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Fact Finding

Fact Finding is the use of an impartial expert (or group) selected by the parties, by the agency, or by an individual with the authority to appoint a fact finder, in order to determine what the "facts" are in a dispute. The fact finder may be authorized only to investigate or evaluate the matter presented and file a report establishing the facts in the matter. In some cases, s/he may be authorized to issue either a situation assessment or a specific procedural or substantive recommendation as to how a dispute might be resolved. If used as an ADR technique, the findings of fact must remain confidential.

Here is a list of agencies which have a fact finding program, including either the agency's web site or telephone number:

Defense Commissary Agency
(804) 734-8575

Department of the Air Force
(703) 693-7286

Department of Housing & Urban Development
(202) 708-2001

Department of the Interior
(202) 208-1818

Department of the Navy
(202) 764-0746

Department of Treasury,
(202) 622-1160

Farm Credit Administration
(703) 883-4481

Federal Emergency Management Agency
(202) 646-4122
(202) 646-3042

National Security Agency (Department of Defense)
(410) 854-6228