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MD715-2011 Part I-1-2

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
MD715 - 2011

PART I.1 - Agency EEO Plan to Eliminate Identified Barrier

Under Statement of Condition that was a Trigger for a Potential Barrier, the database will accept 100 characters for Row within Identified Workforce Data Table and 500 characters within Narrative Description of Trigger.

Under Sources of Data, the database will accept up to 1,000 characters within Identify Information Collected.

Under Statement of Identified Barrier(s), the database will accept up to 1,000 characters within Descrption of Policy, Procedure, or Practice.

Under Objective(s) and Dates for EEO Plan, the database will accept up to 6 rows and up to 200 characters within Objective..

Under Responsible Official(s), the database will accept up to 20 rows and up to 100 characters within Title and Name.

Under Planned Activities, the database will accept up to 40 rows and up to 100 characters within Planned Activities.

Under Report of Accomplishments and Modifications to Objective, the database will accept up to 5,000 characters.

Statement of Condition That Was a Trigger for a Potential Barrier: 

Source of the Trigger Specific Workforce Data Table (if applicable) Row within Identified Workforce Data Table (if applicable) Narrative Description of Trigger
Workforce Data Tables (See tables below) Table A3/B3 There is a lack of diversity in SES and senior grade positions in the Agency

EEO Group(s) Affected by Trigger 

EEO Group Affected By Trigger?
All Men No
All Women No
Hispanic or Latino Males Yes
Hispanic or Latino Females Yes
White Males No
White Females Yes
Black or African American Males Yes
Black or African American Females No
Asian Males Yes
Asian Females Yes
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Males No
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Females No
American Indian or Alaska Native Males No
American Indian or Alaska Native Females No
Two or More Races Males No
Two or More Races Females No
Individuals with Targeted Disabilities No

Barrier Analysis Process

Sources of Data Has Source Been Reviewed? Identify Information Collected
Workforce Data Tables Reviewed Yes Reviewed A1, A3, A11 and A12 tables. We looked at the participation rates in A1 and A3 compared to permanent workforce. And reviewed the relevant applicant pool for career development programs and selectees for those programs. Career Development programs were only offered for SES in FY2011. Out of the six that applied to the career development program, only four were accepted to participate. They were comprised of two white males, one white female and one black female.
Complaint Data (i.e., Trends, Findings of Discrimination, etc.) Yes The complaint data did not provide any substantial information related to senior grades or SES positions.
Grievance Data No
Climate Assessment Survey Yes No significant information provided in this report as it relates to the lack of diversity in senior grades and SES positions.
Exit Interview Data No
Interviews No
Applicable Policies and Procedures Yes
Reports (OIG, EEOC, MSPB, GAO, etc.) No
Other (Please Describe) No

Status of Barrier Analysis Process 

Barrier Analysis Process Completed? Barrier(s) Identified?
No No

Objective(s) and Dates for EEO Plan 

Objective Date Objective Initiated (mm/dd/yyyy) Target Date for Completion of Objective (mm/dd/yyyy) Date Objective Completed (mm/dd/yyyy)
For the next reporting period, we will continue to work with OHR to gain access to the applicant flow data and exit interviews. 02/10/2012 09/30/2012

Responsible Official(s)

Title Name
Director, Office of Equal Opportunity Matthew Murphy

Planned Activities Toward Completion of Objective 

Planned Activities Target Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Modified Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Completed? Completion Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Analyze New Hires data 02/10/2012 Yes 02/13/2012
Review Applicant Data 09/30/2012 No

Report of Accomplishments and Modifications to Objective 

Three year trend analysis completed on hires by ethnicity and gender by grade and position. Without applicant flow data, it is difficult to determine where the barrier lies. We will continue to review hiring data and will analyze applicant flow data when available. In addition, outreach activities will continue to the affected groups with the anticipation of broadening the applicant pool. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

MD715 - 2011

PART I.2 - Agency EEO Plan to Eliminate Identified Barrier

Under Statement of Condition that was a Trigger for a Potential Barrier, the database will accept 100 characters for Row within Identified Workforce Data Table and 500 characters within Narrative Description of Trigger.

Under Sources of Data, the database will accept up to 1,000 characters within Identify Information Collected.

Under Statement of Identified Barrier(s), the database will accept up to 1,000 characters within Descrption of Policy, Procedure, or Practice.

Under Objective(s) and Dates for EEO Plan, the database will accept up to 6 rows and up to 200 characters within Objective..

Under Responsible Official(s), the database will accept up to 20 rows and up to 100 characters within Title and Name.

Under Planned Activities, the database will accept up to 40 rows and up to 100 characters within Planned Activities.

Under Report of Accomplishments and Modifications to Objective, the database will accept up to 5,000 characters.

Statement of Condition That Was a Trigger for a Potential Barrier: 

Source of the Trigger Specific Workforce Data Table (if applicable) Row within Identified Workforce Data Table (if applicable) Narrative Description of Trigger
Workforce Data Tables (See tables below) Table A13/B13 36 A review of FY2010 Quality Step Increase awards revealed that the number of awards received by Black males and Black females were lower than one would expect given their overall participation in the permanent workforce.

EEO Group(s) Affected by Trigger

  Asian Males
EEO Group Affected By Trigger?
All Men
All Women
Hispanic or Latino Males
Hispanic or Latino Females
White Males
White Females
Black or African American Males Yes
Black or African American Females Yes
Asian Females
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Males
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Females
American Indian or Alaska Native Males
American Indian or Alaska Native Females
Two or More Races Males
Two or More Races Females
Individuals with Targeted Disabilities

Barrier Analysis Process

Sources of Data Has Source Been Reviewed? Identify Information Collected
Workforce Data Tables Reviewed Yes FY2011 data revealed lower rate of awards compared with participation rate
Complaint Data (i.e., Trends, Findings of Discrimination, etc.) Yes 462 report revealed no complaints filed
Grievance Data No
Climate Assessment Survey No
Exit Interview Data No
Interviews No
Applicable Policies and Procedures Yes
Reports (OIG, EEOC, MSPB, GAO, etc.) No
Other (Please Describe) Yes Performance rating data reviewed

Status of Barrier Analysis Process 

Barrier Analysis Process Completed? Barrier(s) Identified?
Yes No

Statement of Identified Barrier(s) 

Types of Barrier Description of Policy, Procedure, or Practice
Award Process Initially identified as a barrier in 2010, further review of data reveals that there is no barrier within the awards category, specifically, QSI's.

Responsible Official(s)

Title Name
Director, Office of Equal Opportunity Matthew Murphy

Planned Activities Toward Completion of Objective 

Planned Activities Target Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Modified Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Completed? Completion Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Review FY 2010 end of year data for improvement in the number of QSIs received by Black males and Black females with a focus on those employees eligible for QSIs. 10/31/2011 Yes 10/31/2011
If necessary, in coordination with Office of Human Resources and Headquarters and Field managers, develop and issue guidance on factors to consider when awarding QSI's. 10/31/2011 Yes 10/31/2011
OEO will coordinate with Human Resources to include training on the awards program as part of new managers and supervisors training. 09/30/2011 Yes 09/30/2011

Report of Accomplishments and Modifications to Objective 

In FY 2011, the percentage of Black females receiving QSI awards increased to 36.36%.   With respect to Black males, the percentage of QSIs awarded in FY2011 increased to 10.91%, which is more in line with what would be expected. Performance rating data was reviewed and found to correlate with QSIs awarded in FY2011.

At this time, we are retiring this issue. However, we will continue to watch for any significant changes.