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Chart data for The Older American Worker: Age Discrimination in Employment

Chart 1: Older Workers Represent less than 5 Percent of New Hires in Most Establishments1

Establishments Hiring Specified Percentages of Workers Aged 45 and Over
Workers Aged 45 and OverPercentage of Establishments
Less than 5%50
5 to 15%13
15% or more18

1 Based on Special Survey of Hiring Practices in 5 Cities in 1965
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Employment Security

Chart 3: The Older the Workers' Age Group, the Lower the Level of Education

25 to
34 (%)
35 to 44 (%)45 to 54 (%)55 to 64 (%)
Less than 8 years Elementary School7111521
8 years Elementary School7111623
1 to 3 years High School19202017
4 years High School40363121
1 to 3 years College121198
4 or more years College1613109

Note: Percent applies within each age group
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics


Chart 4: A Third of Private Pension Plans Exclude Workers Hired at Age 55 and Over Half at Age 60

AgePlans (%)1963 Employment Under Plan (%)

Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics


Chart 5: Long-Term Unemployment Falls More Heavily on the Older Worker


Percent of Unemployed Workers in Group in 1964
 Total UnemployedUnemployed 15 Weeks and OverUnemployed 27 Weeks and Over
 Under 2525 - 4445 - 6465 and overUnder 2525 - 4445 - 6465 and overUnder 2525 - 4445 - 6465 and over

Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics

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