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Press release

EEOC Sues Wal-Mart for Firing Disabled Employee

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced today that it has filed suit against Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. for refusing to allow a long-term employee with cerebral palsy to return to work after a medical leave because of restrictions imposed by her doctor that would have been temporary.
September 19, 2011

Press release

Gran Cultivador De Manzana En Washinton Demandado Por El EEOC Por Tomar Represalia En Contra De Empleados

La Comisión para la Igualdad de Oportunidad en el Empleo de los Estados Unidos (EEOC) anunció en una demanda archivada hoy que uno de los cultivadores más grandes de manzana en la nación violó la ley federal cuando sus mayordomos tomaron represalia en contra de trabajadores por cooperar con una investigación federal de discriminación. Esta es la segunda demanda de la agencia en contra de la compañía Evans Fruit; en Junio 2010, el EEOC demandó que trabajadoras agrícolas fueron acosadas sexualmente en el rancho de manzana en Sunnyside.
September 15, 2011

Press release

Major Washington Apple Grower Sued by EEOC for Retaliation Against Employees

One of the nation's largest apple producers violated federal law when its management retaliated against workers for cooperating in a federal discrimination investigation, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced in a lawsuit filed today.  This is the agency's second lawsuit against Evans Fruit Company; in June 2010, the EEOC charged that female farmworkers were sexually harassed at the grower's Sunnyside ranch.
September 15, 2011

Press release

EEOC Sues Insource Performance Solutions And Legrand North America For Disability Bias

Insource Performance Solutions, LLC and LeGrand North America, Inc. violated the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) when they failed to accommodate and subsequently discharged a disabled employee, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charged in lawsuit it filed yesterday. Insource is a North Carolina-based corporation that provides labor services for its clients, including LeGrand. LeGrand, a Delaware corporation, is a leading provider of products and systems for electrical installations and information networks.
September 15, 2011

Press release

EEOC Sues Olam for Refusing to Hire a Pregnant Job Applicant

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) today announced that it filed a discrimination lawsuit against Olam Americas, Inc. and its two subsidiaries for refusing to hire a pregnant applicant into an executive assistant position at its Fresno, Calif. facility.  Olam Americas, Inc. is a leading supplier and processor of agricultural products and food ingredients. 
September 14, 2011

Press release

EEOC Y ABM Industries Arreglan Caso De Discriminación Y Represalias Por Trabajadores Latinos

La Comisión para la Igualdad de Oportunidades de Empleo (EEOC) de los Estados Unidos hoy anunció el arreglo de una demanda contra ABM Industries (ABM), una empresa nacional de servicios de conserjería. La demanda alegaba que algunos supervisores de ABM discriminaron contra conserjes Latinos, quienes trabajaban en varios edificios comerciales localizados en el centro de San Francisco, asignándoles tareas menos favorables a pesar de su antigüedad, removiéndolos de posiciones favorables, y otras acciones. La demanda también alegaba que ABM tomó represalias en contra de algunos de estos empleados después de que ellos sometieron quejas con el EEOC. ABM negó las alegaciones contenidas en la demanda, pero accedió a resolver el caso tras una conferencia de liquidación ordenada por el Tribunal.
September 14, 2011

Press release

EEOC and ABM Industries Settle Discrimination and Retaliation Case for Latino Workers

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) today announced the settlement of a lawsuit against ABM Industries (NYSE:ABM), a nationwide janitorial services firm.  The suit alleged that supervisors at the company discriminated against Latino janitors working at several commercial buildings in downtown San Francisco by giving them less preferable assignments despite their seniority, removing them from long favored positions and other actions.  The suit also alleged that ABM retaliated against some of these employees after they filed charges with the EEOC.  ABM denied the allegations contained in the lawsuit, but agreed to settle the case following a court-ordered settlement conference.
September 14, 2011

Press release

EEOC Sues Owner of California McDonald's for Disability Discrimination

Alia Corporation, a property management company and owner of a McDonald's in Oakhurst, Calif., unlawfully demoted a supervisor because of his cerebral palsy and forced him to quit, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charged in a disability discrimination lawsuit it filed today.
September 14, 2011

Press release

Allsup's Convenience Stores, Inc. Settles EEOC Retaliation Lawsuit

New Mexico-based Allsup's Convenience Stores, Inc., which operates over 300 stores in Texas and New Mexico, will pay a former employee $37,000 and furnish other relief to settle a retaliation lawsuit filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the agency announced today.
September 13, 2011

Press release

Woodburn Tree Farm Settles EEOC Lawsuit for Sexual and Ethnic Harassment

Holiday Specialtrees, a Christmas tree farm in Woodburn, Ore., will pay $110,000 and furnish other significant relief to settle a sexual harassment and national origin discrimination lawsuit by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the agency announced today.
September 13, 2011

Press release

Modesto Retailer Sued for Disability Discrimination

Modesto retailer Buy-Rite Thrift Store violated federal law by firing an employee for having epilepsy, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission charged in a lawsuit filed today under the Americans With Disabilities Act.
September 13, 2011

Press release

EEOC Sues Miles Kimball For Disability Bias

Miles Kimball Company of Oshkosh, Wis., violated federal law by denying Laura Nejedlo an accommodation for her disability (deafness) and then firing her, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has charged in a new lawsuit.
September 12, 2011

Press release

EEOC Sues G2 Secure Staff, LLC For Disability Discrimination

G2 Secure Staff, LLC, an Irving, Texas-based staffing company that maintains an office in Raleigh, N.C., unlawfully refused to accommodate a disabled applicant who needed an accommodation during the hiring process and subsequently denied him employment because of his disability, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charged in a lawsuit filed today.
September 12, 2011

Press release

Walgreens Sued By EEOC For Disability Discrimination

Drugstore giant Walgreens violated federal law by firing a worker with diabetes instead of accommodating her, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission charged in a lawsuit filed today under the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).
September 8, 2011

Press release

Oakland Restaurant Sued by EEOC for Disability Discrimination

Merritt Restaurant and Bakery, a Lake Merritt neighborhood restaurant, violated federal law when it discriminated against an employee with a history of seizures, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charged in a lawsuit it announced today.
September 8, 2011

Press release

Walgreens Demandado Por El EEOC Por Discriminación Por Discapacidad

La gigante farmacia Walgreens violó la ley federal al despedir a una trabajadora diabética en vez de ajustarse a las necesidades de ella, según la acusación de la Comisión de Igualdad de Oportunidad de Empleo de Estados Unidos (EEOC) en una demanda que se presentó hoy bajo la Ley para Estadounidenses con Discapacidades (ADA).
September 8, 2011