Infographics for FY 2021 Annual Report on the Federal Workforce Part 2: Workforce Statistics and EEO Commitment
Infographic 1: The Federal Workforce
Race, Ethnicity, and Gender
Fiscal Year 2021.
Infographic 1 shows that, compared to women, men accounted for a greater share of both the Federal workforce (54.5% men, 45.5% women) and the civilian labor force (51.8%men, 48.2% women) in fiscal year 2021.
Infographic 2. Federal Sector Participation Rates by Disability Status and Targeted Disability
FY 216-2021
Infographic 2 shows that participation rates for Federal employees with disabilities and targeted disabilities have increased between fiscal years 2016 and 2021. Targeted Disabilities are a subcategory in the disability category that entails severe disabilities, where individuals typically face significant barriers to employment.
FY 2016: Disability 8.7%, Targeted Disability 1.01%.
FY 2017: Disability 8.97%, Targeted Disability 1.35%.
FY 2018: Disability 9.49%, Targeted Disability 1.61%.
FY 2019: Disability 9.13%, Targeted Disability 1.8%.
FY 2020: Disability 9.45%, Targeted Disability 1.84%.
FY 2021: Disability 10.51%, Targeted Disability 2.12%.
Infographic 3. Demonstrated Commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), FY 2021
Infographic 3 shows that the majority of Federal agencies had reasonable accommodations procedures prominently posted for persons with disabilities (93.1%) and evaluated managers and supervisors on their commitment to EEO (92.6%). 78.3% of agencies had senior managers participate in the barrier analysis process, and 66.4% of agencies had the agency head as the EEO Director's immediate supervisor.