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  3. Instructions for Submitting a Privacy Act Request or Complaint

Instructions for Submitting a Privacy Act Request or Complaint

How do I submit a question or complaint?

If you would like to submit a question or complaint about EEOC's privacy program, please email privacy@eeoc.gov

How do I submit a Privacy Act request?

If you would like to request notification of whether an EEOC system of records contains any record pertaining to you, or to request access to any such record, or to request a list of the disclosures that have been made of any such record, you must submit a request in writing that includes:

  1. The name of the individual making the request;
  2. The name of the system of records (as set forth in the system notice to which the request relates);
  3. Any other information specified in the system notice;
  4. If you are seeking access to records, state whether you would like to personally inspect the records at an EEOC location, or if you would like EEOC to mail you a copy of the records.
    1. If you would like to have the records mailed to you, you must include a signed and notarized statement that stipulates your identity and that you understand that knowingly or willfully seeking or obtaining access to records about another individual under false pretenses is a misdemeanor punishable by fine up to $5,000.
    2. If you would like to personally inspect the records, you must be present at the time and place specified in EEOC's response to your Privacy Act request, or you must arrange another mutually convenient time with the appropriate EEOC official.
    3. For more information regarding inspecting records and the types of identification that may be required, please see 29 CFR 1611.4.

Where should I send my Privacy Act request?

For Privacy Act requests for EEOC records for which the EEOC has published a system of records, submit the request to the person or office listed for where that system of records is located.

For example, to submit a request for copies of all records about you that are located in EEOC's Title VII, Americans with Disabilities Act, and Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act Discrimination Case File SORN (EEOC-3), send your written request to the Director of the office where the charge was filed.

If you are submitting a Privacy Act request for EEOC records contained in a government-wide system of records, submit your request as follows:

  1. For systems OPM/GOVT-1 (General Personnel Records), OPM/GOVT-2 (Employee Performance File System Records), OPM/GOVT-3 (Records of Adverse Actions and Actions Based on Unacceptable Performance), OPM/GOVT-5 (Recruiting, Examining and Placement Records), OPM/GOVT-6 (Personnel Research and Test Validation Records), OPM/GOVT-9 (Files on Position Classification Appeals, Job Grading Appeals and Retained Grade or Pay Appeals), OPM/GOVT-10 (Employee Medical File System Records) and DOL/ESA-13 (Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, Federal Employees' Compensation File), to the Director of Personnel Management Services, EEOC, 131 M Street, NE., Washington, DC 20507;
  2. For systems OGE/GOVT-1 (Executive Branch Public Financial Disclosure Reports and Other Ethics Program Records), OGE/GOVT-2 (Confidential Statements of Employment and Financial Interests) and MSPB/GOVT-1 (Appeal and Case Records), to the Legal Counsel, EEOC, 131 M Street, NE., Washington, DC 20507;
  3. For system OPM/GOVT-7 (Applicant Race, Sex, National Origin, and Disability Status Records), to the Director of the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity, EEOC, 131 M Street NE., Washington, DC 20507;
  4. For systems GSA/GOVT-3 (Travel Charge Card Program) and GSA/GOVT-4 (Contracted Travel Services Program) to the Director of Financial and Resource Management Services, EEOC, 131 M Street, NE., Washington, DC 20507.

If your request for access to the records is denied, you may appeal that denial pursuant to 29 C.F.R. 1611.5(c).