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EEOC's Reading Room

The Freedom of Information Act requires each agency to make certain types of records available to the public for inspection and copying. These materials are maintained in a reading room (generally the library for headquarters and a designated reading area for the field offices, unless space is unavailable).

The materials which are to be maintained in a reading room include: (A) final opinions, including concurring and dissenting opinions, as well as orders, made in the adjudication of cases; (B) those statements of policy and interpretations which have been adopted by the agency, and are not published in the Federal Register; and (C) administrative staff manuals and instructions to staff that affect a member of the public. 5 U.S.C. Section 552 (a)(2).

The Electronic FOIA Amendments of 1996, Public Law, 104-231, 5 U.S.C. Section 552, require any Commission reading room materials created after November 1, 1996 to be placed on-line.

In order to provide for quick and easy access to these records, EEOC is making them available on this web site. Our collection is not yet complete, however, the following items are currently available for your use.

If you need assistance with these documents, please contact the FOIA Service Center at or call (202) 921-2541,(800)-669-6820 (TTY), (883)-827-2920 (Toll Free), or (804) 234-5122 (ASL).


Policy and Regulatory Documents

Agency Reports

Office of Federal Operations

Office of Communications and Legislative Affairs

Office of Field Programs

Office of Legal Counsel



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