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Selected List of Pending and Resolved Cases Involving Farmworkers from 1999 to the Present

(As of October 2015)



County Fair Farms: (D. Me.) filed on 10/21/14 by New York District Office

EEOC ALLEGES… Charging party and a class of female farmworkers were groped, repeatedly propositioned for sex and subjected to lewd comments about their bodies by their supervisors and male co-workers while working at County Fair Farm because of their gender, in violation of Title VII. Despite repeated complaints, County Fair Farms failed to take any action to correct the hostile work environment. Instead, the women were subjected to retaliation, including termination and constructive discharge. 

J&R Baker Farms LLC and J&R Baker Farms Partnership: (M.D. Ga.) filed on 8/28/14 by Atlanta District Office

EEOC ALLEGES… Charging parties, a class of white and African-American farm workers, were discriminatorily discharged, given fewer work opportunities, and subjected to different terms and conditions of employment because of their race and national origin. These practices led to American workers earning less pay than their foreign born counterparts.



Smokin' Spuds, Inc. d/b/a MountainKing Potatoes, and Farming Technology, Inc.: (D. Colo.) resolved on 10/7/15 by Phoenix District Office.

EEOC ALLEGED... Charging parties, a class of female Hispanic farmworkers, were subjected to sexual harassment by managers, including but not limited to sexual touching, comments, gestures, and sexual propositions. They were also subjected to retaliatory conduct, including termination, for reporting harassment.

CONSENT DECREE: $450,000 for 13 women and injunctive relief, including extensive training for all employees on employment discrimination laws; letters of regret to the affected women; posting a notice regarding employees' rights to be free of harassment and retaliation; distribution of EEO policies, including in Spanish; and establishing a consent decree monitor with various oversight responsibilities.

Moreno Farms, Inc.: (S.D. Fla.) resolved on 9/10/15 by jury verdict - Miami District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... Charging parties, female Hispanic farmworkers, were subjected to egregious sexual harassment, including rape by two sons of the owner of Moreno Farms and a third male supervisor. The sexual harassment included regular groping, propositions, and threats of firing if they refused sexual advances. All five women were fired for opposing the sexual harassment.

JURY VERDICT: $17,425,000 - A unanimous jury verdict awarded $2,425,000 in compensatory damages and $15 million in punitive damages to the five former female employees. The case went to trial on damages after a default judgment entered for EEOC.  

Zoria Foods, Inc. Z foods: (E.D. Cal.) resolved on 6/23/15 by Los Angeles District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... At least four Latina female farmworkers, were subjected to sexual harassment in the form of sexual comments, leering, hugging, kissing, requests for dates or sex, and unwelcome physical acts. The workers reported the harassment and the company failed to take immediate, corrective action to end and prevent future unlawful conduct.

CONSENT DECREE: $330, 000 and injunctive relief should the company reopen.

Tiny's Organics LLC: (E.D. Wash.) resolved on 5/4/15 by San Francisco District Office
EEOC ALLEGED... Charging party, a pregnant farmworker, was fired nine days after disclosing to the company that she was pregnant with twins in violation of Title VII. She was fired despite the fact that her doctor had cleared her to work with no restrictions.

CONSENT DECREE: $17, 500 and injunctive relief, including modification of anti-discrimination policy and annual training to all management and staff in both English and Spanish.

Windmill Farms Nursery, Inc.: (M.D. Fla.) resolved on 2/27/15 by Miami District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... Charging parties, female Hispanic farmworkers, were subjected to sexual harassment by a supervisor including propositions, sexual touching, and one woman was fired for rejecting the supervisor's advances.

CONSENT DECREE: $40,000 plus injunctive relief.


Global Horizons, et. al. (Mac Farms of Hawaii, LLC (nka MF Nut Co., LLC); Kauai Coffee Company, Inc., (nka McBryde Resources, Inc.), Kelena Farms, Inc. and Captain Cook Coffee Company, Ltd.): (D. Haw.) resolved on 9/5/2014 by Los Angeles District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... A class of Thai farmworkers were trafficked to the U.S. under H2-A visas and subjected to deplorable working conditions, including but not limited to harassment, lower wages, prohibited from leaving farm, threats of deportation. Defendant, a farm labor contractor and several farms, also retaliated against the workers, some of whom subsequently escaped and sought help.

CONSENT DECREE: $2.4 million in monetary damages (that does not include the $1.2 million in a prior settlement from one defendant) and sweeping injunctive relief that includes disseminating information to staff and supervisors about prohibiting discrimination, extensive training programs for management, audits to ensure compliance, and reports to EEOC.

In addition, the court found the labor contractor, Global Horizons, liable for pattern or practice of harassing, discriminating, and retaliating against hundreds of Thai workers. (See EEOC v. Global Horizons, 7 F. Supp. 3d 1053 (D. Haw., Mar. 2014)). Then in December 2014, the court entered Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law against Global and Maui Pineapple. 2014 WL 7338725 (D. Haw., Dec. 2014). The court entered a default judgment against Global and Maui Pineapple, finding them jointly liable for $8.7 million in damages.

Roy Farms, Inc: (E.D. Wash.) resolved on 2/28/14 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... Charging party and a class of Latino farmworkers, were subjected to sexual harassment including but not limited to sexual and threatening comments, sexual touching and other conduct by their male supervisor. Despite complaints to management, no action was taken by Defendant. Ultimately, charging party was forced to quit because he feared for his physical safety.

CONSENT DECREE: $85,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief.


Global Horizons, et. al.: Del Monte Fresh Produce: (D. Haw.) resolved on 11/18/13 by Los Angeles District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... A class of Thai farmworkers were trafficked to the U.S. under H2-A visas and subjected to deplorable working conditions, including but not limited to harassment, lower wages, prohibited from leaving farm, threats of deportation. Defendant, a farm labor contractor and several farms including Del Monte, also retaliated against the workers, some of whom subsequently escaped and sought help.

CONSENT DECREE: Del Monte Fresh Produce will pay $1.2 million in monetary damages and agreed to injunctive relief, including but not limited to issuance of EEO policies written in Thai and other native languages of guest workers, designation of a compliance officer to oversee compliance with Title VII.

National Food Corp.: (E.D. Wash.) resolved on 5/15/13 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... Charging party, a Latina farmworker, was subjected to sexual harassment, including but not limited to demands for sex, by the farm manager. She and a class of Latino workers reported the harassment and were subsequently retaliated against either by being terminated or constructively discharged. Defendant, a major supplier of eggs to the Pacific Northwest and Midwest United States as well as East Asia, failed to take action to stop the harassment and discriminatory conduct.

CONSENT DECREE: $650,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief, including but not limited to issuance of EEO policies in English and Spanish to employees in Washington and South Dakota, establishment of toll free number for employee complaints, and training for managers. 

River Point Farms: (D. Or.) resolved on 5/13/13 by San Francisco District Office
EEOC ALLEGED... A Latina farmworker was subjected to sexual harassment, including but not limited to sexual comments and requests for sexual favors, by her supervisor. The supervisor also encouraged the charging party's husband to engage in domestic abuse, culminating in his publically encouraging the woman's husband to kill her. After her husband did try to kill her, the supervisor blamed her for causing her husband's arrest and fired her. Although Defendant, largest onion grower in the U.S., rehired charging party after her termination, it subsequently laid her off and failed to rehire her in retaliation for her complaints of harassment.

CONSENT DECREE: $150,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief, including but not limited to establishment of toll free number for employee complaints, issuance of EEO policies in English and Spanish, and EEO training of all employees.

Evans Fruit Company: (E.D. Wash.) Jury Verdict and Summary Judgment for Defendant (San Francisco District Office)

EEOC ALLEGED… Charging Parties and a class of farmworker women were subjected to sexual harassment by the ranch manager and crew leaders of Defendant's apple orchards. They were forced to resign due to the ongoing sexual harassment, which included physical groping and propositioning. Defendant also retaliated against former and current employees who assisted EEOC in its investigation and lawsuit.

DISCOVERY ISSUES: June 2010 : Court granted TRO against Defendant, supervisor(s) and agents. October 2010: Court granted a preliminary injunction finding EEOC September 2011: EEOC filed retaliation lawsuit.

JURY VERDICT: Jury Verdict for Defendant on 4/3/13. Summary judgment granted to Defendant in retaliation lawsuit (4/19/13). EEOC is considering appeal options.

Spud Seller, Inc.: (D. Colo.) resolved on 3/15/13 by Phoenix District Office
EEOC ALLEGED... A class of farmworker women were subjected to sexual harassment by their supervisor including but not limited to sexual comments, requests for sexual favors, and sexual physical gestures. Despite being put on notice of the harassment, Defendant, a potato wholesaler in the San Luis Valley of southern Colorado, failed to take corrective action.

CONSENT DECREE: $255,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief.


Hamilton Growers, Inc.: (S.D. Ga.) resolved on 12/10/12 by Atlanta District Office.

EEOC ALLEGED... Charging Parties are African American seasonal workers who were subjected to discrimination based upon their national origin and/or race. The agency allegedly fired all American workers but retained all Mexican workers during the 2009, 2010 and 2011 growing seasons. Some of these firing were coupled with race-based comments by management officials. The Parties also complain that they were given lesser job opportunities which resulted in lower pay.

CONSENT DECREE: $500,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief, including but not limited to implementing non-discriminatory hiring policies, targeted recruitment, appointment of a compliance official, and establishment of a termination appeal process.

Constellation Wines U.S., Inc., d/b/a Dunnewood Vineyards: (N.D. Cal.) resolved 10/3/12 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... Charging party and a class of Mexican-born winery workers were subjected to national origin harassment, including but not limited to derogatory comments such as "wetbacks" and "beaners" and comments to "go back to Mexico" by their supervisor. Although the supervisor was also Latino, he was born in the U.S. while the workers he harassed were born in Mexico.
CONSENT DECREE: $75,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief, including but not limited to training and distribution of anti-harassment policy in English and Spanish.

DiMare Ruskin, Inc:  (M.D. Fla.) resolved on 7/16/12 by Miami District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... Charging Parties, two female Latina farmworkers, were subjected to sexual harassment by their supervisor, including but not limited to vulgar and unwelcome sexual comments, groping and forcibly attempting to kiss the female employees. Defendant, a large tomato grower and produce provider with operations in Florida, California and several other states, terminated the employees in retaliation for rejecting the supervisors' sexual advances.
CONSENT DECREE: $150,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief. 

Giumarra Vineyards: (E.D. Cal.) resolved on 7/2/12 by Los Angeles District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... Charging Party, a 17-year-old female migrant farmworker, was subjected to sexual advances, including sexually inappropriate touching, abusive and offensive sexual comments by a male co-worker. Defendant, one of the largest growers of table grapes in the nation, subsequently retaliated against a class of farmworkers who attempted to help Charging Party. The claimants in the case are Tarascan (otherwise known as P'urhépecha) and Zapotec which are indigenous groups in Mexico, a minority among the farmworker community.

CONSENT DECREE: $350,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief, including but not limited to hiring a third-party trainer to conduct EEO training in a language other than English.

Mid Valley Farm Labor Services, Inc.: (N.D. Cal.) resolved on 5/14/12 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... Charging Parties, female farmworkers employed in grape vineyards, were discriminated on the basis of sex when subjected to sexually explicit language and propositions by male crew supervisor. The Charging Parties were fired in retaliation for complaining of harassment.

CONSENT DECREE: $150,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief.


Monterey Gourmet Foods: (N.D. Cal.) resolved 5/24/11 by San Francisco District Office
EEOC ALLEGED… Four Latino employees, three women and one man, who worked as packers in the lasagna, tamale and ravioli production units for several years faced sexual harassment from the same male supervisor. The harassment included sexual comments, texting obscene pictures, and unwanted physical touching. Despite reporting the harassment to management and human resources department, Defendant failed to take prompt and effective corrective action. All four workers were discharged or laid off just weeks after two of them filed discrimination charges with EEOC.

CONSENT DECREE: $535,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief.

Willamette Tree Wholesale: (D. Or.) resolved 4/21/11 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... Charging Parties, Latina/o farmworkers, were subjected to extreme sexual harassment by the farm supervisor and crew leader, including sexual assault, threats of bodily harm, graphic sexual comments, proposition and groping. Defendant retaliated against Charging Parties by terminating their employment.

Discovery Issues: During litigation, Defendant filed Motion for Partial Summary Judgment against one of the claimants arguing she failed to file an EEOC charge of discrimination within the 300-day time limit prescribed by law. (Claim filed 362 days). Court denied motion and found "equitable tolling" on the grounds that the company could not benefit from the trauma caused by the multiple rapes and threats to the claimant and her siblings. See 2011 WL 886402 (D. Or. March 2011).
CONSENT DECREE: $150,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief.

Adams Brothers Farming, Inc.: (C.D. Cal.) resolved 4/14/11 by Los Angeles District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... A female Hispanic vegetable packer was subjected to groping and lewd gestures by her male supervisor. The teen was subsequently fired in retaliation for complaining of sexual harassment. The teen reported the harassment to a foreman and was subsequently transferred, disciplined and fired within two weeks of complaint in June 2006.

CONSENT DECREE: $27,500 in monetary damages (i.e. $20,000 to Charging Party and $7,500 to Proteus Inc., a non-profit worker procurement and training firm) and injunctive relief.

Cyma Orchids d/b/a Taean Orchids and Taean Orchids USA: (C.D. Cal.) resolved on 12/1/11 by Los Angeles District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... A class of Latina greenhouse workers was subjected to sexual and national origin (Mexican) harassment at Defendant's orchid farms by supervisors, managers and owners. The harassment consisted of groping, unwanted touching of breasts and buttocks, repeated propositions, sexual jokes as well as reference to Mexican women as being "lazy" and "do not know their place" among other things. Additionally, workers who complained about the harassment were retaliated against, including being terminated for opposing the discrimination.

CONSENT DECREE: $240,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief, including but not limited to the appointment of an EEO coordinator to ensure all staff is trained on EEO rights and responsibilities.

Holiday Specialtrees, LLC: (D. Or.) resolved 9/12/11 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED… Charging Parties, two male employees, were subjected to a hostile work environment because of their national origin (Mixtec) and sex (male). Defendant, a Christmas tree farm, through one of its supervisors, called Charging Parties "damn Indian dogs" and "scabby dogs" and forbade them from speaking their native language (Mixteco). Also, the supervisor groped one Charging Party, made sexually degrading comments to him and co-workers exposed themselves to Charging Parties.

CONSENT DECREE: $110,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief.

LFC Agricultural Services, Inc. et al.: (M.D. Fla.) resolved 5/31/11 by Miami District Office

EEOC ALLEGED… A class of Haitian production workers were subjected to a hostile work environment and disparate treatment based on their race (Black) and/or national origin (Haitian). Managers and employees called Charging Parties "stupid," "cannibals," and "pinche [f-----g] Haitian." Defendant, a tomato growing, packing, and distributing company, also retaliated against the class of workers by disciplining, terminating/constructive discharge.

CONSENT DECREE: $84,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief.

Fisher Nut Company, Inc.: (E.D. Cal.) resolved 5/6/11 by San Francisco District Office
EEOC ALLEGED... A class of Latina employees was subjected to retaliation by Defendant, an almond processor, after participating in discrimination claim filed with EEOC. The retaliation consisted of demotion, hyper-scrutiny of work, transfer to less desirable job positions and termination.

CONSENT DECREE: $150,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief.


La Pianta, L.L.C d/b/a Frenchman Hills Vineyard: (E.D. Wash.) resolved 10/12/10 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... A Latina farmworker was subjected to sexual harassment, including touching, demands for sexual favors, intimidation, isolation, and crude sexual comments, by the farm manager and was forced to quit in order to escape the harassment.
CONSENT DECREE: $33,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief.

Hilltown Packing Co.: (N.D. Cal.) resolved 7/ 21/ 10 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... Charging party and a class of Latina farmworkers were sexually harassed by their supervisor and then retaliated against when they opposed the harassment. The harassment consisted of sexual comments, propositions and touching. Defendant, a broccoli packer, retaliated by not rehiring the women the following season.
CONSENT DECREE: $48,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief.

Knouse Foods Cooperative, Inc.: (M.D. Pa.) resolved 7/22/10 by Philadelphia District Office
EEOC ALLEGED... A class of Mexican female employees was subjected to pervasive harassment based on sex and national origin. Male coworkers made sexual advances, requested the women expose themselves, asked them on dates, made vulgar sexual comments, called them "dumb" or "stupid" Mexicans. Defendant, a major farm growers' cooperative, also subjected Charging Parties to unfair discipline, reassignments, and termination in retaliation for complaining of discrimination.

CONSENT DECREE: $300,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief.


Schiemer Farms: (D. Or.) resolved 11/3/09 by San Francisco District Office
EEOC ALLEGED... Two Latina farmworkers were subjected to graphic sexual remarks and unwelcome physical contact of a sexual nature in front of other employees, and retaliated against for complaining.

CONSENT DECREE: $14,500 in monetary damages and injunctive relief.

Wilcox Farms, Inc.: (D. Or.) resolved 8/18/09 by San Francisco District Office
EEOC ALLEGED... A Latina worker was subjected to severe sexual harassment (touching, grabbing, kissing, demands for sexual favors, etc.) by her supervisor and retaliated against after she complained leading to her constructive discharge.

CONSENT DECREE: $260,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief.


Kovacevich 5 Farms: (E.D. Cal.) resolved 12/3/2008 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... A class of farmworker women was denied a job by Defendant, a grower of table grapes, because of their sex. Further investigation revealed that Defendant had hired zero women between 1998 and 2002 despite filling approximately 300 seasonal farm work positions every year.

CONSENT DECREE: $1,680,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief, including but not limited to defined goals and timetables for the hiring of women, training and distribution of anti-discrimination policy in both English and Spanish to all employees.


Leo Gentry Wholesale Nursery: (D. Or.) resolved 11/19/07 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... After nearly eight years working for her employer, a Latina employee was fired after she complained about sexual harassment by her immediate supervisor, who asked her out on dates more than a dozen times but refused her requests to stop the unwanted approaches.

CONSENT DECREE: $65,000 in monetary damages and injuctive relief.

Woodburn Fertilizer (Wilbur Ellis): (D. Or.) resolved 2/28/2007 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... After ten years of service, an accounting secretary, white/mid fifties, suffered harassment and unequal treatment because of her age.

CONSENT DECREE: $85,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief.

Grimmway Farms and Esparza Enterprises: (E.D. Cal.) resolved 11/15/07 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... Latina farmworker employed by labor contractor and placed at large agricultural employer was sexually harassed (touching, grabbing, attempts to force oral sex, demands for sexual favors, exposure of genitals, etc.) by a supervisor and terminated in retaliation after she rejected her supervisor's sexual advances and complained.

CONSENT DECREE: $175,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief.

Remo's Mushroom Services, Inc.: (E.D. Pa.) resolved 3/15/07 by Philadelphia District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... A class of Mexican workers was subjected to intimidation and harassment based on their national origin as well as retaliatory intimidation, discipline, and discharge.

CONSENT DECREE: $25,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief. 

Gargiulo, Inc.: (M.D. Fla.) resolved 1/22/07 by Miami District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... A class of Haitan farmworker women was subjected to sexual harassment, including requests for sex, offensive sexual remarks and physical touching by their supervisor. The women, who worked as tomato graders, rejected the supervisor's advances and were subsequently subjected to retaliation, including suspended without pay, subjected to adverse working conditions and either fired or not rehired for a new packing season. Defendant, one of the largest fruit and vegetable wholesalers in Florida, failed to take corrective action despite complaints.

CONSENT DECREE: $215,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief, including but not limited to implementation of EEO policy in English, Spanish and Creole and establishment of complaint procedure which makes available interpreters who speak Creole and Spanish.


Vasquez Brothers d/b/a Central Coast Packing: (N.D. Cal.) resolved 10/5/06 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... A Latina broccoli packer, was subjected to sexual harassment, including groping, sexual comments and propositions on a daily basis by her supervisor. Charging party was terminated in retaliation for refusing her supervisor's advances.

CONSENT DECREE: $42,000 in monetary damages and injuctive relief, including but not limited to issuance of EEO policy in English and Spanish.

Labor Ready and IFA Nurseries: (W.D. Wash.) resolved 6/22/06 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... Charging party was subjected to sexual harassment and subsequently terminated in retaliation for complaining of discrimination. Defendant also retaliated by interfering in charging party's subsequent employment.

CONSENT DECREE: $36,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief.

Porpiglia Farms, Inc.: (N.D. N.Y.) resolved 12/20/06 by New York District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... A class of Jamaican farmworkers were subjected to harassment based on their race (Black) and national origin (Jamaica). The harassment included but was not limited to the packing shed supervisor calling claimants "Jamaican pigs," "boys," "cocksuckers," "N----rs."

CONSENT DECREE: $100,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief.


Rivera Vineyards, Inc.: (C.D. Cal.) resolved 6/14/05 by Los Angeles District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... A class of Latino farmworkers, mostly women, were subjected to sexual harassment, including rape, touching, groping, breast grabbing, leering, and derogatory comments. The Commission further alleged that a class of workers who were fired and not hired back after opposing the harassment and a class of women were denied certain job opportunities in positions of pruning, vine tying, girdling, swamping (loading field trucks) and irrigating. Defendant, one of the largest growers and packers of table grapes in California's Coachella Valley, denied the allegations.

CONSENT DECREE: $1,050,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief, including but not limited to reinstatement, hiring goals for positions not open to women and training.

Harris Farms: (E.D. Cal.) $994,000 jury verdict 1/21/05 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... Charging Party, Mexican female farmworker, was subjected to egregious sexual harassment, including but not limited to rapes, propositions and verbal sexual comments by her supervisor. Jury agreed with EEOC and found Charging Party was subjected to hostile work environment. Jury also found that Defendant retaliated against Charging Party leading to her constructive discharge. $500,000 was awarded for punitive damages (reduced to $300,000 due to statutory caps).

JURY VERDICT: Verdict $994,000 (2005); injunctive relief

9th circuit: Affirmed jury verdict.


Fresh Express, Inc.: (N.D. Cal.) resolved 5/10/04 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... Mexican farmworker employed by large lettuce company was sexually harassed, including touching, grabbing, demands for sexual favors, by supervisor and co-workers and then retaliated against after she rejected her supervisor's sexual advances.

CONSENT DECREE: Settled for injunctive relief. Charging Party, as intervenor, entered into confidential settlement agreement.

Prima Frutta Packing, Inc., et al.: (N.D. Cal.) resolved 4/19/04 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... A class of Mexican and other Latino workers were subjected to harassment because of their gender and/or national origin by management. One of the employees was terminated in retaliation for protesting the harassment. Defendant, a supplier of cherries and apples, failed to properly investigate or take immediate remedial or disciplinary action.

CONSENT DECREE: $235,000 in monetary damages (13 workers) and injunctive relief, including but not limited to distribution of EEO policy with complaint procedures accessible to employees in English and Spanish, requirement that labor contractors must have an EEO policy and reporting procedure.

EEOC v. Sun Pacific Shippers, Inc. et. al.: (N.D. Cal.) resolved 6/9/05 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... Latina worker employed by large agricultural employer was sexually harassed (constant demands for sexual favors, etc.) by plant manager.

CONSENT DECREE: $45,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief.


R.C. Packing Company: (N.D. Cal.) resolved 5/8/03 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... Latina farmworker employed by harvesting/packing company was sexually harassed, including but not limited to demands for sexual favors and sexual comments by her supervisor. After complaining of harassment, she was retaliated by Defendant.

CONSENT DECREE: $51,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief. 

ConAgra Foods & Gilroy Foods (settled pre-litigation) voluntary agreement 2003 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... EEOC determined that workers who were on leaves of absence at the time of the purchase of the company by ConAgra and those who had medical records of impairment or illness were denied employment were denied hire, in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

AGREEMENT: May 2003 (No lawsuit filed) $993,500 and job offers (estimated value of $500,000) for 39 workers.


Iowa AG, LLC and Decoster Farms of Iowa: (N.D. Iowa) resolved 10/02/02 by Chicago District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... Mexican female employees at a poultry and egg processing plant were raped by their supervisors and so intimidated that they were afraid to cooperate with EEOC's investigation into widespread sexual assault, also including rape.

CONSENT DECREE: $1.525 million in monetary damages and injunctive relief.

EEOC v. Coastal Valley Management, Inc.: (N.D. Cal.) resolved 5/23/02 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... A class of Latina farmworkers were sexually harassed by the HR manager and then terminated after they complained to management.

CONSENT DECREE: $200,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief.


EEOC v. SunMet Agricultural, Inc.: (E.D. Cal.) resolved 9/10/01 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... Latina employee was subjected to sexual harassment and retaliation.

CONSENT DECREE: $45,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief.

Golden Valley Produce and W.M. Bolthouse Farms: (E.D. Cal.) resolved 6/25/01 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... Two Latina farmworkers were sexually harassed and then terminated immediately after they complained to management.

CONSENT DECREE: $150,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief.


C&M Packing, Inc. d/b/a Fresh West Harvesting, and Inocente Morales: (N.D. Cal.) resolved 3/2/99 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... Two Latina farmworkers were sexually harassed, creating a hostile work environment. Also, the company retaliated against the women with altered terms and conditions of employment and termination.

CONSENT DECREE: $90,000 in monetary damages and injunctive relief. 

EEOC v. Tanimura & Antle, Inc.: (N.D. Cal.) resolved 2/9/99 by San Francisco District Office

EEOC ALLEGED... Blanca Alfaro, Salvadoran farmworker, was subjected to quid pro quo sexual harassment i.e. required sexual favors as a condition for employment and the receipt of job benefits, as well as constant unwelcome sexual advances and comments by several supervisor. In addition, a class of Latino/a farmworkers were sexually harassed and/or retaliated against for protesting harassment by supervisory officials of Tanimura & Antle, the largest lettuce grower in the U.S.

CONSENT DECREE: $1.855 million in monetary damages and injunctive relief, including but not limited to termination of lead harasser, and suspension of co-harasser as well as mandatory training for all employees.