Commission Meeting on Federal Sector Reform - November 12, 2002

The Commission hears from federal sector stakeholders at a
public meeting on November 12. Pictured at the dais
(from left to right) are Deputy General Counsel Nicholas Inzeo,
Commissioner Paul Steven Miller, Chair Cari M. Dominguez, and
Commissioner Leslie E. Silverman.
During a public Commission meeting on November 12, 2002, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) heard testimony and received recommendations from a broad range of stakeholders on reforming the discrimination complaint process for federal employees. Witnesses included complainants in EEO cases, EEO executives for federal agencies, EEOC officials, representatives of the plaintiff's bar and other organizations with a stake in the federal sector EEO complaint process. Individuals wishing to submit comments for the Commission's consideration should send the information by mail or facsimile to Frances Hart, Executive Secretariat, EEOC Headquarters, 1801 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20507 or fax comments to 202-663-4114.
Cari M. Dominguez
- Chair
- Written Testimony
- Bio
Paul Steven Miller
- Commissioner
- Written Testimony
- Bio
Leslie E. Silverman
- Commissioner
- Written Testimony
- Bio