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Press Release 06-03-2011

EEOC to Examine Use of Leave As Reasonable Accommodation

Will Hold Public Meeting June 8 at Agency Headquarters

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, June 8, at 9:30 a.m. (Eastern Time), at agency headquarters, 131 M Street, N.E., to examine the use of leave as a reasonable accommodation. In accordance with the Sunshine Act, the meeting is open for public observation of the Commission's deliberations.

The Commission will hear from invited panelists on the appropriate use of disability leave as a reasonable accommodation and on complying with relevant regulations. The meeting agenda includes:

Panel 1: EEOC's Current Position and Policy Statements

  • Christopher Kuczynski, Assistant Legal Council, EEOC
  • John Hendrickson, Regional Attorney, EEOC

Panel 2: How to Comply with the Law and Appropriately Permit Leave to Employees

  • Brian East, Senior Attorney, Texas Disability Rights
  • Claudia Center, Director, Disability Rights Program, Legal Aid Society -- Employment Law Center
  • Ellen McLaughlin, Partner, Seyfarth Shaw LLP
  • Edward Isler, Partner, Isler Dare Ray Radcliffe & Connolly, P.C.

A brief question-and-answer session with EEOC Commissioners will follow each panel discussion.

Seating is limited and it is suggested that visitors arrive 30 minutes before the meeting in order to be processed through security and escorted to the meeting room. The Commission agenda is subject to revision. Additional information about the hearing, when available, will be posted at http://www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/meetings/index.cfm.

The EEOC enforces federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination. Further information about the EEOC is available on its web site at www.eeoc.gov.