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Survey Modernization Payoff Matrix

Figure 2: EEOC Survey System Modernization Work Group Meeting Payoff Matrix.


Matrix Quad What Does EEOC Do Well? What Does EEOC Need to Improve? What does EEOC need to do to make changes in reporting requirements easier to implement? What does EEOC need to do to take advantage of technology?
Quad 1: High Benefit, Least Time Required
  • Responsive
  • Collaborative
  • Proactive
  • It Works
  • This Off-Site
  • Every year vice longer periodicity does not require burden
  • Staging Area / Online (web)
  • Acquisition form on EEOC Website
  • Error Messages
  • MS Excel + XML conversion tool
  • Uploads: See errors, Fix/Edit, Reload
  • Allow for File Upload (Browse User PC)
  • Fix zip code errors
  • Fix NAICS Tables
  • EEOC + OFCCP data to be shared?
  • Allow update of unit numbers
  • Want to see analysis of data from: region, industry, etc.
  • Allow business units to verify online
  • Fix "The" Article
  • Include new category: "Multi-Cultural" or like EEO1
  • Have schools use more of EEO1 categories
  • Define purpose of new race requirements
  • CSV Format
  • FAQs on EEOC Website
  • XML w/ instant validation
Quad 2: High Benefit, Most Time Required  
  • Standardize definition of "Job
  • Data benchmark against peers
  • Overall compensation definition needs to be defined
  • Stats controls required to ensure confidentiality of smaller job categories
  • Tutorial on YouTube
  • Code for HRIS System. One vice two systems (collaborate)
  • Tutorial on EEOC Websites
  • Vote: Changes to ethnicity/race requires SAP/HRIS mods
Quad 3: Low Benefit, Least Time Required  
  • EEOC pay data needs to consider other reports (DoL, OFECP)
  • Change visual ID requirement
  • Give option to "opt out" of self-identification on surveys
Quad 4: Low Benefit, Most Time Required  
  • EEOC + AFF Action Data is inconsistent
  • Do we want to report Salary Ranges?
  • Ability to submit multiple files per location
  • Calculated Field (Mean) easier than Salary Ranges
  • Include Fringe Benefits in Salary Comp. Data
  • Align Requirements with Census, OFCCP, AFF Action
  • Web Service (API) vice Direct Upload (Turbo Tax)