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Mostrando 409 - 432 de 1972 resultados for 'laws practices'

Press release

Cooper Machine Company to Pay $20,000 to Settle Disability Discrimination Lawsuit

Cooper Machine Company, Inc., a Wadley, Ga., company that sells and manufactures equipment used in the sawmill industry, will pay $20,000 and provide other relief to settle a federal disability discrimination lawsuit filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the agency announced today.
April 25, 2019

Press release

Safeway to Pay $75,000 to Settle EEOC Disability Discrimination Lawsuit

National grocery store chain Safeway, Inc. will pay $75,000 and make significant changes to its policies and hiring practices to resolve a disability discrimination lawsuit filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency announced today.
April 19, 2019

Press release

Leaders Representing Industries and Associations Join EEOC for Roundtable Discussion on Harassment Prevention

Today the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) convened an "Industry Leaders Roundtable Discussion on Harassment Prevention."  The Roundtable continues the EEOC's efforts to lead harassment prevention efforts, including two Commission meetings and a Reconvening of the Select Task Force in the wake of the #MeToo movement.  The roundtable will inform strategies for the next generation of issues flowing from the EEOC Select Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace in 2015, the task force Co-Chairs' 2016 Report, and the #MeToo movement.
March 20, 2019

Press release

Sys-con, LLC to Pay $70,000 to Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Sys-Con, LLC, a Sys-Con, LLC, a Montgomery, Ala.-based general contractor, will pay two former female employees a total of $70,000 and furnish other relief to settle a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency announced today.
March 11, 2019

Press release

Fidelity Home Energy Sued by EEOC for National Origin Discrimination

San Leandro-based home improvement contractor Fidelity Home Energy, Inc. violated federal law by creating a hostile work environment due to national origin that ultimately caused an employee to quit, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charged in a lawsuit filed today.
March 7, 2019

Press release

Los Angeles Guidance Charter School Settles Sex Discrimination Lawsuit

Guidance Charter School, of Palmdale, Calif will pay $8,000 and provide other injunctive relief to settle a sex discrimination lawsuit filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency announced today. The consent decree was approved by the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California.
February 28, 2019

Press release

EEOC Proposes Rules Update for Digital Charge System

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) today issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to update private sector procedural regulations to account for digital transmission of documents and communications between the EEOC and the parties. The proposed rule changes recognize the increasing reliance on digital technology by the EEOC and its stakeholders. This NPRM was posted by the Federal Register for public inspection today and will be published in the Federal Register on Feb. 22, 2019. Members of the public wishing to comment on the NPRM will have 60 days from the date of publication to do so, through
February 21, 2019

Press release

Ojos Locos Sports Cantina to Pay $700,000 to Settle EEOC Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Lawsuit

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Ojos Locos Sports Cantina in Albuquerque will pay $700,000 and furnish other relief to settle a lawsuit charging sex-based harassment and retaliation filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency announced today. The owner/operators of the relevant businesses are Ojos Locos Sports Cantina, LLC; Ojos Locos Sports Cantina DOS, LLC; Ojos Locos Sports Cantina TRES, LLC; Ojos Locos Sports Cantina Cuatro, LLC and Reach Restaurant Group, acting as

February 14, 2019

Press release

City of Jacksonville Agrees to Pay $4.9 Million to Settle Class Race Discrimination Lawsuit

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced today that it has resolved its race discrimination lawsuit against the Jacksonville Association of Fire Fighters, Local 122, IAFF. The EEOC's lawsuit against the union was a companion case to the lawsuit filed by the U.S. Department of Justice against the City of Jacksonville (Case No.3-12-cv-451-J-32MCR), which alleged that the city's promotional practices for various positions in the Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department (JFRD) violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964's prohibition against race discrimination.
February 14, 2019

Press release

EEOC Sues American Freight Furniture and Mattress  for Systemic Sex-Based Discrimination in Hiring

American Freight Management Company, LLC d/b/a American Freight Furniture and Mattress violated federal anti-discrimination laws by engaging in systemic discrimination against female applicants, according to a lawsuit filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) today. The lawsuit charges that American Freight refused to hire or even consider a class of female applicants for employment because of their sex.
February 14, 2019

Press release

Atlantic Capes Fisheries & BJ's Service Co. to Pay $675,000 to Settle EEOC Sex Harassment and Retaliation Lawsuit

Atlantic Capes Fisheries, Inc. (ACF), a New Jersey-based shellfish harvester and processor, and BJ's Service Co., Inc., a staffing agency located in New Bedford, Mass., will pay $675,000 and furnish other relief to settle a lawsuit charging sex-based harassment and retaliation filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency announced today.
January 30, 2019

Press release

UPS to Pay $4.9 Million to Settle EEOC Religious Discrimination Suit

United Parcel Service, Inc., the world's largest package delivery company, will pay $4.9 million and provide other relief to settle a class religious discrimination lawsuit filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).  The suit was resolved by a five-year consent decree entered by Judge Margo K. Brodie on December 21, 2018, on the eve of the government shutdown.  The EEOC reopened today.
December 21, 2018

Press release

EEOC And Justice Department Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Prevent and Address Harassment of Employees in State and Local Governments

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division today signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to prevent and address workplace harassment in state and local government. The EEOC and the Justice Department seek to enhance the effectiveness of the nation's equal employment opportunity enforcement in the state and local government sector to ensure the efficient use of resources and a consistent enforcement strategy. The EEOC has ramped up its role as enforcer, educator, and leader on harassment in the workplace, and this MOU enhances those efforts.
December 21, 2018

Press release

Wilmington Trust Corporation to Pay $700,000 to Settle EEOC Disability Discrimination Suit

Wilmington Trust Corporation, a Delaware corporation and wholly owned subsidiary of M&T Bank Corporation, which is based in Buffalo, N.Y., has agreed to pay $700,000 and furnish other relief to settle a disability discrimination lawsuit filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the agency announced today. The lawsuit concerned alleged vio­lations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by Hudson City Savings Bank (HCSB), which merged into Wilmington Trust in 2015.
December 19, 2018

Press release

EEOC Holds Data Dialogue Sessions with Agency Stakeholders

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) held a series of "Data Dialogues" this week to introduce stakeholders to the agency's new Office of Enterprise Data and Analytics (OEDA).  Advocacy groups, employer representatives, academics, and researchers, including from non-profit organizations, participated in meetings at EEOC headquarters in Washington, D.C., to interact with OEDA's leadership and hear about the new structure within the agency.
December 14, 2018