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  4. Table A-6-A FY 2010 Government Wide Employment of Individuals With Disabilities- By Grade Level and Pay Plan

Table A-6-A FY 2010 Government Wide Employment of Individuals With Disabilities- By Grade Level and Pay Plan

FY 2010 Government Wide Employment of Individuals With Disabilities- BY GRADE LEVEL AND PAY PLAN * ##
# WORK FORCE IN GRADE 3,718 5,758 18,947 56,552 103,811 88,389 150,879 56,281 154,883 17,142
% OF WORK FORCE IN GRADE 0.18 0.27 0.90 2.67 4.91 4.18 7.13 2.66 7.32 0.81
NO DISABILITIES 3,533 5,377 17,342 50,356 91,644 79,021 137,182 50,895 141,692 15,644
% OF GRADE LEVEL 95.02 93.38 91.53 89.04 88.28 89.40 90.92 90.43 91.48 91.26
NOT IDENTIFIED/DISCLOSED 39 64 326 1,213 2,581 2,026 3,154 1,239 3,365 429
% OF GRADE LEVEL 1.05 1.11 1.72 2.14 2.49 2.29 2.09 2.20 2.17 2.50
REPORTABLE DISABILITIES 146 317 1,279 4,983 9,586 7,342 10,543 4,147 9,826 1,069
% OF GRADE LEVEL 3.93 5.51 6.75 8.81 9.23 8.31 6.99 7.37 6.34 6.24
TARGETED DISABILITIES 48 114 323 1,197 2,149 1,263 1,720 867 1,442 132
% OF GRADE LEVEL 1.29 1.98 1.70 2.12 2.07 1.43 1.14 1.54 0.93 0.77
DEAFNESS 5 9 41 218 347 193 299 91 187 12
% OF TARGETED DISABILITIES 10.42 7.89 12.69 18.21 16.15 15.28 17.38 10.50 12.97 9.09
BLINDNESS 4 9 29 110 232 144 222 258 204 10
% OF TARGETED DISABILITIES 8.33 7.89 8.98 9.19 10.80 11.40 12.91 29.76 14.15 7.58
MISSING EXTREMITIES 1 2 5 37 72 42 76 44 73 15
% OF TARGETED DISABILITIES 2.08 1.75 1.55 3.09 3.35 3.33 4.42 5.07 5.06 11.36
PARTIAL PARALYSIS 2 14 35 162 277 162 236 106 224 19
% OF TARGETED DISABILITIES 4.17 12.28 10.84 13.53 12.89 12.83 13.72 12.23 15.53 14.39
COMPLETE PARALYSIS 4 4 10 57 103 53 76 59 94 4
% OF TARGETED DISABILITIES 8.33 3.51 3.10 4.76 4.79 4.20 4.42 6.81 6.52 3.03
CONVULSIVE DISORDERS 5 9 29 102 246 150 240 107 192 18
% OF TARGETED DISABILITIES 10.42 7.89 8.98 8.52 11.45 11.88 13.95 12.34 13.31 13.64
INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY 14 42 92 160 123 43 47 14 10 0
% OF TARGETED DISABILITIES 29.17 36.84 28.48 13.37 5.72 3.40 2.73 1.61 0.69 0.00
MENTAL ILLNESS 13 22 71 326 695 443 464 156 410 50
% OF TARGETED DISABILITIES 27.08 19.30 21.98 27.23 32.34 35.08 26.98 17.99 28.43 37.88
DISTORTION OF LIMB &/OR SPINE 0 3 11 25 54 33 60 32 48 4
% OF TARGETED DISABILITIES 0.00 2.63 3.41 2.09 2.51 2.61 3.49 3.69 3.33 3.03
# WORK FORCE IN GRADE 204,817 269,080 236,734 118,706 75,714 21,357 7,952 524,076 1,561,411 2,114,796
% OF WORK FORCE IN GRADE 9.68 12.72 11.19 5.61 3.58 1.01 0.38 24.78 73.83
NO DISABILITIES 186,996 247,467 219,117 109,867 70,236 20,010 7,360 484,744 1,426,369 1,938,483
% OF GRADE LEVEL 91.30 91.97 92.56 92.55 92.76 93.69 92.56 92.49 91.35 91.66
NOT IDENTIFIED/DISCLOSED 4,700 6,046 5,664 3,198 2,123 555 292 11,571 36,167 48,585
% OF GRADE LEVEL 2.29 2.25 2.39 2.69 2.80 2.60 3.67 2.21 2.32 2.30
REPORTABLE DISABILITIES 13,121 15,567 11,953 5,641 3,355 792 300 27,761 98,875 127,728
% OF GRADE LEVEL 6.41 5.79 5.05 4.75 4.43 3.71 3.77 5.30 6.33 6.04
TARGETED DISABILITIES 1,868 1,929 1,440 659 371 101 36 3,755 15,522 19,414
% OF GRADE LEVEL 0.91 0.72 0.61 0.56 0.49 0.47 0.45 0.72 0.99 0.92
DEAFNESS 182 218 137 37 10 1 0 459 1,986 2,446
% OF TARGETED DISABILITIES 9.74 11.30 9.51 5.61 2.70 0.99 0.00 12.22 12.79 12.60
BLINDNESS 288 275 236 121 55 14 10 379 2,197 2,600
% OF TARGETED DISABILITIES 15.42 14.26 16.39 18.36 14.82 13.86 27.78 10.09 14.15 13.39
MISSING EXTREMITIES 123 135 108 43 25 11 4 163 801 979
% OF TARGETED DISABILITIES 6.58 7.00 7.50 6.53 6.74 10.89 11.11 4.34 5.16 5.04
PARTIAL PARALYSIS 296 343 270 139 69 19 7 326 2,354 2,706
% OF TARGETED DISABILITIES 15.85 17.78 18.75 21.09 18.60 18.81 19.44 8.68 15.17 13.94
COMPLETE PARALYSIS 142 165 117 58 41 19 4 101 987 1,111
% OF TARGETED DISABILITIES 7.60 8.55 8.13 8.80 11.05 18.81 11.11 2.69 6.36 5.72
CONVULSIVE DISORDERS 264 286 202 106 63 10 5 514 2,019 2,548
% OF TARGETED DISABILITIES 14.13 14.83 14.03 16.08 16.98 9.90 13.89 13.69 13.01 13.12
INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY 10 3 2 1 1 0 0 471 562 1,033
% OF TARGETED DISABILITIES 0.54 0.16 0.14 0.15 0.27 0.00 0.00 12.54 3.62 5.32
MENTAL ILLNESS 498 439 318 141 95 24 3 1,247 4,141 5,415
% OF TARGETED DISABILITIES 26.66 22.76 22.08 21.40 25.61 23.76 8.33 33.21 26.68 27.89
DISTORTION OF LIMB &/OR SPINE 65 65 50 13 12 3 3 95 475 576
% OF TARGETED DISABILITIES 3.48 3.37 3.47 1.97 3.23 2.97 8.33 2.53 3.06 2.97

## Some of the increase reflected in the GS workforce numbers this year are due to agencies converting "pay for performance plan employees" (e.g. DOD's NSPS) back to the GS pay schedule.

* Includes September 30, 2010 agency data as reported in CPDF plus FERC and NIGC. Does not include data for AAFES, Foreign Service, TVA, USPS, or intelligence gathering agencies. Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding.

**Note Senior Pay Level (SPL) positions in this table include Executive Schedule, Senior Foreign Service and other employees earning saleries above grade 15 of the General Schedule. The Senior Executive Service (SES) employees are not included here, however they are reported separately.