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  3. Hearing of January 8, 2025 - Hear public comment on EEOC’s proposed revision to its existing recordkeeping regulations at 29 CFR part 1602 to add references to the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

Hearing of January 8, 2025 - Hear public comment on EEOC’s proposed revision to its existing recordkeeping regulations at 29 CFR part 1602 to add references to the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

TIME AND DATE: January 8, 2025, 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time.

PLACE: The hearing will be held at EEOC Headquarters, Jacqueline A. Berrien Training Center, 131 M Street, NE, Washington, D.C. 20507.  The public may attend in person and ASL services will be available.

STATUS: The hearing will be open to the public.                                                                                                                 

MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED: The following items will be considered at the open  hearing:

  • Hear public comment on EEOC’s proposed revision to  its existing recordkeeping regulations at 29 CFR part 1602 to add references to the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. 

    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On November 21, 2024, the EEOC published a notice of proposed rulemaking at 89 F.R. 92076 (NPRM) to revise the language of the EEOC’s existing recordkeeping regulations at 29 CFR part 1602 to add references to the PWFA as required by statute. Specifically, the NPRM announced that pursuant to section 709(c) of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2000e–8(c)) (as incorporated into the PWFA by 42 U.S.C. 2000gg–2(a)(1)), a public hearing concerning the addition of the PWFA to the EEOC’s recordkeeping rules would be held.  As set forth in the NPRM, persons wishing to speak about the recordkeeping proposal at the hearing were asked to submit a written request to the EEOC by December 23, 2024, expressing their desire to do so with their contact information and a written summary of the remarks to be offered.

NOTE: In accordance with the Sunshine Act, the public will be able to observe the Commission’s hearing and a transcript of the hearing will be made available on the agency’s website thereafter. 

Please telephone (202) 921-2750, or email commissionmeetingcomments@eeoc.gov at any time for information on this hearing. 


Raymond D. Windmiller, Executive Officer, Executive Secretariat, (202) 921-2705.

Dated: December 31, 2024.