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Data Visualizations: Color Based Charges

The following visuals reflect charges of employment discrimination and resolutions for color-based charges, spanning from FY 2016 – FY 2020.

Total Charge Receipts Versus Color-Based Receipts
FY 2016 - FY 2020

  FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020
Total Receipts 91,503 84,254 76,418 72,675 67,448
Color-Based Receipts 3,102 3,240 3,166 3,415 3,562
Percent of Color-Based Receipts 3.4% 3.8% 4.1% 4.7% 5.3%
Color-Based Receipts 2020 - 1

FY 2016 – FY 2020:

  • As a percentage of total charges, receipts that included color-based claims increased.
  • Total receipts decreased by 26.3%.
  • Receipts that included color-based claims increased by 14.8%.

*Charge data includes all charges filed by individuals in the private sector and state and local government workplaces; it does not include discrimination complaints in the federal sector.

**For all definitions of terms please go to:


Total Monetary Benefits Versus Color-Based Monetary Benefits
FY 2016 - FY 2020

  FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020
Total Monetary Benefits $348.00 $355.60 $353.90 $346.60 $333.2
Color-Based Monetary Benefits (Millions)* $8.40 $11.80 $9.10 $13.70 $13.80
Percent of Color-Based Monetary Benefits 2.4% 3.3% 2.6% 4.0% 4.1%
Color-Based Monetary Benefit 2020 - 2

FY 2016 – FY 2020:

  • As a percentage of total monetary benefits, monetary benefits for charges that included color-based claims increased.
  • Total monetary benefits decreased by $14.8 million, a change of 4.3%.
  • Monetary benefits for charges that included color-based claims increased by $5.4 million, a change of 64.3%.

*Charge data includes all charges filed by individuals in the private sector and state and local government workplaces; it does not include discrimination complaints in the federal sector.

**For all definitions of terms please go to:


Total Resolutions Versus Color-Based Resolutions
FY 2016 - FY 2020

  FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020
Total Resolutions 97,443 99,109 90,558 80,806 70,804
Color-Based Resolutions 3,148 3,535 3,623 3,592 3,460
Percent of Color-Based Resolutions 3.2% 3.6% 4.0% 4.4% 4.9%
Color-Based Resolutions 2020 - 3

FY 2016 – FY 2020:

  • As a percentage of total resolutions, resolutions of charges that included color-based claims increased.
  • Total resolutions decreased by 27.3%.
  • Resolutions of charges that included color-based claims increased by 9.9%.

*Charge data includes all charges filed by individuals in the private sector and state and local government workplaces; it does not include discrimination complaints in the federal sector.

**Resolutions - All charges closed in the administrative process, comprised of charges with no cause findings, administrative closures, and merit resolutions

***For all definitions of terms please go to:


Resolutions - Color-Based
FY 2016 - FY 2020

Resolutions - Color-Based 2020 - 4
  FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020
No Reasonable Cause 67.1% 70.0% 72.2% 72.9% 67.5%
Administrative Closures 20.2% 16.6% 17.1% 16.3% 19.2%
Merit Resolutions 12.7% 13.4% 10.7% 10.7% 13.3%
  • Resolutions - All charges closed in the administrative process, comprised of charges with no cause findings, administrative closures, and merit resolutions.
  • No Reasonable Cause - EEOC’s determination not to proceed further with its investigation. This determination does not certify that the respondent is in compliance with the statutes EEOC enforces. In issuing this determination, the EEOC makes no decision about the merits of claims alleged in the charge or of any other issues that could be construed as having been raised by the charge. The charging party may exercise the right to bring a private court action.
  • Administrative Closures - Charge closed for administrative reasons without a determination based on the merits, which include: lack of jurisdiction due to untimeliness, insufficient number of employees, or lack of employment relationship; charging party requests withdrawal without receiving benefits; or charging party requests the notice of right to sue.
  • Merit Resolutions - Charge resolved with an outcome favorable to charging party or charge with meritorious allegations. These are comprised of negotiated settlements, withdrawals with benefits, successful conciliations, and unsuccessful conciliations.

*Charge data includes all charges filed by individuals in the private sector and state and local government workplaces; it does not include discrimination complaints in the federal sector.

**For all definitions of terms please go to:


Merit Resolutions - Color-Based
FY 2016 - FY 2020

Color-Based Merit Resolutions 2020 - 5
  FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020
Settlements 42.6% 42.6% 33.4% 37.1% 39.7%
Withdrawals w/Benefits 44.1% 44.5% 46.5% 51.4% 46.0%
Unsuccessful Conciliations 9.5% 8.2% 16.7% 7.5% 8.3%
Successful Conciliations 3.7% 4.6% 3.3% 3.9% 6.1%
  • Settlements - Charge settled during investigation with benefits to charging party.
  • Withdrawals w/Benefits - Charge is withdrawn, at the request of charging party, who will receive benefits through a separate agreement with the employer.
  • Successful Conciliations - Charge with reasonable cause determination closed after resolution of the charge through voluntary efforts, whereby EEOC is a party to the agreement.
  • Unsuccessful Conciliations - Charge with reasonable cause determination closed after failure to resolve the charge through voluntary efforts. Because "reasonable cause" has been found, this resolution is considered a merit resolution.

*Charge data includes all charges filed by individuals in the private sector and state and local government workplaces; it does not include discrimination complaints in the federal sector.

**For all definitions of terms please go to: