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  3. FACT SHEET: Changes in the Drafting of the FY 2011 Annual Report on the Federal Work Force Part II-- Work Force Statistics

FACT SHEET: Changes in the Drafting of the FY 2011 Annual Report on the Federal Work Force Part II-- Work Force Statistics

Readers/Users must cautiously make any comparisons using FY 2011 senior level pay data and the senior level pay data reported for all previous years. The sources of the FY 2011 senior pay level data are the submitted agency EEO Management Directive 715 (MD-715) Report Tables A-4 & B-4. Previous year senior pay level data came through assistance from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) utilizing an algorithm to secure data from its Central Personnel Data File (CPDF).

We modified labels on many tables to be totally accessible.

Table A-1 - Ten Year Trend Government Wide Employment of Workers in the Federal Work Force - CPDF plus Army Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES), Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Foreign Service, National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC), Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), and the United States Postal Service (USPS).

Tables A-1a and A-1b - Updated with current year data.

Table A-2 - Ten Year Trend: Government Wide Employment of Workers in Senior Pay Level Positions (SPL) - OPM discontinued reporting and calculating with its algorithm senior pay levels and now only reports those employees in the Senior Executive Service (SES) data. Therefore, we created the current year using agencies' submitted MD-715 Report Tables A-4 & B-4 (Perm and Temp) and for those agencies that did not submit the MD-715 Reports, we used CPDF SES data only if available. We did not modify theprevious nine years of data.

Tables A2a and A2b - Updated with current year data using agencies' submitted MD-715 Report Tables A-4 & B-4 (Perm and Temp) and for those agencies that did not submit the MD-715 Reports, we used CPDF SES data only if available.

Table A-3 - Ten Year Trend: Government Wide Employment of Workers in the General Schedule (GS) Pay Systems - OPM discontinued calculating the GS and Related grades. We asked and they agreed to provide the previous the previous nine years of only GS as well as current year. We recalculated all ten years adding FERC and NIGC. We added the reported difference in employee counts for the previous nine years to the previously reported nine years of data for the Other Pay Systems in Table A-5.

Tables A-3a and A-3b - We also modified to reflect only GS numbers for the previous four years.

Table A-4 - Ten Year Trend: Government Wide Employment of Workers in the Federal Wage System (FWS) Positions - Updated with current year data.

Table A-5 - Ten Year Trend: Government Wide Employment of Workers in Other Pay Systems (OPS) Work Force - As mentioned above the previous nine years were modified to reflect the previously reported Related employees from the previous GS and Related numbers. The current year A-5 table was created by adding the Senior pay (Table A-2), the GS (Table A-3) and the FWS (Table A-4) numbers and subtracting them from the Total numbers (Table A-1).

Table A-6 - Ten Year Trend: Government Wide Employment of Individuals With Targeted Disabilities - Updated with current year data.

Table A-6a - Government-Wide Employment of Individuals with Disabilities - By Grade Level and Pay Plan - OPM did not provide the data for this table so the Table is not in the FY 2011 Annual Report.

Tables A-6b and A-6c - Updated with current year data.

Table A-6d - Five Year Distribution Across Grade Ranges - General Schedule (GS) - OPM only provided data for the current year and did not provide the previous four years of data in this format.

All tables and figures displaying previous years' data reflect the Table data changes reflected above as well.

The agency Profiles also reflect the new numbers. OPM no longer reports Senior Level Management Officials numbers, (algorithm no longer used). We derived the senior management official numbers for the agency profiles from the submitted agency MD-715 Report Table A-3s.