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  3. Meeting of February 20, 2013 - Report on Implementation of the EEOC's Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2012-2016
  4. Opening Statement Deidre Flippen, Director Office of Research, Information and Planning

Opening Statement Deidre Flippen, Director Office of Research, Information and Planning

Meeting of February 20, 2013 - Report on Implementation of the EEOC's Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2012-2016

Good morning, Madam Chair, Commissioners, General Counsel and Legal Counsel. My name is Deidre Flippen. I am the Director of the Office of Research, Information and Planning and the Deputy Performance Improvement Officer for the agency.

I would like to provide an overview of the agency's implementation efforts to date under the new Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2012-2016, which was approved by the Commission on February 22, 2012. The successful progression toward meeting our mission - To stop and remedy unlawful employment discrimination - as established under the Plan, was also recently reported in the FY 2012 EEOC Performance and Accountability Report (PAR) issued on November 16, 2012. Both documents have been made available to the President, Congress, and the general public, and are currently posted on our internal and external Web site.

Please note the following implementation milestones that have occurred since the Strategic Plan was approved by the Commission in February 2012.

  • April 17, 2012. COO/PIO Memorandum transmitted to Goal Leaders: Chair Berrien, General Counsel Lopez, Legal Counsel Mastroianni; and Program Directors: Roseboro, Williams, Cox, Hadden, Inzeo, and Kores, requesting their completion of the FY 2012-2016 EEOC Strategic Plan Performance Measure Template for each of their goal leader Performance Measures. Attached was a sample template completed for the 2004 Strategic Plan, requesting written methodologies for performance in each target year (including past performance), definitions, necessary data items or variables to quantify results, data sources, measure Point(s) of Contact, key supporting offices, and any appropriate comments and additional references.
  • April 12-20, 2012. COO/PIO incorporated the new Performance Measures into the FY 2012 SES Performance Plans to highlight the importance of the agency's commitment to continued review and accountability of its senior staff's efforts towards our adopted vision - Justice and equality in the workplace.
  • May 4, 2012. The commencement of SES Senior Staff Progress Reviews were regularly conducted by OCH to monitor program performance and address critical concerns related to FY 2012 strategic planning.
  • June 16, 2012. ORIP provided initial comments on Goal Leader Draft Implementation Plans to Goal Leaders and COO/PIO to ensure consistency and the reliability of the data collected.
  • July 6, 2012. ORIP transmitted the request for Goal Leader FY 2014 Performance Budget-GPRAMA Mid-Year Results/Preliminary FY 2012 PAR updates in accordance with the OCFO time line for the development of the FY 2014 Budget.
  • August 17, 2012. ORIP, in consultation with OCFO, prepares the initial Draft FY 2014 Performance Budget, containing Mid-Year Strategic Plan performance updates, for submission to OMB based on Goal Leader/Program Director responses.
  • September 10, 2013. ORIP, in consultation with OCFO, prepares the final Draft FY 2014 Performance Budget, containing revised Mid-Year Strategic Plan performance updates, for submission to OMB for review and approval.
  • October 16, 2012. ORIP requests Year-End GPRAMA performance results from program offices to finalize the FY 2012 PAR, which details EEOC's annual strategic accomplishments.
  • October 22, 2012. ORIP begins the review and assessment of Year-End GPRAMA performance results with supporting documentation, and program office annual accomplishments provided by all Goal Leaders with FY 2012 reporting responsibilities in the FY 2012 PAR.

    ORIP conducts data verification and analyses on supporting documentation to ensure consistency and reliability of information collected.

    ORIP interacts extensively with program office staff to finalize data submissions and validate program office annual accomplishments.

  • November 16, 2012. ORIP, in cooperation with OCLA, publishes the FY 2012 EEOC Performance and Accountability Report.

Since the publication of the agency's FY 2012 PAR, the following actions have occurred to continue strategic performance evaluation and review, beginning in fiscal year 2013:

  • December 14, 2012. The Commission approved the agency's FY 2012 Strategic Enforcement Plan, as directed by the EEOC FY 2012-2016 Strategic Plan.
  • January 25, 2013. The COO/PIO transmitted a memorandum titled, "Status and Initial Preparation for the FY 2012-2016 Strategic Plan Anniversary Commission Meeting," to all Goal Leaders and their performance designees, as a reminder to continue their work meeting the Strategic Plan's performance targets for FY 2013.

I thank you for your time and hope that this overview has been helpful. I will try to answer any questions you may have at this time.