 | 0.36% |
1972 | 14,358 | 3,505,150 | 0.41% |
1978 | 33,114 | 3,634,447 | 0.91% |
1984 | 53,538 | 3,958,939 | 1.35% |
1990 | 106,707 | 5,411,487 | 1.97% |
1996 | 171,551 | 6,678,497 | 2.57% |
2002 | 266,751 | 7,848,162 | 3.40% |
2008 | 354,044 | 8,860,366 | 4.00% |
2013 | 354,111 | 8,890,538 | 3.98% |
Figure 22
- The participation rates for Asian Sales Workers increased slightly from 1966 to 1972. It then increased steadily to 2008 when it started to plateau.
- The net gain is 3.62 percentage points.
Table 23 and Figure 23 show the participation rates of Asian Office & Clerical Workers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 23: Participation of Asian Office & Clerical Workers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 25,463 | 4,278,000 | 0.60% |
1972 | 48,313 | 5,458,757 | 0.89% |
1978 | 86,359 | 5,672,168 | 1.52% |
1984 | 116,987 | 5,882,461 | 1.99% |
1990 | 182,913 | 6,772,648 | 2.70% |
1996 | 222,634 | 6,801,562 | 3.27% |
2002 | 286,000 | 7,395,591 | 3.87% |
2008 | 373,218 | 8,173,552 | 4.57% |
2013 | 371,973 | 8,122,422 | 4.58% |
Figure 23
- Participation of Asian Office and Clerical Workers increased steadily from 1966 to 2008 when it leveled off.
Table 24 and Figure 24 show the participation rates of Asian Craft Workers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 24: Participation of Asian Craft Workers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 12,617 | 3,636,566 | 0.35% |
1972 | 12,683 | 4,168,676 | 0.30% |
1978 | 28,026 | 4,400,628 | 0.64% |
1984 | 38,922 | 3,774,802 | 1.03% |
1990 | 56,661 | 3,778,333 | 1.50% |
1996 | 70,304 | 3,734,432 | 1.88% |
2002 | 88,438 | 3,635,789 | 2.43% |
2008 | 109,835 | 3,819,723 | 2.88% |
2013 | 104,057 | 3,439,825 | 3.03% |
Figure 24
- The participation rate for Asian Craft Workers increased steadily from 1972 to 2008 after decreasing slightly from 1966 to 1972.
- Over the entire time period the participation rate increased a total of 2.68 percentage points.
Table 25 and Figure 25 show the participation rates of Asian Operatives from 1966 to 2013.
Table 25: Participation of Asian Operatives
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 16,905 | 6,511,872 | 0.26% |
1972 | 21,863 | 7,005,360 | 0.31% |
1978 | 63,060 | 7,327,819 | 0.86% |
1984 | 100,458 | 6,042,013 | 1.66% |
1990 | 146,615 | 6,123,371 | 2.39% |
1996 | 205,982 | 6,402,279 | 3.22% |
2002 | 209,708 | 6,008,154 | 3.49% |
2008 | 264,027 | 6,350,661 | 4.16% |
2013 | 261,394 | 5,992,058 | 4.36% |
Figure 25
- The participation rate for Asian Operatives increased slightly in the first and last year examined and increased at a faster rate during the intervening years examined.
- The net increase over the entire time period is 4.10 percentage points.
Table 26 and Figure 26 show the participation rates of Asian Laborers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 26: Participation of Asian Laborers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 12,529 | 2,479,935 | 0.51% |
1972 | 10,967 | 2,828,219 | 0.39% |
1978 | 31,981 | 3,014,617 | 1.06% |
1984 | 41,830 | 2,396,617 | 1.75% |
1990 | 64,598 | 2,853,280 | 2.26% |
1996 | 102,919 | 3,335,867 | 3.09% |
2002 | 121,832 | 3,664,504 | 3.32% |
2008 | 175,052 | 4,753,499 | 3.68% |
2013 | 179,188 | 4,240,925 | 4.23% |
Figure 26
- After a slight decrease from 1966 to 1972, the participation rate for Asian laborers steadily increased from 1972 to 2013 for a net gain of 3.72 percentage points over the entire time period.
Table 27 and Figure 27 show the participation rates of Asian Service Workers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 27: Participation of Asian Service Workers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 15,722 | 1,962,292 | 0.80% |
1972 | 21,732 | 2,405,023 | 0.90% |
1978 | 58,881 | 3,370,467 | 1.75% |
1984 | 83,951 | 3,459,684 | 2.43% |
1990 | 133,167 | 4,543,095 | 2.93% |
1996 | 193,259 | 5,606,678 | 3.45% |
2002 | 252,716 | 6,592,041 | 3.83% |
2008 | 425,858 | 9,353,381 | 4.55% |
2013 | 478,878 | 10,081,156 | 4.75% |
Figure 27
- The participation rate for Asian Service Workers continuously increased each year examined from 1966 to 2013 for a net gain of 3.95 percentage points.
Table 28 and Figure 28 show the participation rates of American Indian / Alaskan Native Officials & Managers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 28: Participation of American Indian / Alaskan Native Officials & Managers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 2,799 | 2,085,422 | 0.13% |
1972 | 7,692 | 3,135,469 | 0.25% |
1978 | 13,951 | 3,980,123 | 0.35% |
1984 | 16,333 | 4,427,754 | 0.37% |
1990 | 16,588 | 4,978,689 | 0.33% |
1996 | 18,878 | 5,141,658 | 0.37% |
2002 | 23,870 | 5,919,471 | 0.40% |
2008 | 28,060 | 6,943,429 | 0.40% |
2013 | 26,787 | 7,020,839 | 0.38% |
Figure 28
- Participation rates for American Indian/Alaskan Native Officials and Managers fluctuated for each of the years examined.
- The highest percentage point increase was 0.12 percentage points between 1966 and 1972.
Table 29 and Figure 29 show the participation rates of American Indian / Alaskan Native Professionals from 1966 to 2013.
Table 29: Participation of American Indian / Alaskan Native Professionals
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 1,686 | 1,693,545 | 0.10% |
1972 | 4,734 | 2,680,754 | 0.18% |
1978 | 7,383 | 2,967,813 | 0.25% |
1984 | 9,284 | 3,919,918 | 0.24% |
1990 | 14,672 | 5,295,302 | 0.28% |
1996 | 21,606 | 6,439,805 | 0.34% |
2002 | 32,871 | 8,009,309 | 0.41% |
2008 | 40,172 | 10,486,457 | 0.38% |
2013 | 44,511 | 11,709,819 | 0.38% |
Figure 29
- Participation rates for American Indian/Alaskan Native Professionals were highest in 2002 at 0.41 percent.
- The highest rate increase was 0.08 percentage points between 1966 and 1972.
Table 30 and Figure 30 show the participation rates of American Indian / Alaskan Native Technicians from 1966 to 2013.
Table 30: Participation of American Indian / Alaskan Native Technicians
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 1,793 | 1,142,416 | 0.16% |
1972 | 3,699 | 1,805,846 | 0.20% |
1978 | 6,504 | 1,731,659 | 0.38% |
1984 | 8,085 | 2,047,100 | 0.39% |
1990 | 10,217 | 2,360,323 | 0.43% |
1996 | 13,598 | 2,648,850 | 0.51% |
2002 | 19,774 | 2,992,410 | 0.66% |
2008 | 20,398 | 3,412,541 | 0.60% |
2013 | 19,458 | 3,388,374 | 0.57% |
Figure 30
- Participation rates for American Indian/Alaskan Native Technicians increased each year examined from 0.16 percent in 1966 to 0.66 percent in 2002. The rate dropped to 0.57 percent in 2013.
- The highest increase in participation rate was 0.18 percentage points between 1972 and 1978.
Table 31 and Figure 31 show the participation rates of American Indian / Alaskan Native Sales Workers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 31: Participation of American Indian / Alaskan Native Sales Workers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 3,841 | 1,804,746 | 0.21% |
1972 | 9,114 | 3,505,150 | 0.26% |
1978 | 10,968 | 3,634,447 | 0.30% |
1984 | 11,746 | 3,958,939 | 0.30% |
1990 | 22,791 | 5,411,487 | 0.42% |
1996 | 41,770 | 6,678,497 | 0.63% |
2002 | 50,824 | 7,848,162 | 0.65% |
2008 | 57,971 | 8,860,366 | 0.65% |
2013 | 57,373 | 8,890,538 | 0.65% |
Figure 31
- Participation rates for American Indian/Alaskan Natives either increased or remained the same each year examined.
- From 2002 to 2013, the participation rate remained consistent at its highest at 0.65 percent.
- From 1966 to 2013, the participation rate increased for a total of 0.44 percentage points.
Table 32 and Figure 32 show the participation rates of American Indian / Alaskan Native Office & Clerical Workers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 32: Participation of American Indian / Alaskan Native Office & Clerical Workers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 5,184 | 4,278,000 | 0.12% |
1972 | 12,765 | 5,458,757 | 0.23% |
1978 | 20,860 | 5,672,168 | 0.37% |
1984 | 20,529 | 5,882,461 | 0.35% |
1990 | 25,497 | 6,772,648 | 0.38% |
1996 | 32,180 | 6,801,562 | 0.47% |
2002 | 44,205 | 7,395,591 | 0.60% |
2008 | 44,940 | 8,173,552 | 0.55% |
2013 | 44,323 | 8,122,422 | 0.55% |
Figure 32
- Participation rates for American Indians/Alaskan Native Office and Clerical Workers fluctuated each year examined.
- The highest participation rate reached in this job category was 0.60 percent in 2002.
- After 2002, the participation rate dropped and remained consistent at 0.55 percent for each subsequent year examined.
Table 33 and Figure 33 show the participation rates of American Indian / Alaskan Native Craft Workers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 33: Participation of American Indian / Alaskan Native Craft Workers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 8,228 | 3,636,566 | 0.23% |
1972 | 15,047 | 4,168,676 | 0.36% |
1978 | 20,736 | 4,400,628 | 0.47% |
1984 | 18,585 | 3,774,802 | 0.49% |
1990 | 20,927 | 3,778,333 | 0.55% |
1996 | 24,425 | 3,734,432 | 0.65% |
2002 | 26,568 | 3,635,789 | 0.73% |
2008 | 31,225 | 3,819,723 | 0.82% |
2013 | 29,076 | 3,439,825 | 0.85% |
Figure 33
- Participation rate for American Indian/Alaskan Native Craft Workers increased each year examined from 1966 to 2013.
- The highest participation rate increase was 0.13 percentage points between 1966 and 1972.
Table 34 and Figure 34 show the participation rates of American Indian / Alaskan Native Operatives from 1966 to 2013.
Table 34: Participation of American Indian / Alaskan Native Operators
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 15,527 | 6,511,872 | 0.24% |
1972 | 28,877 | 7,005,360 | 0.41% |
1978 | 33,714 | 7,327,819 | 0.46% |
1984 | 29,285 | 6,042,013 | 0.48% |
1990 | 33,475 | 6,123,371 | 0.55% |
1996 | 40,457 | 6,402,279 | 0.63% |
2002 | 41,959 | 6,008,154 | 0.70% |
2008 | 43,910 | 6,350,661 | 0.69% |
2013 | 39,321 | 5,992,058 | 0.66% |
Figure 34
- Participation rates for American Indian/Alaskan Native Operatives increased each year examined from 1966 to 2002. The rates dropped in subsequent years.
- The highest participation rate increase was 0.17 percentage points between 1966 and 1972.
Table 35 and Figure 35 show the participation rates of American Indian / Alaskan Native Laborers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 35: Participation of American Indian / Alaskan Native Laborers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 10,520 | 2,479,935 | 0.42% |
1972 | 15,685 | 2,828,219 | 0.55% |
1978 | 17,490 | 3,014,617 | 0.58% |
1984 | 13,338 | 2,396,617 | 0.56% |
1990 | 18,968 | 2,853,280 | 0.66% |
1996 | 24,558 | 3,335,867 | 0.74% |
2002 | 27,784 | 3,664,504 | 0.76% |
2008 | 32,784 | 4,753,499 | 0.69% |
2013 | 26,423 | 4,240,925 | 0.62% |
Figure 35
- Participation rates for American Indian/Alaskan Native Laborers fluctuated each year examined from 1966 to 2013.
- The highest participation rate was 0.76 percent reported in 2002.
- The participation rate dropped each year examined after 2002.
Table 36 and Figure 36 show the participation rates of American Indian / Alaskan Native Service Workers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 36: Participation of American Indian / Alaskan Native Service Workers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 5,415 | 1,962,292 | 0.28% |
1972 | 9,844 | 2,405,023 | 0.41% |
1978 | 14,385 | 3,370,467 | 0.43% |
1984 | 49,096 | 3,459,684 | 1.42% |
1990 | 25,854 | 4,543,095 | 0.57% |
1996 | 42,975 | 5,606,678 | 0.77% |
2002 | 50,603 | 6,592,041 | 0.77% |
2008 | 61,939 | 9,353,381 | 0.66% |
2013 | 67,440 | 10,081,156 | 0.67% |
Figure 36
- Participation rates for American Indian/Alaskan Native Service Workers were mostly under one percent, with the exception of 1984 at 1.42 percent.
- The highest participation rate increase was nearly one percentage point between 1978 and 1984.
Table 37 and Figure 37 show the participation rates of Women Officials and Managers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 37: Participation of Women Officials & Managers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 196,745 | 2,085,422 | 9.43% |
1972 | 372,316 | 3,135,469 | 11.87% |
1978 | 690,349 | 3,980,123 | 17.34% |
1984 | 1,055,288 | 4,427,754 | 23.83% |
1990 | 1,460,009 | 4,978,689 | 29.33% |
1996 | 1,716,444 | 5,141,658 | 33.38% |
2002 | 2,155,878 | 5,919,471 | 36.42% |
2008 | 2,600,325 | 6,943,429 | 37.45% |
2013 | 2,707,827 | 7,020,839 | 38.57% |
Figure 37
- In 1966, Women Officials and Managers reported a participation rate of 9.43 percent.
- In 1978, the participation rate rose to 17.34 percent and continued to rise to 29.33 percent in 1990, 36.42 percent in 2002, and finally to 38.57 percent in 2013.
Table 38 and Figure 38 show the participation rates of Women Professionals from 1966 to 2013.
Table 38: Participation of Women Professionals
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 236,599 | 1,693,545 | 13.97% |
1972 | 726,450 | 2,680,754 | 27.10% |
1978 | 1,005,855 | 2,967,813 | 33.89% |
1984 | 1,636,015 | 3,919,918 | 41.74% |
1990 | 2,522,185 | 5,295,302 | 47.63% |
1996 | 3,255,902 | 6,439,805 | 50.56% |
2002 | 4,143,461 | 8,009,309 | 51.73% |
2008 | 5,554,102 | 10,486,457 | 52.96% |
2013 | 6,233,163 | 11,709,819 | 53.23% |
Figure 38
- In 1966, Women Professionals reported a participation rate of 13.97 percent.
- In 1978, the participation rate rose to 33.89 percent and continued to rise to 47.63 percent in 1990, 51.73 percent in 2002, and to 53.23 percent in 2013.
Table 39 and Figure 39 show the participation rates of Women Technicians from 1966 to 2013.
Table 39: Participation of Women Technicians
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 355,105 | 1,142,416 | 31.08% |
1972 | 514,961 | 1,805,846 | 28.52% |
1978 | 649,149 | 1,731,659 | 37.49% |
1984 | 854,832 | 2,047,100 | 41.76% |
1990 | 1,025,098 | 2,360,323 | 43.43% |
1996 | 1,187,081 | 2,648,850 | 44.81% |
2002 | 1,372,139 | 2,992,410 | 45.85% |
2008 | 1,644,537 | 3,412,541 | 48.19% |
2013 | 1,670,322 | 3,388,374 | 49.30% |
Figure 39
- In 1966, Women Technicians reported a participation rate of 31.08 percent.
- Between 1966 and 1972 the participation rate decreased to 28.52 percent and then increased each subsequent year examined.
Table 40 and Figure 40 show the participation rates of Women Sales Workers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 40: Participation of Women Sales Workers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 699,303 | 1,804,746 | 38.75% |
1972 | 1,436,375 | 3,505,150 | 40.98% |
1978 | 1,842,946 | 3,634,447 | 50.71% |
1984 | 2,136,242 | 3,958,939 | 53.96% |
1990 | 3,080,196 | 5,411,487 | 56.92% |
1996 | 3,830,135 | 6,678,497 | 57.35% |
2002 | 4,424,429 | 7,848,162 | 56.38% |
2008 | 4,997,834 | 8,860,366 | 56.41% |
2013 | 4,953,211 | 8,890,538 | 55.71% |
Figure 40
- In 1966, Women Sales Workers reported a participation rate of 38.75 percent.
- In 1978, the participation rate rose to 50.71 percent and continued to rise to a peak of 57.35 percent in 1996.
- In 2002, the participation rate dropped to 56.38 percent and continued to drop to 55.71 percent in 2013.
Table 41 and Figure 41 show the participation rates of Women Office and Clerical Workers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 41: Participation of Women Office & Clerical Workers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 3,096,691 | 4,278,000 | 72.39% |
1972 | 4,274,075 | 5,458,757 | 78.30% |
1978 | 4,661,510 | 5,672,168 | 82.18% |
1984 | 4,955,730 | 5,882,461 | 84.25% |
1990 | 5,680,472 | 6,772,648 | 83.87% |
1996 | 5,594,990 | 6,801,562 | 82.26% |
2002 | 5,935,861 | 7,395,591 | 80.26% |
2008 | 6,428,786 | 8,173,552 | 78.65% |
2013 | 6,137,526 | 8,122,422 | 75.56% |
Figure 41
- In 1978, the participation rate rose to 82.18 percent and continued to rise to a peak of 84.25 percent in 1984.
- In 1996, the participation rate of Women Office and Clerical Workers dropped to 82.26 percent and continued to drop to 75.56 percent in 2013.
Table 42 and Figure 42 show the participation rates of Women Craft Workers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 42: Participation of Women Craft Workers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 230,596 | 3,636,566 | 6.34% |
1972 | 290,310 | 4,168,676 | 6.96% |
1978 | 378,470 | 4,400,628 | 8.60% |
1984 | 352,041 | 3,774,802 | 9.33% |
1990 | 389,316 | 3,778,333 | 10.30% |
1996 | 440,578 | 3,734,432 | 11.80% |
2002 | 465,875 | 3,635,789 | 12.81% |
2008 | 344,608 | 3,819,723 | 9.02% |
2013 | 250,147 | 3,439,825 | 7.27% |
Figure 42
- In 1966, Women Craft Workers reported a participation rate of 6.34 percent.
- In 1978, the participation rate rose to 8.60 percent and continued to rise to a peak of 12.81 percent in 2002.
- In 2008, the participation rate of Women Craft Workers dropped to 9.0 percent and continued to drop to 7.27 percent in 2013.
Table 43 and Figure 43 show the participation rates of Women Operatives from 1966 to2013.
Table 43: Participation of Women Operatives
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 1,799,913 | 6,511,872 | 27.64% |
1972 | 2,043,214 | 7,005,360 | 29.17% |
1978 | 2,333,500 | 7,327,819 | 31.84% |
1984 | 2,063,327 | 6,042,013 | 34.15% |
1990 | 1,952,341 | 6,123,371 | 31.88% |
1996 | 1,866,809 | 6,402,279 | 29.16% |
2002 | 1,581,174 | 6,008,154 | 26.32% |
2008 | 1,531,199 | 6,350,661 | 24.11% |
2013 | 1,340,289 | 5,992,058 | 22.37% |
Figure 43
- In 1966, Women Operatives reported a participation rate of 27.64 percent.
- In 1978, the participation rate rose to 31.84 percent and continued to rise to a peak of 34.15 percent in 1984.
- In 1990, the participation rate of Women Operatives dropped to 31.88 percent and continued to drop to 22.37 percent in 2013.
Table 44 and Figure 44 show the participation rates of Women Laborers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 44: Participation of Women Laborers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 592,463 | 2,479,935 | 23.89% |
1972 | 811,683 | 2,828,219 | 28.70% |
1978 | 1,022,106 | 3,014,617 | 33.91% |
1984 | 821,331 | 2,396,617 | 34.27% |
1990 | 957,895 | 2,853,280 | 33.57% |
1996 | 1,117,009 | 3,335,867 | 33.48% |
2002 | 1,234,094 | 3,664,504 | 33.68% |
2008 | 1,531,259 | 4,753,499 | 32.21% |
2013 | 1,296,346 | 4,240,925 | 30.57% |
Figure 44
- In 1966, Women Laborers reported a participation rate of 23.89 percent.
- In 1978, the participation rate rose to 33.91 percent and continued to rise to a peak of 34.27 percent in 1984.
- In 1996, the participation rate of Women Laborers dropped to 33.48 percent, rose slightly to 33.68 percent in 2002, and then continued to drop to 30.57 percent in 2013.
Table 45 and Figure 45 show the participation rates of Women Service Workers from 1966 to 2013.
Table 45: Participation of Women Service Workers
Year | Participation | Total | Rate |
1966 | 848,782 | 1,962,292 | 43.25% |
1972 | 1,196,338 | 2,405,023 | 49.74% |
1978 | 1,839,308 | 3,370,467 | 54.57% |
1984 | 1,889,711 | 3,459,684 | 54.62% |
1990 | 2,535,274 | 4,543,095 | 55.80% |
1996 | 3,189,222 | 5,606,678 | 56.88% |
2002 | 3,802,809 | 6,592,041 | 57.69% |
2008 | 5,585,885 | 9,353,381 | 59.72% |
2013 | 6,030,694 | 10,081,156 | 59.82% |
Figure 45
- In 1966, Women Service Workers reported a participation rate of 43.25 percent.
- In 1978, the participation rate rose to 54.57 percent and continued to rise to 55.80 percent in 1990, 57.69 percent in 2002, and finally to 59.82 percent in 2013.
Appendix A:
For this report, EEOC gathered data for the years 1966 to 2013 in six-year intervals except between 2008 and 2013. The 1966 data is from EEO Report No. 1 "Job Patterns for Minorities and Women in the Private Industry 1966," while the rest of the data is from EEO-1 statistical files (using single establishment reports and the consolidated report for multi-establishment firms). The Executive/Senior level and First/Mid level Officials and Managers job categories were combined after 2007 to match prior years.
The major job categories are listed below including a brief description of the skills required for occupations in each category. The descriptions below are illustrative and not intended to be exhaustive of all job titles in a job category. For more information concerning the job categories see Appendix B.
Executive/Senior Level Officials and Managers: Individuals who plan, direct, and formulate policies, set strategy and provide the overall direction of enterprises/organizations for the development and delivery of products or services, within the parameters approved by boards of directors or other governing bodies.
First/Mid Level Officials and Managers: Individuals who serve as managers, other than those who serve as Executive/Senior Level Officials and Managers, including those who oversee and direct the delivery of products, services, or functions at group, regional, or divisional levels of organizations.
Professionals: Most jobs in this category require bachelor and graduate degrees and/or professional certification. In some instances, comparable experience may establish qualifications.
Technicians: Jobs in this category include activities that require applied scientific skills, usually obtained by post secondary education of varying lengths, depending on the particular occupation, recognizing that in some instances additional training, certification, or comparable experience is required.
Sales Workers: These jobs include non-managerial activities that wholly and primarily involve direct sales.
Administrative Support Workers: These jobs involve non-managerial tasks providing administrative and support assistance, primarily in office settings.
Craft Workers (formerly Craft Workers (Skilled)): Most jobs in this category include higher skilled occupations in construction (building trades craft workers and their formal apprentices) and natural resource extraction workers.
Operatives (formerly Operatives (Semi-skilled)): Most jobs in this category include intermediate skilled occupations and include workers who operate machines or factory-related processing equipment.
Laborers and Helpers (formerly Laborers (Unskilled)): Jobs in this category include workers with more limited skills who require only brief training to perform tasks that require little or no independent judgment.
Service Workers: Jobs in this category include food service, cleaning service, personal service, and protective service activities.
For more detailed information on the data presented in this report and well as other employment surveys collected by EEOC, please refer to for reporting requirements and for the results of these surveys.
[1] The sex and ethnic categories are Male, Female, White (not of Hispanic origin), African American (not of Hispanic origin), Hispanic, Asian American or Pacific Islander (Asian American) and American Indian or Alaskan Native.
[2]The job categories are (1) officials and managers, (2) professionals, (3) technicians, (4) sales workers, (5) office and clerical workers, (6) craft workers, (7) operatives, (8) laborers, and (9) service workers. For more information about the job categories and the EEO-1 survey, please see Appendix A.