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Press Release 02-12-2018

EEOC Approves Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2018-2022

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced today that it has approved its Strategic Plan for fiscal years 2018-2022. The Strategic Plan serves as a framework for the Commission in achieving its mission to prevent and remedy unlawful employment discrimination and advance equal opportunity for all in the workplace. Implementation of the new Strategic Plan will begin in February 2018.

"Through the plan announced today, the EEOC is taking a significant step toward realizing our vision of respectful and inclusive workplaces with equal opportunity for all," said EEOC Acting Chair Victoria A. Lipnic. "I am pleased with the hard work of staff across the agency who provided assistance throughout the development of the plan, and I look forward to its successful implementation. I especially want to thank our Chief Operating Officer, Cynthia Pierre, for leading the work group in developing our plan. I also want to thank the external organizations who provided helpful comments to the agency during the public comment period. I said one year ago that the agency would be committed to increased transparency in development of our policies and procedures, and the process for the Strategic Plan contributed to that goal."

The Commission voted unanimously to approve the FY 2018-2022 Strategic Plan. The EEOC is the leading federal law enforcement agency dedicated to preventing and remedying employment anti-discrimination laws and advancing equal opportunity for all in the work­place since 1965. The plan serves as a framework for the Commission in achieving its mission through the strategic application of the EEOC's law enforcement authorities, preventing employment discrim­ination and promoting inclu­sive workplaces through education and outreach, and organizational excel­lence. These three strategic objectives have associated performance measures detailing outcomes to be achieved during the four-year period the plan is in effect. The outcomes are designed to demonstrate the Commis­sion's progress in carrying out its mission in a time of shrinking resources and an increased demand for its services.

The process for developing this plan has been highly inclusive and collaborative. The plan was created by working groups comprised of staff from the EEOC's headquarters and field offices, with a broad range of internal and external expertise and understanding of the programs and activities con­ducted within the agency. The Commission also solicited public and stakeholder comments in the development of the plan. Every four fiscal years, Congress requires executive departments, government corporations and independent agencies to develop and post a strategic plan on their public websites. These plans direct the agency's work and lay the foundation for the development of more detailed annual plans, budgets and related program performance information in the future.

The EEOC advances opportunity in the workplace by enforcing federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination. More information is available at  Stay connected with the latest EEOC news by subscribing to our email updates.