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EEO-3 (Local Union Report) Statistics

Introductory Note

The Local Union Report (EEO-3), also referred to as the EEO-3 Report, is a mandatory biennial data collection that requires local unions, specifically local referral unions, with 100 or more members to submit demographic data including membership, applicant, and referral information by race/ethnicity and sex. The filing by eligible local unions is required under section 709(c) of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 2000e-8(c), 29 CFR 1602.22 and .27-.28.

The confidentiality provision (section 709(e) of Title VII) governing the release of data prohibits release of individually identifiable information.  EEOC Explore provides aggregate-level data in a manner that does not identify a particular employer or entity or reveal an individual employee’s personal information. Additionally, confidential information is protected from disclosure by a series of statistical disclosure limitation activities. As a result, public use files contain details of aggregate employment characteristics only when they will not identify any employer or employee.


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