Federal Agency EEO Directors
The following table is a listing of the EEO Directors at various Federal agencies. If you are a Federal employee or applicant and believe that a Federal agency has subjected you to discrimination, you must contact that agency - not the EEOC - to file an EEO complaint. Should you have issues with the Agency's processing of your federal sector EEO complaint, or need assistance in locating the correct agency EEO official to assist you, you may contact that agency's EEO Director for guidance.
If the agency's EEO Director does not adequately respond to your inquiries, please contact EEOC's Office of Federal Operations at 800-669-4000 or OFO.eeoc@eeoc.gov. You may also contact the Office of Federal Operations if you are a federal sector employee or applicant requiring assistance appealing an agency's decision to the EEOC, or if you are seeking the status of an existing appeal.
If you filed a complaint regarding a private employer (not a Federal agency) with a specific EEOC office, you must contact that EEOC office for assistance on your charge. https://www.eeoc.gov/field
Agency | EEO Office Name | Contact Name | Contact Title | Contact Email | Telephone No. | EEO Website |
Agency for International Development | Office of Civil Rights | Steve Shih | Director | eeocomplaints@usaid.gov | (202) 712-5260 | |
American Battle Monuments Commission | Office of EEO/DEIA | Priscilla Rayson | Chief Diversity Officer and EEO Manager | raysonp@abmc.gov | (703) 584-1571 | |
Agriculture, Department of | Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights | Penny Brown Reynolds | Deputy Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights | USDA OASCR Website | ||
USDA - Agricultural Marketing Service | Office of Civil Rights | Clifton Gilchrist | Civil Rights Director | |||
USDA - Agricultural Research Service | Office of Outreach, Diversity, and Equal Opportunity | Tracey D. Troutman | Director | tracey.troutman@usda.gov | (202) 720-6161 | ARS OODEO Website |
USDA – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service | Office of Civil Rights, Diversity and Inclusion | Sherron Jernigan | Director | sherron.jernigan2@usda.gov | (202) 799-7012 | |
USDA - Economic Research Services | Office of Civil Rights | Kevin Smith | Civil Rights Director | kevin.n.smith2@usda.gov | (816) 527-7656 | |
USDA - Farm Production and Conservation Mission Area | Civil Rights and EEO Division | Willisa M. Donald | Director, CREEOD | Willisa.Donald@usda.gov | (202) 880-2289 | |
USDA - National Agricultural Statistics Service | Office of Civil Rights | June Turner | Civil Rights Director | june.turner@usda.gov | (202) 720-8257 | |
USDA - National Institute of Food and Agriculture | Equal Opportunity Staff and Civil Rights | Vidal B. Gray, CDP | Director, EOSCR | vidal.gray@usda.gov | (682) 216-8784 | NIFA EOSCR Website |
USDA - Office of the Chief Financial Officer | Civil Rights & Conflict Management Office, NFC | Donna Gilbert | EEO Manager | donna.gilbert@usda.gov | (504) 655-3556 | USDA OCFO CRCMO Website |
USDA - Rural Development | Civil Rights Office | Dr. Sharese C. Paylor | Director, CRO | sharese.paylor@usda.gov | (202) 692-0097 | USDA RD CRO Website |
USDA - Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs | Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity | Adriano Vasquez | Director, OCREO | adriano.vasquez@usda.gov | (202) 720-8907 | |
Air Force, Department of the | Equal Opportunity | Maritza M. Sayle-Walker | Director, DAFEO | SAF.MRQ.Workflow@us.af.mil | (888) 231-4058 | USAF EEO Website |
Army, Department of the | EEO Compliance and Complaints Review | Kimberly A. Loder-Albritton, CPEC | Acting Director | kimberly.a.loderalbritton.civ@army.mil | (703) 545-5767 | |
Barry Goldwater Scholarship & Excellence in Education Foundation | Shellby Padgett | EEO Director | goldwaterao@goldwaterscholarship.gov | (703) 756-6012 | BGSF EEO Website | |
Commerce, Department of | Office of Civil Rights | Paul S. Redpath | Chief, Program Implementation Division, OCR | predpath@doc.gov | (202) 482-2627 | DOC OCR Website |
Corporation for National and Community Service | Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility | Nathaniel H. Benjamin | Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer/EEO Officer | NBenjamin@cns.gov | (202) 606-6898 | |
DOC - Census Bureau | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity & Diversity & Inclusion | David Donovan | Acting Chief, EEODI | david.donovan@census.gov | (301) 763-3449 | DOC Census Bureau OEEODI Website |
DOC - Patent & Trademark Office | Office of EEO & Diversity | Bismarck Myrick | Director, OEEOD | bismarck.myrick@uspto.gov | (571) 272-8292 | PTO OEEOD Website |
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau | Office of Civil Rights | Melissa Brand | Director | Melissa.Brand@cfpb.gov | (202)435-9EEO | CFPB OCR Website |
Consumer Product Safety Commission | EEO and Minority Enterprise | Brittany Woolfolk | Director | Bwoolfolk@cpsc.gov | (301) 504-7596 | |
Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity | Denise M. Clark | EEO Director | denise.clark@csosa.gov | (202) 442-1681 | CSOSA OEODSP Website |
Department of Defense | Equal Employment Opportunity | Pamela Sullivan | Director, EEOP | |||
DOD - Army & Air Force Exchange Service | Equal Employment Office, Diversity & Inclusion | Anna Jeffries | Associate EEO and DI Officer | jeffriesam@aafes.com | (214) 312-2633 | AAFES EEODI Website |
DOD - Defense Commissary Agency | EEO Office | Rachel Inabinett | Acting EEO Director | rachel.inabinett@deca.mil | (804) 734-8000 x48978 | DECA EEO Website |
DOD - Defense Commissary Agency | EEO Office | Rachel Inabinett | Complaints Manager/Deputy EEO Director | rachel.inabinett@deca.mil | (804) 734-8000 x48978 | DECA EEO Website |
DOD - Defense Contract Audit Agency | Headquarters, EEO Office | Rafael J. Reyes | Director | rafael.j.reyesserra.civ@mail.mil | (703) 216-3666 | DCAA EEO Website |
DOD - Defense Contract Management Agency | DCMA/DCO | Linda N. Galimore | Director, EEO | linda.n.galimore.civ@mail.mil | ||
DOD - Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity (OEEO) | Mohammed B. Kabir | EEO Director | mohammed.b.kabir.civ@mail.mil | (571) 394-3687 | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity (OEEO) (afpims.mil) |
DOD - Defense Finance and Accounting Service | Office of Equal Opportunity Programs | Will Bryson | Director, OEOP | william.i.bryson.civ@mail.mil | (317) 212-2165 | DFAS OEOP Website |
DOD - Defense Human Resources Activity | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity | Dr. Faynetta O. Jennings | EEO Director | faynetta.o.jennings.civ@mail.mil | (571) 372-2188 | DHRA EEO Website |
DOD - Defense Information Systems Agency | Office of Equal Opportunity Compliance | Keely Warnick | Director, OEEOC | keely.w.warnick.civ@mail.mil | (301) 225-6459 | DISA EEOD Website |
DOD - Defense Logistics Agency | Office of Equal Opportunity & Diversity | Janice Samuel | EEO Director | Janice.samuel@dla.mil | (571) 767-1140 | DLA OEOD Website |
DOD - Defense Logistics Agency | Office of Equal Opportunity & Diversity | Kimberly Lewis | Deputy Director | kimberly.lewis@dla.mil | (571) 992-2999 | DLA OEOD Website |
DOD - Defense Media Activity | Office of Diversity Management and Equal Opportunity | Pedro “Pete” Nieto | Director | pedro.m.nieto.civ@mail.mil | (301) 222-6843 | DMA EEO Website |
DOD - Defense Office of Inspector General | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity | Philip D. Hepperle | EEO Director | Philip.Hepperle@dodig.mil | (703) 669-5660 | DOIG OEEO Website |
DOD - Defense Threat Reduction Agency | Equal Employment Opportunity Office | Henry Bass | Director | henry.l.bass.civ@mail.mil | (571) 616-5804 | DTRA EEO Website |
DOD - Missile Defense Agency | Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Management | Meltina Bynum | Director | meltina.bynum@mda.mil | (256) 313-9659 | |
DOD - National Geospatial Intelligence Agency | Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and EEO | Teresa K. Hollingsworth | EEO Director | Teresa.k.hollingsworth@nga.mil | (571) 557-4537 | NGA EEO Website |
DOD - National Reconnaissance Office | Office of Equality & Inclusion | Director, OEI | (703) 808-2561 | NRO OEI Website | ||
DOD - Defense Technical Information Center | Equal Employment Opportunity & Diversity & Inclusion Office | Kimberly R. Lewis | EEO Director | Kimberly.lewis@dla.mil | (571) 676-9905 | Equal Employment Opportunity – Defense Technical Information Center (dtic.mil) |
DOD - Defense Security Cooperation Agency | Equal Employment Opportunity & Diversity & Inclusion Office | Kimberly R. Lewis | EEO Director | Kimberly.lewis@dla.mil | (571) 676-9905 | EEO - Equal Employment Opportunity | Defense Security Cooperation Agency (dsca.mil) |
DOD - Space Development Agency | Equal Employment Opportunity & Diversity & Inclusion Office | Kimberly R. Lewis | EEO Director | Kimberly.lewis@dla.mil | (571) 676-9905 | DLA OEOD Website |
Education, Department of | Office of EEO Services | Michael Chew | Director, OEEOS | Michael.Chew@ed.gov | (202) 401-3560 | ED OEEOS Website |
Energy, Department of | Office of Economic Impact and Diversity | Ann Augustyn | Acting EEO Manager | ann.augustyn@hq.doe.gov | (202) 586-5687 | DOE OCR Website |
DOE - National Nuclear Security Administration | Office of Civil Rights | Juliana Hanneman | Director and EEO Manager | juliana.hanneman@nnsa.doe.gov | (505) 845-5517 | NNSA OCR Website |
Environmental Protection Agency | Office of Civil Rights | JuanCarlos M. Hunt | Director, OCR | hunt.juancarlos@epa.gov | (202) 564-7272 | EPA OCR Website |
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission | Office of Civil Rights | Glory Gervacio | Acting Director, OCR | glory.gervacio@eeoc.gov | (202) 921-2945 | EEOC OCR Website |
Farm Credit Administration and Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation | EEO and Inclusion | Thais Burlew | Director | burlewt@fca.gov | (703) 883-4290 | FCA EEOI Website |
Federal Communications Commission | Office of Workplace Diversity | D'Wana R. Terry | Acting Director | dwana.terry@fcc.gov | (202) 418-1799 | FCC OWD Website |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation | Office of Minority and Women Inclusion | Nikita Pearson | EEO Director | npearson@fdic.gov | (202) 898-6977 | FDIC OMWI Website |
Federal Election Commission | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity | Kevin R. Salley | Director | ksalley@fec.gov | (202) 694-1228 | FEC OEEO Website |
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission | Equal Employment Opportunity and Civil Rights | Kadia Givner | Director | Kadia.Givner@ferc.gov | (202) 502-6429 | FERC EEO Website |
Federal Housing Finance Agency | Office of Equal Opportunity and Fairness | Debra Chew | Acting Director, OEOF | debra.chew@fhfa.gov | (202) 649-3014 | FHFA OEOF Website |
FHFA - Office of Inspector General | Josui Watson | EEO Program Manager | josui.watson@fhfaoig.gov | (202) 730-0369 | ||
Federal Labor Relations Authority | FLRA EEO Program | Erica Balkum | Director | EEODirector@flra.gov | (771) 444-5809 | FLRA EEO Website |
Federal Maritime Commission | EEO | Camella Woodham | EEO Director | cwoodham@fmc.gov | (202) 579-2561 | FMC EEO Website |
Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service | Equal Employment Opportunity Office | Laquetta D. Jones Bigelow, Esq. | Director, EEOO | ljonesbigelow@fmcs.gov | (202) 606-0151 | FMCS EEOO Website |
Federal Mine Safety & Health Review Commission | Michelle V. Williams | EEO Director | mwilliams@fmshrc.gov | (202) 434-9961 | FMSHRC EEO Website | |
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board | Office of Resource Management | Donald E. Sapp, MA, CDP | EEO Program Manager | donald.sapp@frtib.gov | (202) 864-8536 | FRTIB Website |
Federal Trade Commission | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Workplace Inclusion | Dione Stearns | Acting Director, OEOWI | eeo@ftc.gov | (202) 326-2196 | FTC OEOWI Website |
FHFA - Office of Inspector General | Josui Watson | EEO Program Manager | josui.watson@fhfaoig.gov | (202) 730-0369 | ||
General Services Administration | Office of Civil Rights | Aluanda R. Drain | Associate Administrator | eeo@gsa.gov | (202) 501-0767 | GSA OCR Website |
Government Publishing Office | S. Denise Hendricks | Acting Managing Director, EEO | shendricks@gpo.gov | (202) 512-2014 | ||
Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation | EEO Office | Tara Yglesias | Deputy Executive Secretary | tyglesias@truman.gov | (202) 395-4831 | HSTSF EEO Website |
Health and Human Services, Department of | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity, Diversity, and Inclusion | Karen T. Comfort | Deputy Assistant Secretary for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion & Chief Diversity Officer | Karen.Comfort@hhs.gov | (202) 934-3595 | HHS OEODI Website |
HHS - Administration for Children and Families | Office of Diversity Management and Equal Employment Opportunity | Laura Irizarry, Esq. | Acting EEO Director | laura.irizarry@acf.hhs.gov | (202) 205-5408 | ACF ODMEEO Website |
HHS - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services | Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights | Alaina Jenkins | Acting Director | 410-786-5110 | HHS/CMS OEOCR Website | |
HHS - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity | Reginald Mebane | Director | dqi3@cdc.gov | HHS/CDC EOECR Website | |
HHS - Food And Drug Administration | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity | LaKeisha McClendon | Director, OEEO | lakeisha.mcclendon@fda.hhs.gov | (240) 402-0105 | HHS/FDA OEEO Website |
HHS - Indian Health Service | Diversity Management and Equal Employment Opportunity Staff | Angela Porter | Director | Angela.Porter@ihs.gov | (301) 443-1108 | IHS DMEEOS Website |
HHS - National Institutes of Health | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity | Kevin D. Williams | Director, EEO | kevin.williams4@nih.gov | (301) 496-4274 | HHS NIH EEO Website |
Holocaust Memorial Museum | Equal Employment Opportunity Division | Renee Wilson Davis | EEO Director | eeo@ushmm.org | (202) 412-5593 | |
Homeland Security, Department of | Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties | Veronica Venture | Deputy Officer, CRCL/ Director for EEO & Diversity | veronica.venture@hq.dhs.gov | (202) 357-1270 | Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Division |
DHS - Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) | EEO Complaints Resolution Division | Paula Thomas | EEO Director | paula.thomas@uscis.dhs.gov | (240) 721-3213 | USCIS: How Do I File An Equal Employment Opportunity Complaint? |
DHS - Customs and Border Protection (CBP) | Diversity and EEO Division | Darlene Sedwick | Director, EEO and Diversity | darlene.m.sedwick@cbp.dhs.gov | (240) 721-3213 | EEO Complaint Process | U.S. Customs and Border Protection (cbp.gov) |
DHS - Cybersecurity and infrastructure Agency (CISA) | Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility | Llauryn Iglehart | Chief | llauryn.iglehart@cisa.dhs.gov | (202) 934-6349 | EEO at DHS Headquarters | Homeland Security |
DHS - Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) | Office of Equal Rights | Leslie Saucedo | Acting EEO Director | leslie.saucedo@fema.dhs.gov | (202) 746-2708 | EEO Complaint Process | FEMA.gov |
DHS - Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) | FLETC EEO Division | John C. Weaver | EEO Officer | John.c.weaver@dhs.gov | (912) 267-2692 | FLETC EEO Website |
DHS - Headquarters (HQEEO) | Office of EEO | John Sim | EEO Director | john.sim@hq.dhs.gov | (202) 357-1286 | EEO at DHS Headquarters | Homeland Security |
DHS - Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) | Office of Diversity and Civil Rights | Scott Lanum | Assistant Director for Diversity and Civil Rights | scott.lanum@ice.dhs.gov | (202) 270-2628 | ICE ODCR Website |
DHS - Transportation Security Administration (TSA) | Equal Opportunity and Civil Liberties (EOCL) | Cyrus Salazar | Equal Opportunity Director | |||
DHS - United States Coast Guard (USCG) | Solutions and Complaints | Terri Dickerson | EEO Director | terri.a.dickerson@uscg.mil | (202) 372-4501 | EEO Laws, Statutes, and Regulations |
DHS - United States Secret Service (USSS) | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Conflict Resolution | Eacata Gregory | EEO Director | eacata.gregory@usss.dhs.gov | (202) 406-5540 | EEO | United States Secret Service |
Institute of Museum and Library Services | Office of Equal Employment | Stephanie Burwell | EEO Director | sburwell@imls.gov | (202) 653-4767 | IMLS OEE Website |
Inter-American Foundation | Office of Diversity Equal Opportunity (DEO) | Lesley Duncan | Chief Operating Officer | lduncan@iaf.gov | (202) 688-3047 | |
Interior, Department of the | Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Civil Rights | Shayan Modarres | Acting Director, ODICR | shayan_modarres@ios.doi.gov | DOI ODICR Website | |
DOI - Fish and Wildlife Service | Office of Diversity and Inclusive Workforce Management | Inez Uhl | EEO Director and Chief ODIWM | inez_uhl@fws.gov | (703) 358-1724 | DOI FWS EEO Website |
DOI – Bureau of Land Management | Office of Civil Rights | La Shon D. Cole | Director | lcole@blm.gov | DOI BLM EEO Website | |
DOI - Bureau of Indian Affairs | Office of Equal Opportunity & Civil Rights Programs | Krista Hodges-Eckhoff | Director | Krista.Hodges-Eckhoff@bia.gov | (202) 208-5690 | bia_bie_eeo@bia.gov |
DOI – Bureau of Land Management | Office of Civil Rights | Natalie Rozier | EEO Complaints Program Manager | nrozier@blm.gov | (202) 208-6334 | DOI BLM EEO Website |
DOI - Bureau of Reclamation | Office of Civil Rights | Lara Grillos | Civil Rights Officer | lgrillos@usbr.gov | (303) 445-3012 | USBR EEO Website |
DOI - Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement | Patricia Callis | |||||
DOI - National Park Service | Office of Equal Opportunity Programs | Rose Blankenship | Director | Rose_Blankenship@nps.gov | (202) 354-1874 | NPS EEO Website |
DOI - Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation, and Enforcement | Office of Equal Opportunity | Alexie L. Rogers | Director of Civil Rights and EEO | arogers@osmre.gov | (202) 208-2993 | DOI OSMRE EEO Website |
Department of Housing Urban Development (HUD) | Office of Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity (ODEEO) | Wayne A. Williams | Director, ODEEO | wayne.a.williams@hud.gov | (202) 402-3859 | HUD ODEEO Website |
International Boundary and Water Commission | Equal Employment Opportunity Office | Frances Castro | EEO Director | frances.castro@ibwc.gov | (915) 832-4112 | IBWC EEOO Website |
International Development Finance Corporation (formerly OPIC) | EEO Office | Neonu Jewell | Chief EEO, Diversity & Inclusion Officer | Neonu.Jewell@dfc.gov | (771) 201-8368 | |
Intra-American Foundation | EEO Office | Leslie Fisher | EEO Officer | lfisher@iaf.gov | (202) 335-0260 x8869 | |
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts | Allison Kimbler | EEO Director | akimbler@bashencorp.com | (713) 780-8056 ext.133 | ||
Justice, Department of | JMD EEO Staff | Richard Toscano | Director | richard.toscano@usdoj.gov | (202) 616-4800 | DOJ EEO Website |
DOJ - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity | Evette R. Young | Chief, Office of Equal Employment Opportunity | Evette.young@atf.gov | (202) 648-8760 | ATF OEEO website |
DOJ - Drug Enforcement Agency | Equal Employment Opportunity Office | Derek K. Orr | Acting EEO Officer | Derek.K.Orr@DEA.gov | (571) 294-6647 | DOJ/DEA EEO Website |
DOJ - Executive Office for United States Attorney | EEO Staff | Julie S. Lu | Assistant Director | USAEO.EEO@usdoj.gov | (202) 252-1450 | DOJ EOUSA Website |
DOJ - Federal Bureau of Investigation | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity Affairs | Anna Middlebrook | Assistant Director/Equal Employment Opportunity Officer | aamiddlebrook@fbi.gov | (202) 324-4128 | |
DOJ - Federal Bureau of Prisons | EEO Office | Delaine Hill | EEO Officer | dmhill@bop.gov | (202) 598-3064 | BOP EEO Website |
DOJ -Office of Justice Programs | EEO Office | Laura Colón-Marrero | EEO Director | laura.colon-marrero@usdoj.gov | (202) 598-9177 | |
Labor, Department of | Civil Rights Center | Naomi Barry-Perez | Director | Barry-Perez.Naomi@dol.gov | (202) 693-6500 | DOL CRC Website |
Marine Mammal Commission | Peter O. Thomas, Ph.D. | EEO Director | pthomas@mmc.gov | (301) 504-0087 | ||
Merit Systems Protection Board | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity | Jess Lang | Director, OEEO | jessica.lang@mspb.gov | (202) 254-4405 | MSPB OEEO Website |
Millennium Challenge Corporation | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity | John Burden | Director, OEEO | burdenj@mcc.gov | (202) 521-2687 | |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity | Elaine P. Ho | Associate Administrator, ODEO | elaine.p.ho@nasa.gov | (202) 358-1474 | NASA ODEO Website |
National Archives and Records Administration | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity | Erica Pearson | Director, OEEO | erica.pearson@nara.gov | (301) 837-0295 | NARA OEEO Website |
National Credit Union Administration | Office of Minority and Women Inclusion | Miguel A. Polanco | Director, OMWI | mpolanco@ncua.gov | (703) 518-1652 | NCUA OMWI Website |
National Endowment for the Arts | Office of Civil Rights/EEO | Darrell B. Bogan | Director of Civil Rights/EEO | bogand@arts.gov | (202) 682-5014 | NEA OCREEO Website |
National Gallery of Art | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity | Mikka Gee Conway | Chief Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging Officer and EEO Director | m-conway@nga.gov | (202) 842-6004 | |
National Guard Bureau | Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion | Col. Lawrence Yazzie | Director, ODEI | lawrence.yazzie.3@us.af.mil | (703) 607-1716 | NGB ODEI Website |
NGB - Alaska | Equal Employment Opportunity Office | Janie R. Ramos | State Equal Employment Manager | janie.r.ramos.mil@army.mil | (907) 428-6466 | AK NGB EEOO Website |
NGB - New Hampshire | Equal Employment Opportunity Office | CW4 Athena M. Clements | State Equal Employment Manager | athena.m.clements.mil@army.mil | (603) 225-1276 | |
NGB - Kentucky | Equal Employment Opportunity Office | Sheila A. Lawson | State Equal Employment Manager | sheila.a.lawson1.civ@army.mil | (502) 607-1274 | Kentucky Guard > Personnel Services > Equal Employment Opportunity (ng.mil) |
NGB - Nebraska | Equal Employment Opportunity Office | Kevin M. Rose | State Equal Employment Manager | kevin.m.rose2.civ@army.mil | (402) 309-8111 | |
NGB - Oklahoma | Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Office | Amy Gordon | State Equal Employment Manager | amy.k.gordon.civ@army.mil | (405) 228-5297 | NGB OK DEIO Website |
NGB - Pennsylvania | Equal Employment Opportunity Office | Millicent Carvalho-Grevious | State Equal Employment Manager | Millicent.j.carvalho-grevious.civ@army.mil | (787) 289-1400/94 | |
NGB - Puerto Rico | Jessica I. Elicier Vazquez | State Equal Employment Manager | jessica.elicier-vazquez.mil@mail.mil | (717) 861-8520 | https://www.pa.ng.mil/Offices-Programs/State-Equal-Employment-Manager/ | |
NGB - South Dakota | Office of Equality, Diversity, & Inclusion | Carstin K. Jerzak | Equal Employment Manager | carstin.k.jerzak.mil@army.mil | (605) 737-6635 | NGB South Dakota OEDI Website |
National Indian Gaming Commission | Diversity, EEO and Inclusion Office | Leslie Fisher | EEO Officer | leslie.fisher@nigc.gov | (202) 641-1798 | NIGC DEEOIO Website |
National Labor Relations Board | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity | Maria Kaplan | Director, OEEO | maria.kaplan@nlrb.gov or oeeo@nlrb.gov | (202) 273-1720 | |
National Mediation Board | Office of Arbitration Services | Terri D. Brown | Director, OAS | brown@nmb.gov | (202) 692-5000 | |
National Science Foundation | Office of Civil Rights | Rhonda J. Davis | Office Head | rjdavis@nsf.gov | (703) 292-8020 | NSF OCR Website |
National Transportation Safety Board | Equal Opportunity Office | Ebony Jarrett | EEO Director | ebony.jarrett@ntsb.gov | ||
Navy, Department of the | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity | Celina M. Kline | EEO Program Director | DONOEEO@us.navy.mil | (202) 685-6466 | Navy OEEO Website |
Nuclear Regulatory Commission | Office of Small Business and Civil Rights | Vonna L. Ordaz | Director, OSBCR | vonna.ordaz@nrc.gov | (301) 415-7380 | |
Office of the Director of National Intelligence | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity | John Fellin | Chief, DNI/OEEO | john.k.fellin@odni.gov | ||
Office of Government Ethics | EEO Director, Agency Assistance Branch | Grace A. Clark | Equal Employment Opportunity Director | gaclark@oge.gov | (202) 482-9225 | OGE EEO Website |
Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation | Office of Human Resources | Teresa Slater | Human Resource Specialist | tslater@onhir.gov | (928) 779-2721 | |
Office of Personnel Management | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity | LaShonn M. Woodland | EEO Director | lashonn.woodland@opm.gov | (202) 606-2460 | OPM OEEO Website |
Peace Corps | Office of Civil Rights and Diversity | Lisa Gray | Director | OCRD@peacecorps.gov | (202) 692-2392 | |
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity | Brenecia Watson | Director, OEEO | watson.brenecia@pbgc.gov | (202) 229-6868 | PBGC OEEO SharePoint Website |
Postal Regulatory Commission | Erica Barker | Secretary and Chief Administrative Officer | erica.barker@prc.gov | (202) 789-6819 | PRC EEO Website | |
Railroad Retirement Board | Office of Equal Opportunity | Shiri Ndang | Director of Equal Opportunity | shiri.ndang@rrb.gov | (312) 751-4943 | RRB OEO Website |
Securities and Exchange Commission | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity | Rita Sampson | Director | sampsonr@sec.gov | (202) 551-8742 | SEC OEEO Website |
Selective Service System | Kenneth J. Montgomery | EEO Director | kenneth.montgomery@sss.gov | (703) 605-4065 | ||
Small Business Administration | Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Civil Rights | Zina B. Sutch, PHD | Assistant Administrator, ODICR | zina.sutch@sba.gov | (202) 205-6450 | |
Smithsonian Institution | Office of Equal Employment and Supplier Diversity | Aretha Carr | Director | carral@si.edu | (202) 633-6430 | SI EEO Website |
Social Security Administration | Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity | Claudia Postell | EEO Director | claudia.postell@ssa.gov | (410) 965-3318 | SSA EEO Website |
State, Department of | Office of Civil Rights (S/OCR) | Erin Barclay | Acting Director | BarclayEM@state.gov | (202) 647-9955 | DOS OCR Website |
Surface Transportation Board | EEO Office | Camella Woodham | EEO Director | camella.woodham@stb.gov | (202) 360-9302 | |
Tennessee Valley Authority | Equal Opportunity Compliance | Enus Coleman | Senior Manager | eccoleman@tva.gov | (423) 321-4224 | TVA EEO Website |
Transportation, Department of | Departmental Office of Civil Rights | Irene Martin | Director | irene.marion@dot.gov | (202) 366-4648 | DOT OCR Website |
DOT - Federal Aviation Administration | Office of Civil Rights | John P. Benison | Assistant Administrator for Civil Rights | john.p.benison@faa.gov | (202) 267-8087 | DOT/FAA OCR Website |
DOT - Federal Railroad Administration | Office of Civil Rights | Calvin Gibson | Director, OCR | calvin.gibson@dot.gov | (202) 493-6481 | DOT/FRA OCR Website |
DOT - National Highway Trafffic Safety Administration | Office of Civil Rights | Regina Morgan | Director, OCR | regina.morgan@dot.gov | (202) 366-0972 | DOT/HTSA OCR Website |
DTR - Treasury, Department of | Office of Civil Rights and Diversity | Snider Page | Director, OCRE | snider.page@treasury.gov | (202) 622-0341 | DTR OCRD Website |
DTR - Treasury, Department of | Office of Civil Rights and Diversity | Tina Lancaster | Acting Director, OCRE | Tina.Lancaster@treasury.gov | (202) 622-1079 | DTR OCRD Website |
DTR - Financial Crimes Enforcement Network | Office of EEO And Diversity | Kristin L. Moses | EEO and Diversity Manager, OEEOD | kristin.moses@fincen.gov | (571) 279-7570 | FINCEN EOD Website |
DTR - Treasury Inspector General For Tax Administration | TIGTA EEO Office | Katherine Sly | EEO Director | katherine.slye@tigta.treas.gov | (202) 927-7374 | TIGTA EEO Website |
DTR - U.S. Mint | Office of Diversity Management and Civil Rights | Ashley L. Bailey | Equal Employment Opportunity Officer | ashley.baley@usmint.treas.gov | (202) 354-7260 | U.S. Mint ODMCR Website |
DTR - Bureau of the Fiscal Services | BFS EEO | Gary Cyrus | EEO Director | gary.cyrus@fiscal.treas.gov | (304) 480-7853 | DTR BFS EEO Website |
DTR - ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO TAX AND TRADE BUREAU (TTB) | TTB Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | Sylvia R. Smith | EEO Director | sylvia.smith@ttb.gov | (202) 508-0402 | DTR TTB EEO Website |
BUREAU OF ENGRAVING AND PRINTING (BEP) | Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Management (OEODM) | Judy Marie Caniban | Chief | judy.caniban@bep.gov | (202) 914-8658 | DTR BEP EEO Office |
DTR - DEPARTMENTAL OFFICES | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity | Andre Faulk, Sr. | Director, | andre.faulk@treasury.gov | (202) 622-1278 | DTR DO EEO Office@treasury.gov |
DTR - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE | Diversity Officer | Crystal G. MaGruder | Acting, Chief | crystal.g.magruder@irs.gov | (202) 317-5400 | DTR EEO@IRS.gov |
DTR - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE OFFICE OF CHIEF COUNSEL | IRS-CC EEO Program Office | Keona L. Hill | EEO Director | keona.l.hill@irscounsel.treas.gov | (202) 317-6858 | |
DTR - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY (OCC) | Office of Minority and Women Inclusion (OMWI) | Shinu R. Shilesh | Executive Director for Workforce Diversity and Inclusion | shinu.shilesh@occ.treas.gov | (202) 705-7889 | OCC OMWI Webite |
U.S. Access Board | EEO Program | Dave Yanchulis | Director, Office of Technical & Information Services | yanchulis@access-board.gov | (202) 272-0026 | |
U.S. Agency for Global Media | Office of Civil Rights (OCR) | Kenneth J. Edwards | Director, Office of Civil Rights (OCR) | kedwards@usagm.gov | (202) 920-2266 | USAGM EEO Website |
U.S. Geological Survey | USGS Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity | James Mays | Acting EEO Director | jmmays@usgs.gov | (703) 648-7787 | USGS EEO Website |
U.S. Postal Service | National EEO Investigative Services Office | Tracy Wattree-Bond | Director, EEO Services | tracy.wattree-bond@usps.gov | (202) 268-3658 | USPS eFile Website |
U.S. Trade and Development Agency | Office of Administration | Matt Cox | Acting EEO Director | mcox@ustda.gov | (571) 236-2154 | USTDA EEO Website |
Veterans Affairs, Department of | Office of Resolution Management | Tami S. Press | Director, Western Region | tami.press@va.gov | (888) 566-3982 | VA ORM Website |
Veterans Affairs, Department of | Office of Resolution Management | Perdita Johnson-Abercrombie | Director, Eastern Region | Perdita.Johnson-Abercrombie@va.gov | (888) 566-3982 | VA ORM Website |
U.S. AbilityOne Commission | Kelvin R. Wood | Chief of Staff | kwood@abilityone.gov | (202) 461-6743 | www.abilityone.gov | |
U.S. International Trade Commission | Office of Equal Employment Opportunity | Namon C. Friends | Director | eeo@usitc.gov | (202) 205-2239 | https://usitc.gov/offices/eeo |