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MD715-2011 Part J

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission MD715 - 2011 Parts

PART J - Special Program Plan for the Recruitment, Hiring, and Advancement of Individuals with Targeted Disabilities

Agencies with 1,000 or more permanent employees MUST conduct a barrier analysis to address any barriers to increasing employment opportunities for employees and applicants with targeted disabilities using FORM 715-01 PART I. Agencies should review their recruitment, hiring, career development, promotion, and retention of persons with targeted disabilities in order to determine whether there are any barriers.

In Sections 4 - 7, agencies with 1,000 or more permanent employees should describe the strategies and activities that will be undertaken during the coming fiscal year to maintain a special recruitment program for persons with targeted disabilties and to establish specific goals for the employment and advancement of such individuals. For these purposes, targeted disabilities may be considered as a group. Agency goals should be set and accomplished in such a manner as will effect measurable progress from the preceding fiscal year. Agencies are encouraged to set a goal for the hiring of persons with targeted disabilities that is at least as high as the anticipated losses from this group during the next reporting period, with the objective of avoiding a decrease in the total participation rate of employees with targeted disabilities. Please describe the goals, objectives, strategies, and accomplishments for hiring and advancing employees with targeted disabilities below.

Under Objectives and Strategies sections, the database will accept up to 2,000 characters.

Under the Accomplishments section, the database will accept up to 5,000 characters.

PART J, SECTION 1 - Employment Trend and Special Recruitment for Individuals with Targeted Disabilities 

Enter Actual Number at the... ...Beginning of FY ...End of FY Net Change
Total Workforce 2557 2486 -71
Reportable Disability 360 353 -7
Targeted Disability 67 65 -2

PART J, SECTION 2 - Applications and Selections for Individuals with Targeted Disabilities

Measures During the Current Fiscal Year
Total Number of Applications Received from Individuals with Targeted Disabilities
Total Number of Selections of Individuals with Targeted Disabilities 4

PART J, SECTION 3 - Participation Rates in Agency Employment Programs 

Other Employment/Personnel Programs Total Reportable Disability Targeted Disability Not Identified No Disability
Competitive Promotions 38 11 0 1 26
Non-Competitive Promotions 481 86 15 39 356
Employee Career Development Programs 4 1 1 0 3
Employee Career Development Programs: Grades 5 - 12 0 0 0 0 0
Employee Career Development Programs: Grades 13 - 14 0 0 0 0 0
Employee Career Development Programs: Grades 15 - SES 4 1 1 0 3
Employee Recognition and Awards 3054 416 73 130 2508
Time-Off Awards (Total hours awarded) 19912 2902 538 865 16145
Cash Awards (Total $$$ awarded) 1419127 152877 38327 66401 1199849
Quality-Step Increase 146153 10066 0 9549 126538

PART J, SECTION 4 - Numerical Hiring Goal 

Types of Numerical Goals Goal Used? Goal (# or %)
% of PWTD in Total Workforce Yes 5
# of PWTD in New Hires Yes 4
% of PWTD in New Hires Yes 4.71

PART J, SECTION 5 - Objectives


1) To Resurvey our overall workforce to encourage them to self-identify as a person with a disability

2) To increase the use of Schedule A hiring authority

3) To provide training to all Agency employees on EEOC's new Procedures for Providing Reasonable Accommodation for Individuals with Disabilities.


PART J, SECTION 6 - Strategies


For FY 2012, the Agency's will continue its goal is to increase the percentage of new hires that identify as having a targeted disability. To achieve this goal, OEO, in coordination with the Disability Program Manager, will continue plans to recruit and place individuals with targeted disabilities. See attached Operational Plan for Increasing Employment of Individuals With Disabilities


For current employees, the focus will be on ensuring that there are no barriers to advancement opportunities for any employee and on monitoring the internal promotions.   In addition, we will continue to closely monitor the representation of individuals with targeted disabilities in the two major occupations (Investigators and Attorneys) since these two occupational groups have traditionally offered the greatest opportunities for career advancement.

With respect to management level employees, the workforce data reveals that there are no first level management (GS-12 & below) employees who self-identify as having a targeted disability. However, 1.90% of the managers at the mid-level (GS- 13 & 14 ) and 3.88% of those at the executive/senior level identify as having a targeted disability. Employees who self-identify as having a targeted disability represent 2.00% of Attorneys.   As noted above, since most of the Agency's managers are in one of two major occupations, Investigators or Attorneys, we will continue to closely monitor the hiring and promotion data for those occupations, as well as the participation of employees who self-identify as having a targeted disability in Agency training programs.

PART J, SECTION 7 - Accomplishments 

In FY 2011, the Agency hired a total of 93 new employees, including temporary or term appointments, and 4.30% of those employees identified as having a targeted disability.  This represents a slight decrease from FY 2010, when 4.51% of new employees identified as having a targeted disability. Of the 85 permanent hires in FY 2011, 4.71% identified as having a targeted disability.