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David Burton

National Small Business Association

Meeting of July 18, 2012 – Public Input into the Development of EEOC's Strategic Enforcement Plan

David R. Burton is the General Counsel for NSBA. He handles employment, health care, labor and securities law issues and assists on tax, entitlement and regulatory issues, as well as serving as in-house counsel on general legal matters.

Mr. Burton has represented small businesses and their trade associations for nearly two decades in private practice. He has served as CFO and General Counsel for the Alliance for Retirement Prosperity.  He was V.P. Finance and General Counsel to New England Machinery, a small multinational manufacturer of packaging, automation and testing equipment. Previously, he was Manager, Tax Policy at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

He has advised, lobbied and litigated for small business on employment, securities, corporate, health care, tax and administrative law. He is a nationally known proponent of fundamental tax reform. He drafted four major pieces of tax reform legislation including the FairTax, the first national sales tax introduced in Congress, the first flat tax introduced in Congress and Sen. DeMint's hybrid business transfer tax and national sales tax proposal sometimes called the BEST Tax. He has also drafted Medicare and Social Security reform legislation. He is the author of numerous articles in major newspapers and professional publications. He has authored studies for most major free market think tanks and for the NSBA. He has testified before Congress and administrative agencies numerous times. He has been a guest on television and radio shows on hundreds of occasions. He co-edited a book on reforming the tax policy making process entitled The Secret Chamber or the Public Square? What Can Be Done to Make Tax Analysis and Revenue Estimation More Transparent and Accurate.

He has a law degree from the University of Maryland and an economics degree from the University of Chicago.