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Equal Employment Opportunity Data Posted Pursuant to the No Fear Act: Appeals

Pursuant to the Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (the No Fear Act), Pub. L. 107-174, the Commission is posting the statistical data pertaining to appeals of complaints of employment discrimination filed by employees, former employees, and applicants for employment under 29 CFR Part 1614.

The following table contains the data required by Sections 1614.706(b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3) concerning: the number of appeals filed in such fiscal year; the number of individuals filing those appeals; and, the number of individuals who filed two or more of those appeals.

No Fear regulation citation.Data ElementFY 2009FY 2010FY 2011FY 2012FY 2013FY 2014FY 2015FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021FY 2022FY 2023FY 20241st Q FY 2025
706(b)(1)No. of Appeals Filed4,7454,5455,1764,3504,2444,0033,6493,5233,8313,6044,2244,6174,2064,2124,3434,231908
706(b)(2)No. of Individuals Filing Appeals4,1394,0284,5513,8953,7233,4923,2563,0513,3543,1484,0044,1413,7143,6793,8803,818881
706(b)(3)No. of Individuals Filing Multiple Appeals49242550438243741932238137035822039338639537432825

The following table contains the data required by Section 1614.706(b)(4) concerning the number of those appeals raising each of the various bases of alleged discrimination. Because appeals may contain multiple bases, the total number of bases in any fiscal year may exceed the total number of appeals received in that year. In addition, the bases alleged in appeals filed in a given year are not always ascertained and reported in that same year. This occurs in part because the lag time between the filing of an appeal and the receipt of the complaint file from the agency, and because the basis(es) alleged in any particular appeal cannot be identified until an attorney has reviewed the matter while adjudicating the appeal. Accordingly, the Commission does not obtain complete details regarding the bases alleged until the matter is resolved, often in a subsequent reporting year. For these reasons the Commission has updated the number of appeals raising each of the various bases of alleged discrimination for FY 2009 – 2012, and will do so for future reporting periods.

No Fear regulation citation.Data Element: Number of appeals raising the following bases:FY 2009FY 2010FY 2011FY 2012FY 2013FY 2014FY 2015FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021FY 2022FY 2023FY 20241st Q FY 2025
National Origin49746347428411626221114314333435240139537942338284
Genetic InformationNA0005671169121414200207

The following table contains the data required by Section 1614.706(b)(5) concerning the number of those appeals raising each of the various issues of alleged discrimination. Because appeals may contain multiple bases and issues, the total number of issues or bases in any fiscal year may exceed the total number of appeals received in that year. In addition, the issues alleged in appeals filed in a given year are not always ascertained and reported in that same year. This occurs in part because the lag time between the filing of an appeal and the receipt of the complaint file from the agency, and because the issues alleged in any particular appeal cannot be identified until an attorney has reviewed the matter while adjudicating the appeal. Accordingly, the Commission does not obtain complete details regarding the issues alleged until the matter is resolved, often in a subsequent reporting year. For these reasons the Commission has updated the number of appeals raising each of the various issues of alleged discrimination for FY 2009 – 2012, and will do so for future reporting periods.

No Fear regulation citation.Data Element: Number of appeals raising the following issues:FY 2009FY 2010FY 2011FY 2012FY 2013FY 2014FY 2015FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021FY 2022FY 2023FY 20241st Q FY 2025
Assignment of Duties26531631320778169614174231275339325339475626153
Discipline / Demotion192726167101376293233274234225
Discipline / Reprimand909510737164326314115511714912213813710223
Discipline / Suspension190193204905112889535316717620121317418117041
Discipline / Removal544515601358164249203177184395444479540516579478109
Duty Hours1048211051173415101294721819313514917033
Evaluation / Appraisal18220221210737117986482226298345433393426371116
Examination / Test95330205157605601
Harassment - Non-Sexual1,0871,0431,2467103786976154594419871,1871,5421,4661,5551,6621,506357
Harassment - Sexual6975703921293418206775818870808418
Medical Exam3835312613148169334545305126116
Pay / Overtime21114514690338662474916317920623020927224472
Promotion / Non-Selection5104854512816427424514515225233647140738636626229
Reassignment - Denied114981104811365222239698110138148594625
Reasonable Accommodation3253623631817317317097114349390580484524587533134
Terms, Conditions of Employment12515014658498355438341423634636136331521036
Time / Attendance306248311120671661196887287304446527558602541150

The following table contains the data required by Section 1614.706(b)(6) concerning the average length of time it has taken EEOC to issue appellate decisions for all appeals pending for any length of time during such fiscal year; all appeals pending for any length of time during such fiscal year in which a hearing was not requested; and appeals pending for any length of time during such fiscal year in which a hearing was requested.

No Fear regulation citation.Data Element: Average Processing Time for Appeals:FY 2009FY 2010FY 2011FY 2012FY 2013FY 2014FY 2015FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021FY 2022FY 2023FY 20241st Q FY 2025
706(b)(6)(i)All Appeals290292378361364418444414450407366331298324326313879
706(b)(6)(ii)Appeals Without a Hearing241253333307318346361332346361344289237261265244658
706(b)(6)(iii)Appeals with a Hearing392383460502455565597597584477399369351373383385221

The following table contains the data required by Section 1614.706(b)(7) concerning the total number of appellate decisions issued during the fiscal year involving a finding of discrimination; the number and percentage that involved a final action by an agency rendered without a hearing; and the number and percentage that involved a final action by an agency after a hearing.

No Fear Regulation CitationData ElementFY 2009FY 2010FY 2011FY 2012FY 2013FY 2014FY 2015FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021FY 2022FY 2023FY 20241st Q FY 2025
706(b)(7)(i)Findings of discrimination -Total85 88 87 109 76 86 93 111 68 122 101 90 99 107 78 79 8 
706(b)(7)(ii)Findings of discrimination - agency action without hearing2529%2528%2529%3734%2634%3338%3841%4440%1725%5545%4949%4651%4343%4037%4051%2329%675%
706(b)(7)(iii)Findings of discrimination - agency action after hearing6071%6372%6271%7266%5066%5362%5559%6760%5175%6755%5251%4449%5657%6763%3849%5671%225%

The following three tables contain the data required by Section 1614.706(b)(8) concerning the number and percentage of the findings of discrimination based on each respective basis of discrimination; the number and percentage for each respective basis that involved a final action rendered by an agency without a hearing; and the number and percentage for each respective bases that involved a final action rendered by an agency after a hearing.

No Fear Regulation CitationData ElementFY 2009FY 2010FY 2011FY 2012FY 2013FY 2014FY 2015FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021FY 2022FY 2023FY 20241st Q FY 2025
706(b)(8)(i)Total Findings of Discrimination85 88 87 109 76 86 93 111 68 122 101 90 99 107 78 79 8 
National Origin67%33%00%44%23%33%11%65%34%76%33%44%33%00%68%23%00%
Genetic InformationNANA00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%11%00%00%00%00%

Because the EEOC frequently finds discrimination on multiple bases and issues, the percentage of bases and issues to total findings is greater than 100%.

No Fear Regulation CitationData ElementFY 2009FY 2010FY 2011FY 2012FY 2013FY 2014FY 2015FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021FY 2022FY 2023FY 20241st Q FY 2025
706(b)(8)(ii)Total Findings of Discrimination - Agency Final Action Without a Hearing25 25 25 37 26 33 38 44 17 55 49 46 43 40 38 23 2 
National Origin312%14%00%00%00%13%00%37%16%47%36%24%25%00%25%00%00%
Genetic InformationNANA00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%

Because the EEOC frequently finds discrimination on multiple bases and issues, the percentage of bases and issues to total findings is greater than 100%.

No Fear Regulation CitationData ElementFY 2009FY 2010FY 2011FY 2012FY 2013FY 2014FY 2015FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021FY 2022FY 2023FY 20241st Q FY 2025
706(b)(8)(iii)Total Findings of Discrimination - Agency Final Action After a Hearing60 63 62 72 50 53 55 67 51 67 52 44 56 67 40 56 6 
National Origin35%23%00%46%24%24%12%34%24%34%00%25%12%00%410%24%00%
Genetic InformationNANA00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%24%00%00%00%00%

Because the EEOC frequently finds discrimination on multiple bases and issues, the percentage of bases and issues to total findings is greater than 100%.

The following tables contain the data required by Section 1614.706(b)(9) concerning the number and percentage of the findings of discrimination for each respective issue of discrimination; the number and percentage for each respective issue that involved a final action rendered by an agency without a hearing; and the number and percentage for each respective issue that involved a final action rendered by an agency after a hearing.

No Fear Regulation CitationData ElementFY 2009FY 2010FY 2011FY 2012FY 2013FY 2014FY 2015FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021FY 2022FY 2023FY 20241st Q FY 2025
706(b)(9)(i)Total Appellate Findings of Discrimination85 88 87 109 76 86 93 111 68 122 101 90 99 107 78 79 8 
Appointment / Hire22%45%45%44%45%22%55%22%11%32%55%22%22%55%45%11%00%
Assignment of Duties78%45%22%1211%11%56%66%33%57%43%55%89%44%11%1114%34%00%
Discipline / Demotion00%00%11%00%11%00%00%22%00%11%00%11%22%00%00%00%00%
Discipline / Reprimand00%00%33%00%11%22%00%11%11%32%22%33%00%22%11%11%00%
Discipline / Suspension67%22%56%44%23%22%22%33%11%43%55%22%00%11%45%11%113%
Discipline / Removal1012%89%1416%109%45%89%1415%1413%34%1311%88%44%99%109%1215%911%338%
Duty Hours11%45%33%11%23%00%22%00%11%22%11%11%00%00%11%00%00%
Evaluation / Appraisal11%67%33%44%45%56%89%65%34%54%33%78%77%66%68%56%00%
Examination / Test00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%11%00%00%00%00%00%00%
Harassment - Non-Sexual1619%1719%1618%3532%2128%2934%2022%2825%1725%2520%2626%2326%3434%3331%2329%4051%450%
Harassment -  Sexual67%45%56%44%57%11%78%65%23%54%88%33%22%33%00%56%00%
Medical Exam11%56%11%22%34%45%00%33%23%22%22%33%44%00%00%23%00%
Pay / Overtime11%89%11%44%45%11%33%55%34%32%33%56%22%11%00%34%113%
Promotion / Non-Selection1821%1719%1821%1716%1317%1720%1011%1514%1116%1714%99%1416%1111%77%1215%56%113%
Reassignment - Denied45%11%00%44%23%22%55%22%00%65%11%11%11%44%34%11%113%
Reasonable Accommodation1315%78%910%1211%1520%1315%1819%3128%1826%3025%2424%2326%2727%4340%2329%2430%225%
Terms, Conditions of Employment22%78%11%22%00%11%22%00%57%32%33%22%33%44%34%00%00%
Time / Attendance45%11%45%55%11%11%33%22%11%43%33%33%22%55%56%79%113%

Because the EEOC frequently finds discrimination on multiple bases and issues, the percentage of bases and issues to total findings is greater than 100%.

No Fear Regulation CitationData ElementFY 2009FY 2010FY 2011FY 2012FY 2013FY 2014FY 2015FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021FY 2022FY 2023FY 20241st Q FY 2025
706(b)(9)(ii)Total Appellate Findings of Discrimination - Agency Final Action Without a Hearing25 25 25 37 26 33 38 44 17 55 49 46 43 40 38 23 2 
Appointment / Hire14%28%14%13%14%00%00%00%00%12%48%12%00%13%25%14%00%
Assignment of Duties28%00%00%1027%00%00%411%12%212%24%24%49%37%00%25%14%00%
Discipline / Demotion00%00%00%00%00%00%00%12%00%00%00%00%12%00%00%00%00%
Discipline / Reprimand00%00%14%00%00%00%00%00%16%00%12%12%00%00%13%14%00%
Discipline / Suspension312%00%14%25%00%13%00%12%00%12%24%12%00%13%13%14%150%
Discipline / Removal14%28%416%411%00%26%616%49%00%35%510%24%25%25%616%313%150%
Duty Hours00%14%14%00%00%00%00%00%00%12%12%00%00%00%00%00%00%
Evaluation / Appraisal00%28%14%25%00%13%38%25%16%35%36%37%25%25%13%29%00%
Examination / Test00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%12%00%00%00%00%00%00%
Harassment - Non-Sexual416%14%416%719%519%1030%924%920%212%916%1327%1124%1433%923%924%1148%150%
Harassment -  Sexual416%28%312%25%28%13%38%37%00%00%24%37%00%13%00%00%00%
Medical Exam00%28%14%00%28%26%00%25%00%24%12%12%00%00%00%00%00%
Pay / Overtime00%14%00%00%14%00%13%37%00%12%12%49%25%13%00%00%150%
Promotion / Non-Selection416%832%520%616%28%412%718%25%00%916%48%511%49%38%411%313%00%
Reassignment - Denied28%14%00%00%14%00%25%00%00%24%00%12%12%13%25%00%00%
Reasonable Accommodation312%14%28%514%935%721%821%1534%741%1425%1122%1430%1535%2050%1437%626%00%
Terms, Conditions of Employment28%14%14%25%00%13%13%00%00%12%00%12%12%13%25%00%00%
Time / Attendance28%14%14%00%00%13%13%12%16%12%00%12%12%38%13%00%00%
No Fear Regulation CitationData ElementFY 2009FY 2010FY 2011FY 2012FY 2013FY 2014FY 2015FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021FY 2022FY 2023FY 20241st Q FY 2025
706(b)(9)(iii)Total Appellate Findings of Discrimination - Agency Final Action After a Hearing60 63 62 72 50 53 55 67 51 67 52 44 56 67 40 56 6 
Appointment / Hire12%23%35%34%36%24%59%23%12%23%12%12%24%46%25%00%00%
Assignment of Duties58%46%23%23%12%59%24%23%36%23%36%49%12%11%923%35%00%
Discipline / Demotion00%00%12%00%12%00%00%11%00%11%00%12%12%00%00%00%00%
Discipline / Reprimand00%00%23%00%12%24%00%11%00%34%12%25%00%23%00%00%00%
Discipline / Suspension35%23%46%23%24%12%24%23%12%34%36%12%00%00%38%12%00%
Discipline / Removal915%610%1016%68%48%611%815%1015%36%1015%36%25%713%812%615%611%233%
Duty Hours12%35%23%11%24%00%24%00%12%11%00%12%00%00%13%00%00%
Evaluation / Appraisal12%46%23%23%48%48%59%46%24%23%00%49%59%46%513%35%00%
Examination / Test00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%
Harassment - Non-Sexual1220%1625%1219%2839%1632%1936%1120%1928%1529%1624%1325%1227%2036%2436%1435%2952%350%
Harassment -  Sexual23%23%23%23%36%00%47%34%24%57%612%00%24%23%00%59%00%
Medical Exam12%35%00%23%12%24%00%11%24%00%12%25%47%00%00%24%00%
Pay / Overtime12%711%12%46%36%12%24%23%36%23%24%12%00%00%00%35%00%
Promotion / Non-Selection1423%914%1321%1115%1122%1325%35%1319%1122%812%510%920%713%46%820%24%117%
Reassignment - Denied23%00%00%46%12%24%35%23%00%46%12%00%00%34%13%12%117%
Reasonable Accommodation1017%610%711%710%612%611%1018%1624%1122%1624%1325%920%1221%2334%923%1832%233%
Terms, Conditions of Employment00%610%00%00%00%00%12%00%510%23%36%12%24%34%13%00%00%
Time / Attendance23%00%35%57%12%00%24%11%00%34%36%25%12%23%410%713%117%

Because the EEOC frequently finds discrimination on multiple bases and issues, the percentage of bases and issues to total findings is greater than 100%.

The following table contains the data required by Section 1614.706(b)(10) concerning the total number of appeals pending in the fiscal year that were first filed before the start of the then current fiscal year; and the number of individuals who filed those appeals in earlier years.

No Fear regulation citation.Data ElementFY 2009FY 2010FY 2011FY 2012FY 2013FY 2014FY 2015FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021FY 2022FY 2023FY 20241st Q FY 2025
706(b)(10)Total Appeals Pending3,7333,6714,3374,4224,3054,5414,3404,1113,6582,9423,0733,3803,4153,5244,1155,2125,229
706(b)(10)(i)Pre-FY 2020 pending Appeals1,2051,4709531,5351,5801,7611,8412,0421,4771,0124402937626388311,9984,343
706(b)(10)(ii)No. of Individuals with Pre-FY 2020 pending appeals1,1721,4189221,4861,5161,6971,7671,9571,4209844302897506378181,9874,327