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Indicators (2013)With a look at EEO-1 data for the 50th Anniversary

This is a brief narrative of workforce diversity in U.S. private sector based on the data collected through the most recent EEO-1 survey. The analysis covers employment from July 2013 through September of 2013 and contains counts of men and women in ten job categories by race and ethnicity from private employers in over 20 major industries with 100 or more employees and some federal government contractors and subcontractors of the United States. In 2013, about 69,250 employers submitted, as appropriate, consolidated, individual establishment, and headquarter reports. They employed a total of nearly 62.9 million workers across the country, up significantly from the approximately 61.2 million as reported in the previous year survey.

I. Job Patterns of Minority and Women in Retrospect (1966-2013)

Since its first EEO-1 survey, private-sector workforce grew from approximately 26 million in 1966 to almost 62.9 million in its current survey in 2013. This nearly 142 percent growth rate was first of all characterized by a remarkable rise in women's employment. Between 1966 and 2013, the overall participation rate for women rose from 31.5percent to 48.7 percent, an increase of 17.5 percentage points in a course of four decades as shown below in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Private Sector Employment of Women vs. Men (1966-2013)
U.S. Summary


Data Source: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Employer Information Reports (EEO-1 Single and Consolidated Reports).
Figures for 1966 were as reported in EEO Report No. 1 "Job Patterns for Minorities and Women in the Private Industry 1966. No survey for 1968 and 1977



1966 1976 1986 1996 2006 2013
Men (%) 68.5 61.6 53.9 52.6 51.6 51.3
Women (%) 31.5 38.4 46.1 47.4 48.4 48.7
Total Employment1 25,595 32,303 37,201 46,683 55,388 62,886

1 Numbers of total employment are in thousands.

In 1966, about 11.4 percent of the private sector employees in the EEO-1 survey were Black or African Americans, Hispanic or Latinos, Asian Americans, or American Indians. This rate of minority participation tripled to 35.8 percent in 2013 as shown below in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Private Sector Employment of Minority vs. Non-Minority (1966-2013)
U.S. Summary


Data Source: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Employer Information Reports (EEO-1 Single and Consolidated Reports).
Figures for 1966 were as reported in EEO Report No. 1 "Job Patterns for Minorities and Women in the Private Industry 1966. No survey for 1968 and 1977



1966 1976 1986 1996 2006 2013
Non-Minority 88.6 84.5 79.6 74.4 68.0 64.2
Minority 11.4 15.5 20.4 25.6 32.0 35.8
Total Employment1 25,595 32,303 37,201 46,683 55,388 62,886

1 Numbers are in thousands. Years selected above depend on data availability.

Among the four minority groups measured continuously in the EEO-1 survey, participation rate for Black or African Americans increased steadily from 8.2 percent in 1966 to 14 percent in 2013. Hispanics or Latinos had the fastest growth in participation rate -- increasing from 2.5 percent to 13.9 percent between 1966 and 2013. Blacks and Hispanics alternated in recent years as the largest minority group in private sector as seen in Figure 3 below. Two minority race groups were added to the EEO-1 data collection system in 2007: Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islanders (NHOPI) and Two or More Races (TOMR).

Figure 3: Private Sector Employment by Minority Groups in Percent (1966-2013)
U.S. Summary


Data Source: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Employer Information Reports (EEO-1 Single and Consolidated Reports).
Figures for 1966 were as reported in EEO Report No. 1 "Job Patterns for Minorities and Women in the Private Industry 1966. No survey for 1968 and 1977



  1966 1976 1986 1996 2006 2013
Black 8.2 10.0 12.0 13.1 14.0 14.0
Hispanic 2.5 4.2 5.8 8.4 12.4 13.9
Asian 0.5 0.9 2.2 3.5 5.0 5.5
Am. Indian 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6
Hawaiian (NHOPI) - - - - - 0.43
Two Or More Races - - - - - 1.43
Total Employment1 25,595 32,303 37,201 46,683 55,388 62,886

1 Numbers are in thousands. Years selected above depend on data availability.

In 1966, the first year when EEO-1 data was available of the private-sector employment, women held 9.4 percent of the total 2.1 million manager-level positions in the private industry. In other words, less than one-in-ten managers was female in 1966. This number went up to 37.5 percent (of the 6.8 million) in 2008 and further to 38.6 percent (of the over 7 million) in 2013, an increase of about 30 percentage points in four decades (Executive/Senior level and Low-Mid level combined) as illustrated below in Figure 4. In the most recent survey year, approximately two-in-five managers were women.

Figure 4: Officials and Managers in Private Sector, Women vs. Men
(1966, 1983, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2013)1


Data Source: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Employer Information Reports (EEO-1 Single and Consolidated Reports).
Figures for 1966 were as reported in EEO Report No. 1 "Job Patterns for Minorities and Women in the Private Industry 1966. No survey for 1968 and 1977


Year 1

1966 1983 2002 2006 2008 2010 2013
Men (%) 90.6 77.1 63.6 62.7 62.5 61.3 61.4
Women (%) 9.4 22.9 36.4 37.3 37.5 38.7 38.6
Total Managers2 2,085 4,395 5,919 6,309 6,776 6,691 7,021

1 Note: Years presented were selected from available EEO-1 data. 2 Total managers are in thousands.

As shown below in Figure 5, management level positions were essentially dominated by the Non-Hispanic White at 98.1 percent, while people of minority groups accounted for barely 1.8 percent of the total Managers in 1966 private sector. This 1.9percent minority share of managers increased to 19.9 percent in 2008 (of over 2 million total managers) and further grew to 22 percent in 2013 (of the over 7 million total managers). Counts of total managers after 2007 combine both Senior/Exe level managers and Low/Mid level managers in Figure 5 below.

Figure 5: Officials and Managers in Private Sector, Minority vs. Non-Minority
(1966, 1983, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2013)1


Data Source: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Employer Information Reports (EEO-1 Single and Consolidated Reports).
Figures for 1966 were as reported in EEO Report No. 1 "Job Patterns for Minorities and Women in the Private Industry 1966. No survey for 1968 and 1977


Year 1

1966 1983 2002 2006 2008 2010 2013
Minority (%) 1.9 8.2 15.8 17.7 19.9 21.4 21.4
Non-Minority (%) 98.1 91.8 84.2 82.3 80.1 78.6 78.6
Total Managers 2 2,085 4,395 5,919 6,309 6,776 6,691 7,021

1 Note: Years presented were selected from available EEO-1 data. 2 Total managers are in thousands.

Nationwide, 14.0 percent of the total 1.7 million professional positions in the private sector were held by women in 1966. These figures rose up to over one-in-two or 53.0 percent of the total 11.7 million professional positions in 2013. Men on the other hand, decreased from their overwhelming 86.0 percent to less than half (46.8 percent) of the total professional positions in 2013 as shown below in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Professionals in Private Sector, Men vs. Women
(1966, 1983, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2013)1


Data Source: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Employer Information Reports (EEO-1 Single and Consolidated Reports).
Figures for 1966 were as reported in EEO Report No. 1 "Job Patterns for Minorities and Women in the Private Industry 1966. No survey for 1968 and 1977


Year 1

  1966 1983 2002 2006 2008 2010 2013
Men (%) 86.0 59.3 48.3 47.5 47.04 47.0 46.8
Women (%) 14.0 40.7 51.7 52.5 53.0 53.5 53.2
Total Professionals 2 1,690 3,807 8,009 8,944 10,486 10,511 11,710

1 Note: Years presented were selected from available EEO-1 data. 2 Total professionals are in thousands.

Between 1966 and 2013, minorities employed as Professionals in the private sector rose from 3.5 percent to 24.7 percent, at a pace faster than their employment growth from 11.4 percent to 34.2 percent within the same time period as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Professionals in Private Sector, Minority vs. Non-Minority
(1966, 1983, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2013)1


Data Source: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Employer Information Reports (EEO-1 Single and Consolidated Reports).
Figures for 1966 were as reported in EEO Report No. 1 "Job Patterns for Minorities and Women in the Private Industry 1966. No survey for 1968 and 1977


Year 1

  1966 1983 2002 2006 2008 2010 2013
Minority (%) 3.5 10.6 20.0 22.6 24.5 24.7 26.3
Non-Minority (%) 96.5 89.4 80.0 77.4 75.5 75.3 73.7
Total Professionals2 1,690 3,807 8,009 8,944 10,486 10,511 11,710

1 Note: Years presented were selected from available EEO-1 data. 2 Total professionals are in thousands.

Historically, minorities have been more likely to hold occupations such as Laborers, Service Workers, and Operatives in the private sector. This occupational pattern of minority groups remained unchanged in 2013 as reported in the current EEO-1 survey as seen below in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Minorities in Private Sector by Selected Job Categories
(1966, 1983, 2003, 2008, 2013)


Data Source: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Employer Information Reports (EEO-1 Single and Consolidated Reports).
Figures for 1966 were as reported in EEO Report No. 1 "Job Patterns for Minorities and Women in the Private Industry 1966. No survey for 1968 and 1977

  Minority Employment (%) Operatives (%) Laborers (%) Service Workers (%)
1966 11.4 14.4 28.2 28.1
1983 18.7 25.3 32.9 32.3
2003 29.9 35.8 47.6 46.1
2008 34.0 39.6 52.6 49.4
2013 35.8 40.5 54.0 51.3

1 Note: Years presented were selected from available EEO-1 data.

Compared with their total employment participation rate, women have consistently been fully represented in job categories such as Office/Clerical Workers, Service Workers and Sales Workers in the private sector since 1966. This occupational trend of gender differences continued to 2013 as more women entered the private labor force as seen below in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Women in Private Sector by Selected Job Categories
(1966, 1983, 2003, 2008, 2013)


Data Source: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Employer Information Reports (EEO-1 Single and Consolidated Reports).
Figures for 1966 were as reported in EEO Report No. 1 "Job Patterns for Minorities and Women in the Private Industry 1966. No survey for 1968 and 1977

  Women Employment (%) Sales Workers (%) Office/Clerical (%) Service Workers (%)
1966 31.5 38.8 72.4 43.3
1983 43.8 53.6 84.4 56.1
2003 48.3 56.1 79.8 57.9
2008 48.6 56.4 78.7 59.7
2013 48.7 55.7 75.6 59.8

1 Note: Years presented were selected from available EEO-1 data.

II. Labor Force Participation in Private Sector (2013)

EEO-1 survey data play a critical role in assessing and benchmarking private-sector employment for various demographic groups. As estimated from the 2013 EEO-1 survey, the national private labor force participation rate was 64.2 percent Non-Hispanic White, 14.0 percent Black or African American, 13.9 percent Hispanic or Latino, 5.5 percent Asian, 0.6 percent American Indian and Alaska Native, 0.4 percent Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander (NHOPI), and 1.4 percent Two or More Races (TOMR). Women accounted for 48.7 percent of the total private workforce in 2013 (see Appendix I, Table A and Table B).[1]

Noteworthy in recent years, Blacks and Hispanics have comparable participation rate, alternating as the largest minority group in the private sector (see Appendix I, Table A and Figure 3 on page 9). Share of employees reporting Two or More Races (TOMR) has been on a steady fast rise since they were first added as a unique minority group from 0.46 percent in 2007 to 1.33 percent in 2013, a significant 191.3 percentage change in a short course of 7 years as demonstrated in Table 1 below.

Table 1: Participation Rate of Two or More Races (TOMR) in Private Industry (2007-2013)

  2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
TOMR (n) 230 373 374 431 501 598 670
TOMR (%) 0.46 0.74 0.79 0.91 1.03 1.21 1.33
Total Employment (N) 50,189 50,633 47,466 47,499 48,654 49,530 50,294

Data Source: Employer Information Reports (EEO-1 Single and Establishment Reports), 2007-2013

* Numbers of employment are in thousands.

III. Diversity in EEO-1 Job Groups (2013)

EEO-1 survey examines private-sector job group diversity through its ten key occupational categories among seven race/ethnic groups for men and women. In 2013, minorities as a group were clearly below their non-minority counterparts and its own 35.8 percent overall participation rate as Senior-Level Officials and Managers at 12.4 percent, Low-Mid-Level Officials and Managers at 22.3 percent, and Professionals at 26.3 percent. Meanwhile they accounted for at least one-in-two or more than half of the Laborers (53.9 percent) and Service Workers (51.3 percent) as shown below in Table 2. This job pattern associated with race and ethnicity and minority management underrepresentation corresponds closely to the historical trend found in the past private industry surveys, despite considerable improvement in the past decades (see Figure 5 and Figure 8).

Table 2: EEO-1 Job Participation Rate of Minority Groups in Private Industry (2013)

  Minority (%) Non-Minority (%)
Executive/Senior Level Officials & Managers 12.4 87.6
First/Mid Level Officials & Managers 22.3 77.7
Professionals 26.3 73.7
Technicians 31.9 68.2
Sales Workers 34.6 65.4
Office & Clerical Workers 35.6 64.4
Craft Workers 29.3 70.7
Operatives 40.5 59.5
Laborers 54.0 46.0
Service Workers 51.3 48.7
TOTAL EMPLOYMENT (%) 35.8 64.2
TOTAL EMPLOYMENT (N)* 22,492 40,394

Data Source: Employer Information Reports (EEO-1 Single and Consolidated Reports), 2013.

* Numbers of employment are in thousands.

In Table 3 below on gender comparison over EEO-1 job groups, significant larger shares of women than men were found in Office and Clerical Worker jobs (75.6 percent), in Service Worker jobs (59.8 percent), and in Sales Worker jobs (55.7 percent); while significant fewer women than men were employed as Craft workers (7.3 percent) and Operatives (22.4 percent). Women were 28.9 percent of the total Senior-Level Officials and Managers, compared with 71.1 percent of their male counterparts. This gender difference in EEO-1 occupational categories and female underrepresentation in high-level management positions are reflective of the historical job pattern found in the past EEO-1 surveys, in spite of significant progress in the past decades (see Figure 4 and Figure 9).

Table 3: EEO-1 Job Participation Rate of Gender Groups in Private Industry (2013)

  Women (%) Men (%)
Executive/Senior Level Officials & Managers 28.9 71.1
First/Mid Level Officials & Managers 40.1 59.9
Professionals 53.2 46.8
Technicians 49.3 50.7
Sales Workers 55.7 44.3
Office & Clerical Workers 75.6 24.4
Craft Workers 7.3 92.7
Operatives 22.4 77.6
Laborers 30.6 69.4
Service Workers 59.8 40.2
TOTAL EMPLOYMENT (%) 48.7 51.3
TOTAL EMPLOYMENT (N)* 22,492 40,394

Data Source: Employer Information Reports (EEO-1 Single and Consolidated Reports), 2013.

* Numbers are in thousands.

IV. Diversity in Major Private Industries (2013)

As estimated in Table A and Table B in Appendix II from single and establishment reports, the overall 2013 participation rates were 35.9 percent for six minority groups combined and 47.8 percent for women. Among the 20 major industries (classified by two-digit NAICS), two industries led the private sector with its highest minority participation rate -- 66.8 percent in Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting (11) and 51.3 percent in Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services (56); While three industries with lowest minority participation rate included Utilities (22) at 21.7 percent, Mining (21) at 25.4 percent, and Educational Services (61) at 28.4 percent (see EEOC Website at

One women's private-sector participation, three major industries with lowest female participation rates in 2013 included Construction (23) at 10.5 percent, Mining (21) at 14.4 percent, and Utilities (22) at 25.7 percent, compared with two other industries with the highest female participation rates: Health Care and Social Assistance (62) at 78.3 and Educational Services (61) at 63.9 percent (see EEOC Website at

V. Diversity in EEO-1 Management Positions (2013)

Minorities and women often lag behind their comparable counterparts in their management positions. Among the total 40.4 million Non-Hispanic White employees in the 2013 private industry, one in fifty or about 2.1 percent were Executive/Senior Level managers and one in ten or over 11.6 percent were Mid-Low Level managers. As a contrast, there were much fewer Senior Level managers and Mid-Low Level managers among the total 22.5 million minority employees as demonstrated in the following numbers for each of the six race/ethnic groups measured in current EEO-1 survey (also see Appendix I, Table C):

Table 4: Minorities in Management Positions of 2013 Private Industry (EEO-1)

RACE/ETHNIC GROUP Senior Level Mid-Low Level Employment Totals (n)
Non-Hispanic White 2.09 % 11.64 % 40,393,525
Black 0.32 % 5.07 % 8,816,365
Hispanic 0.43 % 5.52 % 8,710,816
Asian 1.25 % 9.47 % 3,441,016
American Indian 0.78 % 6.77 % 354,712
Hawaiians (NHOPI) 0.64 % 6.28 % 267,954
Two or More Races (TOMR) 0.67 % 6.27 % 901,568
Overall Management Positions 1.53 % 9.63 % 62,885,956

Data Source: Employer Information Reports (EEO-1 Single and Consolidated Reports), 2013.

Table 5 below compares women and men in management positions. Of the total 30.6 million women in the 2013 private sector, about .91 percent was managers at Executive/Senior Level and 7.9 percent, at Mid-Low Level, compared with their 32.3 million male counterparts of 2.1 percent and 11.2 percent, respectively. Women and men also differ in their high-to-low management level ratios. In 2013, for each female senior manager there were about 8.7 lower level managers, while for each male senior manager there were about 5.3 lower level managers as in Table 5 (also see Appendix I, Table C).

Table 5: Women in Management Positions in 2013 Private Industry (EEO-1)

Gender Senior Level Mid-Low Level Employment Totals (n)
WOMEN 0.91% 7.93% 30,619,525
MEN 2.13% 11.24% 32,266,431
Overall Management Positions 1.53% 9.63% 62,885,956

Data Source: Employer Information Reports (EEO-1 Single and Consolidated Reports), 2013.

VI. Diversity in EEO-1 Professional Jobs (2013)

Nationwide, about 18.6 percent or a total of 11.71 million held professional positions in 2013 private sector. Asian Americans held the largest share in the professional jobs at 37.8 percent (over 1.3 million), more than twice the national average. Hispanic and Black men were noticeably lower in professional positions at 7.7 percent (.89 million) and 10.1 percent (.67 million), respectively (see Appendix I, Table C).

Women, on the other hand, were more likely than men to hold professional positions (20.4 percent vs. 16.97 percent). Women showed consistently higher or comparable proportions in professional positions than their male counterparts across all race/ethnic groups, except for Asian groups (36.6 percent for Asian women vs. 38.98 percent for Asian men) (see Appendix I, Table C).

Appendix I: Table A

Occupational Employment in Private Sector by Gender and Race/Ethnicity Groups in Numbers (2013)

ALL EMPLOYEES 62,885,956 965,166 6,055,673 11,709,819 3,388,374 8,890,538 8,122,422 3,439,825 5,992,058 4,240,925 10,081,156
MEN 32,266,431 686,444 3,626,568 5,476,656 1,718,052 3,937,327 1,984,896 3,189,678 4,651,769 2,944,579 4,050,462
WOMEN 30,619,525 278,722 2,429,105 6,233,163 1,670,322 4,953,211 6,137,526 250,147 1,340,289 1,296,346 6,030,694
WHITE 40,393,525 845,522 4,703,761 8,634,438 2,309,173 5,817,910 5,228,579 2,431,560 3,565,113 1,951,220 4,906,249
MEN 21,091,432 608,502 2,870,558 4,081,566 1,207,517 2,694,640 1,215,058 2,280,519 2,864,021 1,400,703 1,868,348
WOMEN 19,302,093 237,020 1,833,203 4,552,872 1,101,656 3,123,270 4,013,521 151,041 701,092 550,517 3,037,901
BLACK 8,816,365 28,636 446,756 889,409 448,795 1,249,727 1,280,263 302,203 1,024,831 792,837 2,352,908
MEN 3,949,660 14,945 216,634 297,121 166,620 475,799 308,934 265,196 754,340 535,721 914,350
WOMEN 4,866,705 13,691 230,122 592,288 282,175 773,928 971,329 37,007 270,491 257,116 1,438,558
HISPANIC 8,710,816 37,550 481,226 670,656 340,748 1,219,458 1,064,374 546,991 1,050,378 1,237,175 2,062,260
MEN 4,691,988 24,724 285,406 303,917 190,204 512,170 297,009 506,293 792,916 840,649 938,700
WOMEN 4,018,828 12,826 195,820 366,739 150,544 707,288 767,365 40,698 257,462 396,526 1,123,560
ASIAN 3,441,016 42,927 326,581 1,301,794 214,639 316,396 335,048 92,352 236,627 154,949 419,703
MEN 1,790,296 31,494 201,185 697,803 115,160 135,532 103,548 76,799 152,302 94,459 182,014
WOMEN 1,650,720 11,433 125,396 603,991 99,479 180,864 231,500 15,553 84,325 60,490 237,689
AMERICAN INDIAN 354,712 2,778 24,009 44,511 19,458 57,373 44,323 29,076 39,321 26,423 67,440
MEN 180,733 1,802 13,967 19,027 9,891 23,871 11,179 26,921 30,192 18,545 25,338
WOMEN 173,979 976 10,042 25,484 9,567 33,502 33,144 2,155 9,129 7,878 42,102
HAWAIIAN (NHOPI) 267,954 1,712 16,819 40,048 14,849 37,715 36,925 11,705 24,767 24,239 59,175
MEN 134,381 1,132 9,055 17,643 7,912 15,546 10,211 10,687 18,389 17,008 26,798
WOMEN 133,573 580 7,764 22,405 6,937 22,169 26,714 1,018 6,378 7,231 32,377
TWO OR MORE RACES 901,568 6,041 56,521 128,963 40,712 191,959 132,910 25,938 51,021 54,082 213,421
MEN 427,941 3,845 29,763 59,579 20,748 79,769 38,957 23,263 39,609 37,494 94,914
WOMEN 473,627 2,196 26,758 69,384 19,964 112,190 93,953 2,675 11,412 16,588 118,507

Data Source: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Employer Information Reports (EEO-1 Single and Consolidated Reports), 2013.


Appendix I: Table B

Occupational Employment in Private Sector by Gender and Race/Ethnicity Groups in Percent (2013)

ALL EMPLOYEES 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
MEN 51.31 71.12 59.89 46.77 50.7 44.29 24.44 92.73 77.63 69.43 40.18
WOMEN 48.69 28.88 40.11 53.23 49.3 55.71 75.56 7.27 22.37 30.57 59.82
WHITE 64.23 87.6 77.68 73.74 68.15 65.44 64.37 70.69 59.5 46.01 48.67
MEN 33.54 63.05 47.4 34.86 35.64 30.31 14.96 66.3 47.8 33.03 18.53
WOMEN 30.69 24.56 30.27 38.88 32.51 35.13 49.41 4.39 11.7 12.98 30.13
BLACK 14.02 2.97 7.38 7.6 13.25 14.06 15.76 8.79 17.1 18.69 23.34
MEN 6.28 1.55 3.58 2.54 4.92 5.35 3.8 7.71 12.59 12.63 9.07
WOMEN 7.74 1.42 3.8 5.06 8.33 8.71 11.96 1.08 4.51 6.06 14.27
HISPANIC 13.85 3.89 7.95 5.73 10.06 13.72 13.1 15.9 17.53 29.17 20.46
MEN 7.46 2.56 4.71 2.6 5.61 5.76 3.66 14.72 13.23 19.82 9.31
WOMEN 6.39 1.33 3.23 3.13 4.44 7.96 9.45 1.18 4.3 9.35 11.15
ASIAN 5.47 4.45 5.39 11.12 6.33 3.56 4.12 2.68 3.95 3.65 4.16
MEN 2.85 3.26 3.32 5.96 3.4 1.52 1.27 2.23 2.54 2.23 1.81
WOMEN 2.62 1.18 2.07 5.16 2.94 2.03 2.85 0.45 1.41 1.43 2.36
AMERICAN INDIAN 0.56 0.29 0.4 0.38 0.57 0.65 0.55 0.85 0.66 0.62 0.67
MEN 0.29 0.19 0.23 0.16 0.29 0.27 0.14 0.78 0.5 0.44 0.25
WOMEN 0.28 0.1 0.17 0.22 0.28 0.38 0.41 0.06 0.15 0.19 0.42
HAWAIIAN (NHOPI) 0.43 0.18 0.28 0.34 0.44 0.42 0.45 0.34 0.41 0.57 0.59
MEN 0.21 0.12 0.15 0.15 0.23 0.17 0.13 0.31 0.31 0.4 0.27
WOMEN 0.21 0.06 0.13 0.19 0.2 0.25 0.33 0.03 0.11 0.17 0.32
TWO OR MORE RACES 1.43 0.63 0.93 1.1 1.2 2.16 1.64 0.75 0.85 1.28 2.12
MEN 0.68 0.4 0.49 0.51 0.61 0.9 0.48 0.68 0.66 0.88 0.94
WOMEN 0.75 0.23 0.44 0.59 0.59 1.26 1.16 0.08 0.19 0.39 1.18

Data Source: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Employer Information Reports (EEO-1 Single and Consolidated Reports), 2013.

Appendix I: Table C

Distribution of Gender and Race/Ethnicity Group by Occupation in Private Sector in Percents (2013)

ALL EMPLOYEES 100.00 1.53 9.63 18.62 5.39 14.14 12.92 5.47 9.53 6.74 16.03
MEN 100.00 2.13 11.24 16.97 5.32 12.2 6.15 9.89 14.42 9.13 12.55
WOMEN 100.00 0.91 7.93 20.36 5.46 16.18 20.04 0.82 4.38 4.23 19.7
WHITE 100.00 2.09 11.64 21.38 5.72 14.4 12.94 6.02 8.83 4.83 12.15
MEN 100.00 2.89 13.61 19.35 5.73 12.78 5.76 10.81 13.58 6.64 8.86
WOMEN 100.00 1.23 9.5 23.59 5.71 16.18 20.79 0.78 3.63 2.85 15.74
BLACK 100.00 0.32 5.07 10.09 5.09 14.18 14.52 3.43 11.62 8.99 26.69
MEN 100.00 0.38 5.48 7.52 4.22 12.05 7.82 6.71 19.1 13.56 23.15
WOMEN 100.00 0.28 4.73 12.17 5.8 15.9 19.96 0.76 5.56 5.28 29.56
HISPANIC 100.00 0.43 5.52 7.7 3.91 14 12.22 6.28 12.06 14.2 23.67
MEN 100.00 0.53 6.08 6.48 4.05 10.92 6.33 10.79 16.9 17.92 20.01
WOMEN 100.00 0.32 4.87 9.13 3.75 17.6 19.09 1.01 6.41 9.87 27.96
ASIAN 100.00 1.25 9.49 37.83 6.24 9.19 9.74 2.68 6.88 4.5 12.2
MEN 100.00 1.76 11.24 38.98 6.43 7.57 5.78 4.29 8.51 5.28 10.17
WOMEN 100.00 0.69 7.6 36.59 6.03 10.96 14.02 0.94 5.11 3.66 14.4
AMERICAN INDIAN 100.00 0.78 6.77 12.55 5.49 16.17 12.5 8.2 11.09 7.45 19.01
MEN 100.00 1.00 7.73 10.53 5.47 13.21 6.19 14.90 16.71 10.26 14.02
WOMEN 100.00 0.56 5.77 14.65 5.5 19.26 19.05 1.24 5.25 4.53 24.2
HAWAIIAN (NHOPI) 100.00 0.64 6.28 14.95 5.54 14.08 13.78 4.37 9.24 9.05 22.08
MEN 100.00 0.84 6.74 13.13 5.89 11.57 7.6 7.95 13.68 12.66 19.94
WOMEN 100.00 0.43 5.81 16.77 5.19 16.6 20.0 0.76 4.77 5.41 24.24
TWO OR MORE RACES 100.00 0.67 6.27 14.3 4.52 21.29 14.74 2.88 5.66 6 23.67
MEN 100.00 0.9 6.95 13.92 4.85 18.64 9.1 5.44 9.26 8.76 22.18
WOMEN 100.00 0.46 5.65 14.65 4.22 23.69 19.84 0.56 2.41 3.5 25.02

Data Source: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Employer Information Reports (EEO-1 Single and Consolidated Reports), 2013.


Appendix II: Table A

Occupational Employment in Private Sector by Gender and Race/Ethnicity Groups in Numbers (2013)

ALL EMPLOYEES 50,293,594 842,911 4,643,208 10,299,420 2,838,582 5,568,364 6,494,173 2,909,466 5,200,746 3,689,040 7,807,684
MEN 26,242,776 597,116 2,843,341 4,801,504 1,420,741 2,578,476 1,646,986 2,698,410 3,964,485 2,523,066 3,168,651
WOMEN 24,050,818 245,795 1,799,867 5,497,916 1,417,841 2,989,888 4,847,187 211,056 1,236,261 1,165,974 4,639,033
WHITE 32,247,795 740,157 3,637,715 7,577,558 1,933,352 3,670,295 4,156,248 2,049,404 3,057,337 1,655,117 3,770,612
MEN 17,116,716 530,156 2,259,852 3,560,669 995,576 1,792,355 1,014,550 1,922,689 2,416,056 1,171,488 1,453,325
WOMEN 15,131,079 210,001 1,377,863 4,016,889 937,776 1,877,940 3,141,698 126,715 641,281 483,629 2,317,287
BLACK 7,098,945 24,385 324,508 775,402 381,457 779,502 1,085,448 256,910 908,344 702,617 1,860,372
MEN 3,201,455 12,582 162,552 257,758 139,577 301,469 263,791 225,378 655,533 468,361 714,454
WOMEN 3,897,490 11,803 161,956 517,644 241,880 478,033 821,657 31,532 252,811 234,256 1,145,918
HISPANIC 6,831,257 30,944 336,549 577,692 276,413 740,892 817,589 467,223 915,299 1,099,831 1,568,825
MEN 3,785,382 20,497 209,582 264,426 154,238 319,752 235,401 432,560 678,586 735,966 734,374
WOMEN 3,045,875 10,447 126,967 313,266 122,175 421,140 582,188 34,663 236,713 363,865 834,451
ASIAN 2,957,355 38,519 274,821 1,183,336 186,295 213,542 264,358 80,564 221,531 143,242 351,147
MEN 1,558,248 28,215 171,871 634,950 100,126 92,816 83,714 67,146 140,323 86,278 152,809
WOMEN 1,399,107 10,304 102,950 548,386 86,169 120,726 180,644 13,418 81,208 56,964 198,338
AMERICAN INDIAN 275,758 2,304 17,361 38,644 15,673 35,978 35,596 24,759 33,616 22,359 49,468
MEN 144,001 1,476 10,584 16,413 7,833 15,775 9,295 22,893 25,390 15,568 18,774
WOMEN 131,757 828 6,777 22,231 7,840 20,203 26,301 1,866 8,226 6,791 30,694
HAWAIIAN (NHOPI) 212,464 1,482 12,141 35,047 12,298 22,917 29,803 9,819 21,519 21,032 46,406
MEN 107,805 971 6,744 15,382 6,459 9,651 8,467 8,968 15,597 14,511 21,055
WOMEN 104,659 511 5,397 19,665 5,839 13,266 21,336 851 5,922 6,521 25,351
TWO OR MORE RACES 670,020 5,120 40,113 111,741 33,094 105,238 105,131 20,787 43,100 44,842 160,854
MEN 329,169 3,219 22,156 51,906 16,932 46,658 31,768 18,776 33,000 30,894 73,860
WOMEN 340,851 1,901 17,957 59,835 16,162 58,580 73,363 2,011 10,100 13,948 86,994

Data Source: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Employer Information Reports (EEO-1 Single and Establishment Reports), 2013.


Appendix II: Table B

Occupational Employment in Private Sector by Gender and Race/Ethnicity Groups in Percents (2013)

ALL EMPLOYEES 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
MEN 52.18 70.84 61.24 46.62 50.05 46.31 25.36 92.75 76.23 68.39 40.58
WOMEN 47.82 29.16 38.76 53.38 49.95 53.69 74.64 7.25 23.77 31.61 59.42
WHITE 64.12 87.81 78.34 73.57 68.11 65.91 64.00 70.44 58.79 44.87 48.29
MEN 34.03 62.90 48.67 34.57 35.07 32.19 15.62 66.08 46.46 31.76 18.61
WOMEN 30.09 24.91 29.67 39.00 33.04 33.73 48.38 4.36 12.33 13.11 29.68
BLACK 14.12 2.89 6.99 7.53 13.44 14.00 16.71 8.83 17.47 19.05 23.83
MEN 6.37 1.49 3.50 2.50 4.92 5.41 4.06 7.75 12.60 12.70 9.15
WOMEN 7.75 1.40 3.49 5.03 8.52 8.58 12.65 1.08 4.86 6.35 14.68
HISPANIC 13.58 3.67 7.25 5.61 9.74 13.31 12.59 16.06 17.60 29.81 20.09
MEN 7.53 2.43 4.51 2.57 5.43 5.74 3.62 14.87 13.05 19.95 9.41
WOMEN 6.06 1.24 2.73 3.04 4.30 7.56 8.96 1.19 4.55 9.86 10.69
ASIAN 5.88 4.57 5.92 11.49 6.56 3.83 4.07 2.77 4.26 3.88 4.50
MEN 3.10 3.35 3.70 6.16 3.53 1.67 1.29 2.31 2.70 2.34 1.96
WOMEN 2.78 1.22 2.22 5.32 3.04 2.17 2.78 0.46 1.56 1.54 2.54
AMERICAN INDIAN 0.55 0.27 0.37 0.38 0.55 0.65 0.55 0.85 0.65 0.61 0.63
MEN 0.29 0.18 0.23 0.16 0.28 0.28 0.14 0.79 0.49 0.42 0.24
WOMEN 0.26 0.10 0.15 0.22 0.28 0.36 0.40 0.06 0.16 0.18 0.39
HAWAIIAN (NHOPI) 0.42 0.18 0.26 0.34 0.43 0.41 0.46 0.34 0.41 0.57 0.59
MEN 0.21 0.12 0.15 0.15 0.23 0.17 0.13 0.31 0.30 0.39 0.27
WOMEN 0.21 0.06 0.12 0.19 0.21 0.24 0.33 0.03 0.11 0.18 0.32
TWO OR MORE RACES 1.33 0.61 0.86 1.08 1.17 1.89 1.62 0.71 0.83 1.22 2.06
MEN 0.65 0.38 0.48 0.50 0.60 0.84 0.49 0.65 0.63 0.84 0.95
WOMEN 0.68 0.23 0.39 0.58 0.57 1.05 1.13 0.07 0.19 0.38 1.11

Data Source: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Employer Information Reports (EEO-1 Single and EstablishmentReports), 2013.

[1] Please note the data source citation in parentheses at the bottom of each table/figure. Aggregates in Appendix Table A, B, and C were derived from single and consolidated reports, which were used primarily for our race, gender, and job group analysis. Appendix II, Table A and B, meanwhile, were aggregated from single and establishment reports, which were primarily used in our reporting of industrial and geographical groups. For further details on EEO-1 report types, go to