Displaying 1 - 10 of 17 results for 'Laws Protecting Veterans with Service-Connected Disabilities'
Guidance & Technical Assistance
This document explains changes to the EEOC’s regulations on disability discrimination necessitated by the Americans With Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008
Guidance & Technical Assistance
This document provides a basic overview of Title VII rights and responsibilities with respect to religious discrimination and accommodation.
Guidance & Technical Assistance
This document provides basic information about the Americans with Disabilities Act and Rehabilitation Act.
Guidance & Technical Assistance
The document for Employees explains the ADA nondiscrimination and reasonable accommodation provisions that may apply to those who are not engaged in the current illegal use of drugs and are qualified for employment.
성차별은 성 지향성, 성 정체성 또는 임신을 포함하여 그 사람의 성별로 인하여 누군가(지원자 또는 직원)를 비호의적으로 대하는 것을 포함합니다.
성전환 상태를 포함한 성정체성 또는 성지향성 때문에 누군가에게 차별을 하는 것은 성으로 인한 차별로 타이틀 VII을 위반하는 것입니다. 성소수자 관련 성차별 클레임에 대한 더 많은 정보는 https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/guidance/what-you-should-know-eeoc-and-protections-lgbt-workers를 참조하십시오.
성차별 & 근로
Guidance & Technical Assistance
This document provides information for employees or applicants with HIV concerning their rights and obligations under the ADA.
Guidance & Technical Assistance
The document for Health Care Providers explains the type and form of medical information that will be useful to employers who request documentation regarding an employee's accommodation request or fitness for duty.
Guidance & Technical Assistance
This document provides information about forms of national origin employment discrimination, including because of birthplace, ancestry, culture, or linguistic characteristics closely associated with an ethnic group.
Guidance & Technical Assistance
This document provides information on the law of reasonable accommodation and the health provider's role in the process for individuals with HIV.
Guidance & Technical Assistance
This document provides information on how to comply with the Pregnancy Discrimination Act’s requirements for applicants and employees with respect to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions in violation of Title VII, as amended by the Pregnant