Displaying 2271 - 2280 of 2393 results for 'discrimination'
The most recent publications appear first. Wearables in the Workplace: Using Wearable Technologies Under Federal Employment Discrimination Laws (2024) Helping Patients Deal with Pregnancy-Related Limitations and Restrictions at Work Under the ADA (2024) Visual Disabilities in the Workplace and the
How can I use the EEOC Public Portal?
If you are a federal employee or applicant, you can use the EEOC Public Portal to file a request for a hearing before an EEOC Administrative Judge or an appeal with the Office of Federal Operations and then manage documents in your Portal case file.
June 2016 Full text of report available at: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As co-chairs of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's Select Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace ("Select Task Force"), we have spent the last 18 months examining the myriad and complex issues associated with
E. Patrick McDermott, Ph.D., LL.M, J.D. Anita Jose, Ph.D. Ruth Obar, Ph.D. 1 Executive Summary We investigated the reasons for the lack of employer participation in the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) mediation program. Using a survey, we captured the feedback of employers as to why
Discriminação racial envolve tratar alguém (um candidato ou funcionário) desfavoravelmente porque ele/ela é de uma determinada raça ou por causa de características pessoais associadas à raça (como textura do cabelo, cor da pele ou certas características faciais). Discriminação de cor envolve tratar
Trả Thù: Những Cân Nhắc dành cho Người Quản Lý Cơ Quan Liên Bang
Trả thù là cơ sở phân biệt đối xử bị cáo buộc thường xuyên nhất trong khu vực liên bang và là phát hiện về phân biệt đối xử thường gặp nhất trong các trường hợp thuộc khu vực liên bang. Trong khi EEOC nỗ lực giải quyết vấn đề này
Section II
Barrier Identification and Elimination
I. Purpose of Barrier Analysis
Pursuant to 29 CFR 1614.102(a)(3), federal agencies shall conduct a continuing campaign to eradicate every form of prejudice or discrimination from personnel policies, practices, and working conditions
Preguntas y Respuestas de Asistencia Técnica
Toda la asistencia técnica de la Comisión Para la Igualdad de Oportunidades en el Empleo (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, EEOC, por sus siglas en inglés) relacionados con el COVID-19 está disponible en https://www.eeoc.gov/es
Комиссия США по соблюдению равноправия при трудоустройстве (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, EEOC) ответственна за обеспечение соблюдения федеральных законов, которые запрещают дискриминацию соискателя на вакантную должность или работника на основе расовой принадлежности, цвета кожи
在联邦部门,报复是最常见的歧视指控依据,也是联邦部门案件中,进行歧视调查后发现的最常见的结果。EEOC致力于解决这个问题时,你也 可以提供帮助。
进一步了解什么是报复,为什么会发生,以及如何防止。EEOC工作人员撰写了 这篇文章,刊登在2015年夏季 《联邦经理》上。