EEOC'S Charlotte District Office and Mexican Consulate Sign Historic Outreach Agreement
Agreement Establishes Ongoing Collaborative Relationship Between the Two Entities
RALEIGH, N.C. -- The Charlotte District Office of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the consulate of Mexico in Raleigh, N.C., today. The agreement establishes an ongoing collaborative relationship between these two entities to provide Mexican nationals with information, guidance, and access to resources on the prevention of discrimination in the workplace. Mexican Consul General Javier Díaz de León and Reuben Daniels Jr., Director of the EEOC's Charlotte District Office, signed the agreement.
The Mexican Consulate in Raleigh provides services to preserve the rights of Mexican nationals. The EEOC's Charlotte District Office enforces federal employment discrimination laws and has jurisdiction over North Carolina and parts of South Carolina and Virginia.
"This agreement promotes a key objective of the EEOC Strategic Enforcement Plan that includes protecting the rights of immigrant, migrant and other vulnerable workers," said Director Daniels. "This includes assuring non-discrimination in hiring, discipline, discharge or other terms and conditions of employment. Our investigators and attorneys welcome the opportunity to work with the consulate to protect the rights of Mexican nationals. We will also use this opportunity to assist victims of human trafficking whenever possible."
Under the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding, the EEOC will expand its cooperation with the Mexican Consulate. The federal agency will provide the consulate with educational materials explaining the laws enforced by the EEOC, as well as disseminate compliance and educational materials to the consulate's constituency. The agency will also conduct a minimum of two information forums during the first year and set up a system for consular contact with Mexican nationals who have returned to Mexico and are owed monetary compensation that EEOC has collected from the responsible employers.
The EEOC and the Mexican consulate will work together to launch an educational program aimed at making Mexican nationals aware of applicable workplace laws and regulations and establish a system for referring complaints to the EEOC.
The EEOC is responsible for enforcing federal laws prohibiting discrimination in employment. Further information about the agency is available on its website at in both English and Spanish or by calling its toll free number at 1-800-669-4000. EEOC's toll free TTY number is 1-800-669-6820.