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Ernest Hadley

Federal Employment Law Training Group

Meeting of July 18, 2012 – Public Input into the Development of EEOC's Strategic Enforcement Plan

Mr. Hadley is President of the Federal Employment Law Training Group, which provides employment law training for the federal government community. He is also an instructor for FELTG and a frequent speaker at federal sector conferences including EXCEL, LRP's Annual HR & EEO Conference and the Federal Dispute Resolution Conference.

He is engaged in the private practice of law in Wellfleet, Massachusetts, and has been representing federal sector employees and agencies before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Merit Systems Protection Board, in arbitrations and in the federal courts for the past 26 years. He also serves as Of Counsel to Gary M. Gilbert & Associates in Silver Spring, Maryland. He is admitted to the bar in the District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Mr. Hadley is the author of several books on federal sector employment law including, A Guide to Federal Sector Equal Employment Law and Practice, Representing Agencies and Complainants before the EEOC; and A Guide to Federal Sector Disability Discrimination Law and Practice. He is also the co-author of Sexual Harassment: Federal Law; Federal Sector Workers' Compensation Law; Motions Practice before the Merit Systems Protection Board and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; The EEO Counselors' and Investigators' Manual; and Effective Summary Judgment Motions.

He is a graduate of Bates College in Lewiston, Maine, and Antioch School of Law in Washington, D.C.