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Displaying 2881 - 2904 of 7077 results

Press release

ACM Services to Pay $415,000 to Settle EEOC Class Race, Gender Discrimination and Harassment Suit

ACM Services, Inc., a Rockville, Md.-based environmental remediation services contractor, will pay $415,000 and provide comprehensive equitable relief to resolve a class race, gender discrimination and harassment lawsuit, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced today.  The EEOC had charged that ACM Services engaged in a pattern or practice of race and sex discrimination in hiring and also harassed two women based on sex, race and national origin and retaliated against them.
November 13, 2014

Press release

Seed and Fertilizer Providers to Pay $187,500 for Genetic Information and Disability Discrimination

Calif. — Three Southern California seed and fertilizer providers – All Star Seed, Inc., La Valle Sabbia and Abatti – will pay $187,500 to settle a discrimination lawsuit filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) on behalf of a class of job applicants who were subjected to illegal medical and genetic information inquiries, the federal agency announced today.
November 10, 2014

Press release

EEOC Sues Saginaw Restaurant for Pregnancy Discrimination

Crooked Creek Investment Company, doing business as Crooked Creek & Creekside Bar & Grille in Saginaw, Mich., violated federal law when it refused to hire an applicant as a food server because she was pregnant, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charged in a lawsuit filed today.
November 4, 2014

Press release

Vamco Sheet Metals to Pay $215,000 to Settle  EEOC Sex Discrimination Suit

Construction contractor Vamco Sheet Metals, Inc., will pay $215,000 as part of the settlement of a sex discrimination lawsuit brought by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the agency announced today.  Legal Momentum, a women's rights nonprofit organization (formerly NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund), joined the EEOC's suit on behalf of four discrimination victims.
October 29, 2014

Press release

Jury Awards $499,000 Against EmCare in EEOC Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Case

A Dallas federal court jury, on Friday, October 24, 2014, returned a verdict awarding almost half a million dollars to three former employees in a sexual harassment and retaliation lawsuit by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission against EmCare, a provider of physician services, the federal agency announced.
October 27, 2014

Press release

Esperan Con Sus Alas Para Combatir Discriminación Sexual En El Trabajo

Las auxiliares de vuelo fueron uno de los primeros grupos organizados que desafió la sistémica y rutinaria practica de la discriminación sexual después de la promulgación del Título VII del Acta de Derechos Civiles de 1964, un panel de demandantes originales y otros expertos hablaron en un evento conmemorando el 50 Aniversario del Acta de Derechos Civiles, celebrado el Jueves, 23 de octubre.
October 24, 2014

Press release

Waiting with Their Wings to Fight Workplace Sex Discrimination

Flight attendants were one of the first organized groups to challenge systemic—and routine—sex discrimination following the enactment of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, a panel of original plaintiffs and other experts explained at an event commemorating the 50th anniver­sary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 held Thursday, October 23rd.
October 24, 2014

Press release

Jurado Juzga En Favor De La EEOC Que Guardia De Seguridad Con Un Brazo Fue Despedido Debido A Su Discapacidad

En un veredicto a favor de la Comisión para la Igualdad de Oportunidades en el Empleo (EEOC), un jurado encontró que un guardia de seguridad con un solo brazo con licencia fue ilegalmente discriminado en base a no tener una extremidad cuando su empleador, lo sacó de su cargo a raíz de la queja de un cliente acerca de su discapacidad, la agencia federal anunció hoy.
October 23, 2014

Press release

EEOC Demanda a County Fair Farm por Acoso Sexual

County Fair Farm, una granja y productora mayorista ubicada en Jefferson, Maine, violó la ley federal al crear y mantener un ambiente de trabajo sexualmente hostil para las trabajadoras agrícolas desde 2003, la Comisión Para la Igualdad de Oportunidades en el Empleo (EEOC) acusó en una demanda presentada hoy.
October 22, 2014

Press release

EEOC Sues County Fair Farm for Sexual Harassment

County Fair Farm, a farm and produce wholesaler located in Jefferson, Maine, violated federal law by creating and maintaining a sexually hostile work environment for female farmworkers since 2003, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced in a lawsuit today.
October 22, 2014

Press release

EEOC to Hold Live Twitter Chat On Disability Employment in the Federal Sector

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) will hold a live Twitter chat on Tuesday, Oct. 28, from 2:00 to 3:00 pm (EDT).  In commemoration of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), the interactive online forum will focus on the federal government as a model employer of people with disabilities. EEOC Chair Jenny Yang and Commissioner Chai Feldblum will answer questions during the hour-long chat.
October 21, 2014

Press release

EEOC, Colegio De Leyes De IIT Chicago-Kent, Y El Comité De La Sección ABA De Leyes De Labor Y Empleo, Serán Sede De El Evento Del 50 Aniversario Sobre La Discriminación Sexual En El Trabajo El 23 De Oct.

La Comisión Para la Igualdad de Oportunidades en el Empleo de los EE.UU. , El Instituto de Leyes y Lugar de Trabajo de ITT Chicago-Kent, y El Comité de Igualdades de Oportunidades en el Empleo de la Sección de Trabajo y Leyes Laborales ABA serán sede de El Acta de Derechos Civiles a los 50 Años: "El Papel Pionero de las Asistentes de Vuelo en la Lucha Contra la Discriminación Sexual," el jueves 23 de octubre en el Auditorio Ogilvie, Colegio de Leyes IIT Chicago-Kent (565 West Adams Street, Chicago). El evento comenzará a las 10:00 a.m. y las puertas abrirán a las 9:30 a.m.
October 17, 2014

Press release

EEOC, IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, and EEO Committee of ABA Section on Labor and Employment Law to Host CRA 50th Anniversary Event on Workplace Sex Discrimination on Oct. 23

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law's Institute for Law and the Workplace, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Committee of the ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law will host The Civil Rights Act @ 50: "The Pioneering Role of Flight Attendants in Fighting Sex Discrimination," on Thursday, Oct. 23 at Ogilvie Auditorium, IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law (565 West Adams Street, Chicago).  The event will begin at 10:00 a.m., and doors will open at 9:30 a.m.
October 17, 2014

Press release

Braun Electric to Pay $82,500 to Settle EEOC Sexual Harassment Suit

Bakersfield, Calif.-based Braun Electric Company will pay $82,500 and furnish other relief to settle a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the agency announced today.  Braun Electric provides industrial electrical services for the oil and gas industry throughout California's San Joaquin Valley.
October 15, 2014

Press release

EEOC Chair Yang Calls for Renewed Effort to Hire People with Disabilities

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEOC) Chair Jenny Yang spoke on Tuesday at a White House event celebrating "Champions of Change" who are doing extraordinary work to hire, retain, and promote people with disabilities in their local communities and throughout the nation.  The event was held in conjunction with National Disability Employment Awareness Month, which is held each October to renew the nation's commitment to an American workforce that extends opportunities to all, including people with disabilities.  The Champions of Change program was created as an opportunity for the White House to feature individuals who are nominated by their communities for making a difference on a particular issue.
October 15, 2014

Press release

EEOC Welcomes New Director  For the Pacific Northwest

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) this week welcomed Nancy A. Sienko as the new director of the agency's Seattle Field Office, with jurisdiction over the states of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Montana and Washington.
October 15, 2014

Press release

EEOC Sues Sushi at the Lake for Disability Discrimination

Greenhouse Enterprise, Inc., dba Sushi at the Lake, which operates a restaurant in Cornelius, N.C., violated federal law when it refused to hire a job applicant because of his disability, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charged in a lawsuit filed today.
October 14, 2014

Press release

Atchison Transportation to Pay $85,000 to Settle EEOC Age Discrimination Suit

Spartanburg, S.C.-based Atchison Transportation Services, Inc., the largest full-service ground transportation company in South Carolina, has agreed to pay $85,000 and furnish other relief to settle an age discrimination lawsuit brought by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the agency announced today. The EEOC had charged that the company discriminated against two motor coach drivers when it fired them because of their ages, 75 and 76, respectively.
October 9, 2014