"Outward, Onward and Upward" EEOC Announces 2019 Executive Leadership Training Conference
Attendees Will Visit NASA Langley and Participate in Arbinger Institute's Outward Mindset Training
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) will hold its Executive Leadership Training Conference (ELTC) on October 28 - 30, 2019 at the Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Center in Hampton, Va., the federal agency announced today.
Themed "Outward, Onward and Upward," the training will focus on change management and transformation, innovative leadership and best practices. From the front lines to outer space, attendees will participate in the Arbinger Institute's Developing and Implementing an Outward Mindset training and experience an out of this world training day at NASA's Langley Research Center. Senior leaders are invited to attend to expand skills, gain new tools and perspectives for approaching challenges, and network with colleagues from across the country. Registration information is available online.
The ELTC provides professional development for senior leaders in the field of equal employment opportunity (EEO) and diversity and inclusion (D&I). This year, training will address key leadership competencies during times of transition; personal development and critically important topics vital to the success of current and future executives - particularly senior EEO officials for federal, state and local governments; private sector EEO executives; HR executives with responsibility for managing and implementing an EEO program; as well as those striving to attain senior-level positions.
"ELTC is a cost-effective and modest investment in the executive leadership skills necessary to run a successful EEO program," said Carlton M. Hadden, director of EEOC's Office of Federal Operations. "This training will directly address core leadership competencies, ensuring that EEO professionals have the skills necessary to meet the challenges of our profession."
Arbinger's one-day workshop will help the participants understand why we default to the self-focus of an inward mindset and help them shift to the others-inclusive results-focus of an outward mindset. Many organizations struggle with challenges like weak individual performance, lack of accountability, ineffective leadership, poor teamwork, interpersonal conflict, and functional silos. The common approach to these challenges has been to roll out new training initiatives, incentives, or other measures to get people to behave differently. The real problem is not how people behave. Often, the problem is that employees unknowingly work with an "inward mindset"-focused inwardly on their own personal objectives. This training is designed to help organizations resolve these problems and achieve breakthrough results.
The training day at NASA will include discussions with NASA leaders about major change initiatives at their center and how this transformation is helping them continue to innovate and succeed 50 years after the moon landing. Topics include overviews of their business portfolio, efforts within NASA to streamline business functions, and change management initiatives at Langley to modernize and transform the center's operating environment. Attendees will also participate in a speed peer mentoring session with leaders from NASA. ELTC attendees will also tour the NASA facility at Langley.
Registration is limited to persons in leadership roles.
EEOC enforces laws prohibiting employment discrimination in the federal and private sectors. Further information about EEOC is available on its website at www.eeoc.gov.