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  3. Commissioner Stuart J. Ishimaru

Commissioner Stuart J. Ishimaru

San Jose, California

High School:
Blackford High School
San Jose, California

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Economics
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, California

Graduate Schools:
Juris Doctor
George Washington University Law School
Washington, D.C.

First Job:
Scooping ice cream at age 16

Current Interests:
Being an involved Dad to two young sons

Even if you're highly accomplished in school or other areas, you will still be judged on what you actually do at work. First impressions make lasting impressions so be sure to work hard and don't become complacent. Don't worry if you're doing work that may seem routine or not very challenging; it is usually just a stepping stone to more responsibility. Doing this type of work may not be glamorous, but it's noticed and appreciated by employers and co-workers. At some point in your career, if not for your whole career, consider working in the public interest - it is a noble and rewarding way to serve your country and make our nation the best it can be.