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Federal Sector ADR: Department of Air Force (USAF)

Department of the Air Force (USAF)

Contact: Norman Jacobson
Assistant Deputy
General Counsel (Dispute Resolution)
(703) 588-2220
Fiscal Year 2006 2007 2008 2009
Size of Work Force 164,773 174,435 107,493 138,237
Pre-Complaint Process
Completed/Ended Counselings 1,358 1,175 1,029 1,083
Offered ADR 910 837 930 772
Processed and Completed (Participations) 477 466 282 460
Resolutions (Settlements and Withdrawals) 321 296 147 242
Formal Complaint Process
Complaint Closures 583 493 469 452
Offered ADR 299 261 227 208
Processed and Completed (Participations) 157 144 124 120
Resolutions (Settlements and Withdrawals) 129 120 104 102

For FY 2000 through FY 2005, ADR activity was measured in both completed and pending counselings and complaints.

Fiscal Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Size of Work Force 139,986 140,470 139,782 170,434 141,147 133,915
Pre-Complaint Process
Completed Counselings 4,437 2,347 2,329 1,748 1,652 1,477
Offered ADR N/A N/A 1,591 1,085 1,134 1,051
Processed in ADR 1,843 617 532 509 519 486
Completed ADR 1,660 665 579 518 588 477
Resolved Disputes 1,075 401 353 330 397 315
Formal Complaint Process
Complaints Filed 795 658 540 540 669 602
Complaints in Inventory 2,095 1,443 1,320 1,297 1,399 1,264
Offered ADR N/A N/A 840 589 349 342
Processed in ADR N/A 185 201 147 204 196
Completed ADR 335 185 215 145 190 209
Resolved Disputes 275 153 153 126 143 165