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Transition to Internet Protocol Version 6

FROM Bryan Burnett, Chief Information Officer (CIO)
Office of Information Technology (OIT)
SUBJECT EEOC’s Transition to Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)

In accordance with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum 21-07 (M-21-07), dated November 19, 2020, by Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 all new EEOC information systems must be IPv6-enabled at the time of deployment. It is also the strategic intent of EEOC to phase out the use of IPv4 for all current EEOC systems as soon as practical by meeting the milestones laid out in M-21-07, to include at least 80% of IP-enabled assets on EEOC networks operating in IPv6- only environments by the end of FY 2025.

This memorandum designates Mr. Everett Barnes, Director, Infrastructure Management and Operations Division, OIT, as EEOC’s IPv6 Integrated Project Team (IPT) Lead to coordinate these actions. The IPT is responsible for developing and overseeing the overall IPv6 transition plan which shall be inclusive of strategies, acquisitions, processes, status, and milestones. Additionally, system owners shall ensure that system documentation details the plans for transitioning to IPv6 and that these plans align with the Agency’s overall IPv6 implementation plan.

In support of this mandate, designated key stakeholders identified within the IPT must:

  • Provide strategies, processes, status, and milestones for inclusion in the EEOC’s overall IPv6 implementation plan.
  • Collaborate with EEOC directorates to identify opportunities for IPv6 pilots on operational systems and nominate them to the IPT.
  • Oversee implementation of the Agency’s IPv6 implementation plan.
  • Ensure that processes for approving new systems for operation, or upgrading existing systems, include a review of the system’s IPv6 readiness to ensure consistency with the EEOC’s overall IPv6 implementation plan.
  • Ensure processes are in place requiring all new acquisitions are capable of operating in an IPv6-only environment by the milestones established in the Agency’s IPv6 implementation plan.

For questions regarding this memorandum, please contact Everett Barnes at or

References: OMB Memorandum M-21-07