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  4. Government-Wide (The Government) FY 2010 EEO Complaint Processing Statistics

Government-Wide (The Government) FY 2010 EEO Complaint Processing Statistics

Outcome of Counselings Completed in FY 2010
Pre-Complaint Counseling Outcomes Completed by EEO Counselor Completed Using ADR All Completed Counselings
# % # % # %
Pre-Complaint Counselings: 22,061   18,502   40,563  
Settlements 1,223 5.5% 5,109 27.6% 6,332 15.6%
Withdrawals or No Complaints Filed 8,729 39.6% 7,033 38% 15,762 38.9%
Complaints Filed*         16,943 41.8%
Decision to File Complaint Pending at End of FY         1,526 3.8%
     *Includes only complaints filed in FY 2010 where counseling was also completed during FY 2010.
Agency Use of ADR for EEO Dispute Resolution in FY 2010

Total Number Offer Rate Participation Rate
Pre-Complaint Counselings 40,563 75.3% 45.6%
Complaint Closures 17,124 18.4% 6.8%
Bases Most Frequently Alleged in Filed Complaints

Top Basis 1 Top Basis 2 Top Basis 3
Bases of Alleged Discrimination Reprisal Age Race (Black/African American)
Timeliness in FY 2010

Total # # Timely % Timely FY 2009 APD* FY 2010 APD* % Change Govt Wide APD*
All Pre-Complaint Counselings (minus remands) 40,525 37,093 91.5%        
All Investigations 11,055 8,380 75.8% 185 181 -2.2% 181
All Complaint Closures 17,124     344 360 4.7% 360
Merit Decisions (no AJ) 4,282 2,207 51.5% 451 481 6.7% 481
Dismissal Decisions (no AJ) 4,960     64 88 37.5% 88
*APD =Average Processing Days
Outcomes of Complaints in FY 2010

Complaint Closures Final Agency Decision (no AJ Decision) Final Order (AJ Decision Fully Implemented) Final Order (AJ Decision Not Fully Implemented)
# % # % # % # %
Total Complaints Filed 17,583              
Total Closures 17,124              
Settlements 3,623 21.2%            
Withdrawals 1,357 7.9%            
Total Final Agency Actions 12,144 70.9% 9,242 76.1% 2,846 23.4% 56 38.5%
  Dismissals 5,091 41.9% 4,960 97.4% 131 2.6% 0 0%
  Merit Decisions 7,053 58.1% 4,282 60.7% 2,715 38.5% 56 0.8%
      Finding Discrimination 233 3.3% 61 26.2% 119 51.1% 53 22.7%
      Finding No Discrimination 6,820 96.7% 4,221 61.9% 2,596 38.1% 3 0%
Costs Associated With EEO Process FY 2010
  Total # Total Amount Average Amount
Pre-Complaint Settlements w/ Monetary Benefits 577 $3,148,562 $5,456
  ADR Settlements w/ Monetary Benefits 389 $2,232,989 $5,740
Investigation Costs 11,055 $46,025,175 $4,163
Complaint Closures with Monetary Benefits 2,519 $46,908,979 $18,622
  ADR Settlements w/ Monetary Benefits 321 $3,694,218 $11,508