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Press Release 05-21-2008



Hispanic Work Group

Commission Partners with SSA to Examine Key Issues Facing Fastest Growing Community

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) today announced the formation of a partnership with the Social Security Administration (SSA) to launch a Hispanic Work Group examining the community’s concerns about federal sector employment, including leadership development, hiring, and retention.

“The federal government must tap into the valuable resources provided by the Hispanic community, the most rapidly expanding population in America,” said EEOC Chair Naomi C. Earp. “The work group will examine innovative ways to tackle the issues and obstacles confronted by this diverse community. We are proud to partner in this endeavor with SSA, one of the federal leaders in the employment of Hispanic individuals.”

Commissioner of Social Security Michael J. Astrue said, “Social Security is proud to have a workforce that reflects the American public we serve. Diversity strengthens our organization and enhances the quality of our service. We look forward to working with the EEOC to make the federal government an employer of choice for the Hispanic community.”

The members of the new work group represent a cross-section of agencies, departments and external stakeholders, including the following:

  • Milton Belardo, Senior EEO Manager, Policy and Evaluation Division, Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Commerce;
  • Nancy Bosque, Team Leader, Cultural Diversity & External Reports Team, Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity, Social Security Administration;
  • Delia L. Johnson, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Broadcasting Board of Governors;
  • Nicolas Juarez, Southwest Area Manager, Dispute Resolution, United States Postal Service;
  • Isabel Kaufman, Equal Opportunity Specialist, U.S. Department of Justice/Drug Enforcement Administration;
  • Eugenio Ochoa Sexton, Director, Recruiting and Diversity, U.S. Department of Homeland Security;
  • Beatrice Pacheco, Associate Director, Equal Employment Opportunity Programs, Departmental Office of Civil Rights, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation;
  • Jesse D. Solis, Chief, Photo Imaging Branch, Randolph Air Force Base, U.S. Department of the Air Force; and
  • Ramón Surís Fernández, Esq., Director, Civil Rights Center, U.S. Department of Labor.

“The composition of the work group is diverse in race, ethnicity and gender, and is comprised of persons from various agencies, grade levels, occupational categories, levels of management, and professions,” Chair Earp added.

Veronica Villalobos, an attorney advisor to Chair Earp and the newly appointed chair of the work group, said: “We are very excited to begin this effort to benefit the Hispanic community and the federal agencies whose workforces will be strengthened through broader participation. I feel privileged to have the opportunity to work with this group of dedicated individuals. We look forward to sharing our progress and soliciting feedback during the Hispanic Employment Program Managers Summit at the EEOC’s 2008 EXCEL Conference.”

The EEOC monitors federal agency compliance with equal employment opportunity (EEO) laws and procedures. Further information about the EEOC is available on its web site at www.eeoc.gov.