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EEOC's New Website

In order to make information about the EEOC and the laws we enforce more user-friendly and easier to navigate, we have redesigned our website.  We hope you will be able to find what you are looking for quickly and easily.  If you are having difficulty locating the information you are seeking, try our new search engine.  If you still cannot find what you need, and you know where it was on the previous version of our website, you can still visit our previous site.  We will keep the previous version up through the end of 2009, but please note that we will no longer be updating it.

If you have any comments or questions regarding the technical aspects of the new web site or the look or ease of finding material, please let us know.  Your message will be sent to the EEOC web site development team for technical consideration only, and not to any EEOC legal or investigative personnel.  For assistance with filing charges of employment discrimination, questions or concerns about existing charges or investigations, or questions of a legal or administrative nature, please see our Contact Us page.