Displaying 1801 - 1810 of 2014 results for 'laws practices'
In 2012, The Alaska Governor's Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault - a division of the State of Alaska Department of Public Safety began a search for an evidence based primary prevention strategy in hopes of beginning to combat Alaska's alarming rates of domestic violence, sexual assault
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission EEOC Office of Legal Counsel staff members wrote the following informal discussion letter in response to an inquiry from a member of the public. This letter is intended to provide an informal discussion of the noted issue and does not constitute an
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission EEOC Office of Legal Counsel staff members wrote the following letter to respond to a request for public comment from a federal agency or department. This letter is an informal discussion of the noted issue and does not constitute an official opinion
Good morning. My name is Kasey Nalls. I am a member of UNITE HERE Local 1, Chicago's hospitality workers union. Thank you Acting Chair Lipnic, Commissioner Feldblum, and members of the Task Force for holding this meeting and for inviting me into this conversation. Our union, UNITE HERE Local 1
(For more detailed information, see the FOIA Reference Guide at https://www.eeoc.gov/foia/handbook.cfm.)
1. What is the FOIA ?
The FOIA is a federal law that requires federal agencies to disclose agency records to the public, except to the extent that either the record, or a portion of it, is
Digest of EEO Law, Volume XI, No. 4 I FOUR $10,000 COMPENSATORY DAMAGES AWARDS WHERE DISCRIMINATION WAS BLATANT Burrough, Grayson, Neeland, Sands v. Department of Defense (Defense Commissary Agency), EEOC Appeals Nos. 01955462, 01955351, 01955691, 01955520 (February 27, 1998). Appellants, all
Table A-6c FY 2014 DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY WITH SELECTIVE SECOND LEVEL REPORTING COMPONENTS * AGENCY Total Work Force Targeted Disabilities Deafness Blindness Missing Extremities Partial Paralysis Complete Paralysis Convulsive Disorders Intellectual Disability Mental Illness Distortion Of Limb and/or
Artificial Intelligence and the ADA (2022)
Questions and Answers: The Application of Title VII and the ADA to Applicants or Employees Who Experience Domestic or Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking (2012)
Final Report on Best Practices for the Employment of People with Disabilities in
Iniciar, dirigir y hacer crecer una empresa es un desafío. Hay planes comerciales por crear, facturas por pagar, clientes por captar, servicios por proporcionar y ganancias por mantener; todo ello, en un ambiente competitivo y de rápida evolución.
También hay responsabilidades legales por
Tal vez estés familiarizado con la palabra "discriminación". ¿Pero sabes lo que realmente significa? ¿Y comprendes cómo se aplica en el contexto de tu trabajo? "Discriminar" a una persona significa tratarla de manera diferente, o menos favorable, por alguna razón. La discriminación puede ocurrir